37 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Legislative Rules in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council
Smyth, ReginaSmyth, ReginaBianco, WilliamBianco, WilliamChan, Kwan Nok and Chan, Kwan Nok
The Journal of Politics, vol. 81, (no. 3), pp. 905, 20190701. | Journal Article
The Politics of Parliamentary Debate: Parties, Rebels, and Representation. By Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan B. Slapin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015
Bianco, William
The Journal of Politics, vol. 80, (no. 2), pp. e40, 2018-04-00. | Journal Article
Knowing What We Are Getting: Evaluating Scientific Research on the International Space Station
Bianco, William and Schmidt, Eric
Social Science Quarterly, vol. 98, (no. 4), pp. 1159, 2017-12-00. | Journal Article
Special Issue Editors’ Introduction: Selling Space
Bianco, William and Gaddie, Keith
Social Science Quarterly, vol. 98, (no. 4), pp. 1143, 2017-12-00. | Journal Article
Waypoints for Evaluating Big Science
Bianco, WilliamGerhart, Donald and Nicolson‐Crotty, Sean
Social Science Quarterly, vol. 98, (no. 4), pp. 1150, December 2017. | Journal Article
Engineering cooperation: How Americans and Russians manage joint operation of the International Space Station
Bianco, William T and Landis, Robert
International Area Studies Review, vol. 19, (no. 3), pp. 209, 20160900. | Journal Article
Crowded Orbits: Conflict and Cooperation in Space. By James Clay Moltz. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. 240p. $30.00
Bianco, William
Perspectives on Politics, vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 217, 2015-03-00. | Journal Article
Predicting majority rule: Evaluating the uncovered set and the strong point
Bower-Bir, JacobBower-Bir, JacobBianco, WilliamBianco, WilliamD’Amico, NicholasD’Amico, NicholasKam, ChristopherKam, ChristopherSened, ItaiSened, ItaiSmyth, Regina and Smyth, Regina
Journal of Theoretical Politics, vol. 27, (no. 4), pp. 672, 20151000. | Journal Article
Party relevance and party survival in new democracies
Bianco, WilliamBianco, WilliamKam, ChristopherKam, ChristopherSened, ItaiSened, ItaiSmyth, Regina and Smyth, Regina
International Area Studies Review, vol. 17, (no. 3), pp. 261, 20140900. | Journal Article
Ministerial Selection and Intraparty Organization in the Contemporary British Parliament
American Political Science Review, vol. 104, (no. 2), pp. 306, 20100501. | Journal Article
The Impact of State Legislative Term Limits on the Competitiveness of Congressional Elections
Birkhead, NathanielUriarte, Gabriel and Bianco, William
American Politics Research, vol. 38, (no. 5), pp. 861, 20100900. | Journal Article
The Utility of Self-Governance: Elinor Ostrom's Contributions to Knowledge
Bianco, WilliamBianco, WilliamSmyth, Regina and Smyth, Regina
Transnational Corporations Review, vol. 2, (no. 2), pp. 91, 1/1/2010. | Journal Article
The Constrained Instability of Majority Rule: Experiments on the Robustness of the Uncovered Set
Bianco, William TBianco, WilliamLynch, Michael SLynch, MichaelMiller, GaryMiller, Gary JSened, Itai and Sened, Itai
Political Analysis, vol. 16, (no. 2), pp. 115-137, 2008. | Journal Article
"A Theory Waiting to Be Discovered and Used": A Reanalysis of Canonical Experiments on Majority-Rule Decision Making
Bianco, William TT.Bianco, WilliamLynch, MichaelLynch, Michael SMiller, GaryMiller, Gary JSened, Itai and Sened, Itai
The Journal of Politics, vol. 68, (no. 4), pp. 838-851, 2006. | Journal Article
Last post for "The Greatest Generation": the policy implications of the decline of military experience in the U.S. Congress
Bianco, William T
Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 30, pp. 85-102, 2005. | Journal Article
Uncovering Evidence of Conditional Party Government: Reassessing Majority Party Influence in Congress and State Legislatures
Bianco, William and Sened, Itai
The American Political Science Review, vol. 99, (no. 3), pp. 361-371, Aug 2005. | Journal Article
The Uncovered Set and the Limits of Legislative Action
Bianco, William TJeliazkov, Ivan and Sened, Itai
Political Analysis, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. 256-276, 2004. | Journal Article
What Happens When House Members "Run with Congress"? The Electoral Consequences of Institutional Loyalty
Lipinski, DanielBianco, William T and Work, Ryan
Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 28, (no. 3), pp. 413-429, 2003. | Journal Article
America's Congress: Actions in the Public Sphere, James Madison through Newt Gingrich. David R. Mayhew
Bianco, William T
The Journal of Politics, vol. 64, (no. 1), pp. 291, 2002-02-00. | Journal Article
The Movers and the Shirkers: Representatives and Ideologues in the Senate. By Eric M. Uslaner. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999. 218p. $44.50
Bianco, William
American Political Science Review, vol. 95, (no. 1), pp. 224, 20010301. | Journal Article
Congress on display, Congress at work
Bianco, William T
University of Michigan Press. 2000. | Book
Competing Principals: Committees, Parties, and the Organization of Congress
Bianco, William T
The American Political Science Review, vol. 93, (no. 1), pp. 210-211, Mar 1999. | Journal Article
Competing Principals: Committees, Parties, and the Organization of Congress
Bianco, William
(pp. 210-211). Mar 1999
Competing Principals: Committees, Parties, and the Organization of Congress. By Forrest Maltzman. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1997. 197p. $39.50
Bianco, William T
American Political Science Review, vol. 93, (no. 1), pp. 211, 1999-03-00. | Journal Article
Party Campaign Committees and the Distribution of Tally Program Funds
Bianco, William
Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 24, (no. 3), pp. 469, 19990801. | Journal Article