10 Publications
Exposure to social bots amplifies perceptual biases and regulation propensity
Yan, Harry YaojunYang, Kai-ChengShanahan, James and Menczer, Filippo
Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 20707, 2023. | Journal Article
Public support for local adaptation policy: The role of social-psychological factors, perceived climatic stimuli, and social structural characteristics
Houser, MatthewHouser, MatthewGazley, BethGazley, BethReynolds, HeatherReynolds, HeatherBrowning, Elizabeth GBrowning, Elizabeth GSandweiss, EricSandweiss, EricShanahan, James and Shanahan, James
Global Environmental Change, vol. 72, Jan 2022. | Journal Article
The Violence Profile: Five Decades of Cultural Indicators Research
Signorielli, NancyMorgan, Michael and Shanahan, James
Mass Communication and Society, vol. 22, (no. 1), pp. 28, 1/2/2019. | Journal Article
Social Media Cultivating Perception of Privacy: A 5-Year Analysis of Privacy Attitudes and Self-Disclosure Behaviors among Facebook Users
Tsay-Vogel, MinaTsay-Vogel, MinaShanahan, JamesShanahan, JamesSignorielli, Nancy and Signorielli, Nancy
New Media & Society, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 141, 2018. | Journal Article
Television and the Cultivation of Authoritarianism: A Return Visit From an Unexpected Friend
Morgan, Michael and Shanahan, James
Journal of Communication, vol. 67, (no. 3), pp. 444, 2017-06-00. | Journal Article
Yesterday's New Cultivation, Tomorrow
Morgan, MichaelShanahan, James and Signorielli, Nancy
Mass Communication and Society, vol. 18, (no. 5), pp. 699, 9/3/2015. | Journal Article
Media Frames for Black Bear Management Stories during Issue Emergence in New York
Siemer, William FSiemer, William FDecker, Daniel JDecker, Daniel JShanahan, Jim and Shanahan, James
Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 12, (no. 2), pp. 100, 4/12/2007. | Journal Article
Who Cares About the Issues? Issue Voting and the Role of News Media During the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election
Kim, Sei HillKim, Seiā€HillScheufele, Dietram AScheufele, Dietram AShanahan, Jim and Shanahan, James
Journal of Communication, vol. 55, (no. 1), pp. 121, March 2005. | Journal Article
Who Cares about Local Politics? Media Influences on Local Political Involvement, Issue Awareness, and Attitude Strength
Scheufele, Dietram AScheufele, Dietram AShanahan, JimShanahan, JamesKim, Sei-Hill and Kim, Sei Hill
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, vol. 79, (no. 2), pp. 444, 20020600. | Journal Article
Do VCRs change the TV picture? (video cassette recorder)(Understanding Media: New Behavioral Science Approaches)
Morgan, Michael and Shanahan, James
American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 35, (no. 2), pp. 122, 19911101. | Journal Article