
Areas of Study

  • Clinical Science
  • Biology, Behavior, and Neuroscience
  • Neural Science

Research Topics

  • Cognitive and motivational processes in substance abuse
  • Working memory and self-regulation
  • Disinhibitory processes in personality

Our primary focus has been on investigating the cognitive, motivational, and neural processes associated with impulsive and/or risky decision making in those with alcohol and other substance use disorder and in those with high levels of externalizing psychopathology.

Broadly speaking, we are interested in understanding the self-regulatory problems associated with Alcohol Use Disorder and Substance use disorders, as well as externalizing psychopathology and behavioral disinhibition in general.

Research Interests

  • cognitive and motivational processes in substance abuse and dependence; decision-making; working memory; and self-regulatory processes that contribute to behavioral disinhibition and personality-risk for substance abuse

Subject Areas

  • Psychological and Brain Sciences
Neuroscience, Psychology
PhD, McGill University, 1988
BA, Concordia University, Montreal, 1983
domestic violence alcohol or alcoholism criminal psychology psychology clinical psychology physiological psychology genetic psychology psychopathology mental depression mental health services alcoholism prevention alcoholism treatment