6 Publications
Revisioning the Global Middle Ages: Immersive Environments for Teaching Medieval Languages and Culture
Ramey, LynnRamey, LynnRamey, LynnNeville, DavidNeville, DavidNeville, DavidAmer, SaharAmer, SaharAmer, SahardeHaan, JonathandeHaan, JonathandeHaan, JonathanDurand, MaximeDurand, MaximeDurand, MaximeEssary, BrandonEssary, BrandonEssary, BrandonHowland, RobHowland, RobHowland, RobKapadia, MubbasirKapadia, MubbasirKapadia, MubbasirKronenberg, FelixKronenberg, FelixKronenberg, FelixShelton, Brett EShelton, Brett EShelton, Brett EVance, BarbaraVance, Barbara and Vance, Barbara
Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures, vol. 8, (no. 1), pp. 104, 2019. | Journal Article
Evaluation of the CD8+ Tumor Associated vs. Non-Tumor Associated Immune Repertoire in Cancer Patients Following Induction of Lymphopenia and Following CD3/4-1BB Based Expansion
Snyder, KristenZhang, HuaVance, BarbaraJune, Carl HVonderheide, Robert and Mackall, Crystal
Blood, vol. 106, (no. 11), pp. 2390, 2005-11-16. | Journal Article
Susan Pintzuk, George Tsoulas & Anthony Warner (eds.), Diachronic syntax: models and mechanisms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp. xii+380
Journal of Linguistics, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 456, 20040701. | Journal Article
Null subjects and syntactic change in Medieval French (Dissertation)
Vance, Barbara S (1989).
Null Subjects and Syntactic Change in Medieval French (Dissertation)
Vance, Barbara S (1989).
1969 ANNUAL CONFERENCE–A PREVIEW: National Association for the Education of Young Children The Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, Utah November 12-15, 1969
Young Children, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 286, 19690501. | Journal Article