
Research Topics

  • social roles; gender differences and similarities; social change; stereotyping and prejudice; intergroup relations; motivation; STEM; broadening participation

Our research group investigates how individuals navigate the social structure, and how the social structure influences perceived and actual characteristics of groups. My longstanding interest is in gender roles, and especially how gender roles have remained stable and changed over time. We explore how motivation intersects with the social structure to produce entry into or exist from specific social roles. In particular, we examine the antecedents and consequences of widespread beliefs that STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields do not afford communal goals (that is, opportunities for altruism or collaboration).

Research in our lab studies how social roles – gender roles, occupational roles, family roles – influence individuals’ decisions, beliefs, and goals. A particular focus is how the perception that STEM allows opportunities to work with or help others can increase attraction to STEM pathways.

Her longstanding interest is in gender roles, and especially how gender roles have remained stable and changed over time. The major focus of her research currently is using role congruity theory to understand why women opt out of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields.

Our core question focuses on how gender roles, personal values, and educational & workplace contexts combine to influence individual decisions.

Current Research Questions

  • What are cues to communal opportunities in STEM?
  • What are the consequences of perceiving communal opportunities in STEM?
  • What are obstacles to & opportunities for integrating communal opportunities in STEM?
Past Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science, Miami University (past)

Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science, Miami University (past)

Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, College of Arts and Science, Miami University (past)

Cognitive Science, Psychology
PhD, Northwestern University, Social Psychology, 2000
MA, Northwestern University, Social Psychology, 1997
BA, Kenyon College, Psychology and English, 1995