New Investigator Research Award in Experimental Psychology - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, American Psychological Association, Division 3, 2000
Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Psychological Association, Division 25, 1999
Corrina Borden Keen Research Fellowship, Brown University, 1996-1997
Outstanding research Award, Sigma Xi (Brown University), 1996
Certificate in teaching, Center for the Advancement of College Teaching (Brown University), 1993
1967 Science and Engineering Scholar, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, 1992-1996
McNab Scholarship in Psychology, Faculty of Arts and science and Department of Psychology (University of Toronto), 1992
High Distinction, Faculty of Arts and Science (University of Toronto), 1992
Faculty Scholar, Faculty of Arts and Science (University of Toronto), 1990-1992
Undergraduage Rsearch Award, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (University of Toronto), 1990-1992