17 Publications
Smart disclosure: an enabler for multinationals to reduce human rights violations in global supply chains
Wang, Stephanie LuLee, Yejee and Li, Dan
Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 55, (no. 4), pp. 450-469, Jun 2024. | Journal Article
Export development of Taiwanese food and beverage processing SMEs: A test of a DOI model
Shih, Tsui-YiiWickramasekera, Rumintha and Li, Dan
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, vol. 40, (no. 4), pp. 1393-1428, Dec 2023. | Journal Article
Informal institutions, entrepreneurs’ political participation, and venture internationalization
Li, DanLi, DanWei, Li-QunWei, Li-QunCao, QingCao, QingChen, Deqiu and Chen, Deqiu
Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 53, (no. 6), pp. 1062-1090, Aug 2022. | Journal Article
The event study in international business research: Opportunities, challenges, and practical solutions
Eden, LorraineMiller, Stewart R.Khan, SarfrazWeiner, Robert J. and Li, Dan
(pp. 803-817). Jul 2022
The event study in international business research: Opportunities, challenges, and practical solutions.
Eden, LorraineMiller, Stewart RKhan, SarfrazWeiner, Robert J and Li, Dan
(pp. 1-15). March 31, 2022
The influence of generalized and arbitrary institutional inefficiencies on the ownership decision in cross-border acquisitions
Ferreira, Manuel P and Li, Dan
Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 52, (no. 9), pp. 1724-1749, Dec 2021. | Journal Article
CSR Reputation and Firm Performance: A Dynamic Approach
Miller, Stewart RMiller, Stewart RMiller, Stewart REden, LorraineEden, LorraineEden, LorraineLi, DanLi, Dan and Li, Dan
Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 163, (no. 3), pp. 619-636, May 2020. | Journal Article
Divestment response to host-country terrorist attacks: Inter-firm influence and the role of temporal consistency
Liu, Chang and Li, Dan
Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 51, (no. 8), pp. 1331-1346, Oct 2020. | Journal Article
Culture in international business research
Portugal Ferreira, ManuelLi, DanRosa Reis, Nuno and Ribeiro Serra, Fernando
Management Research, vol. 12, (no. 1), pp. 68-91, 2014. | Journal Article
Internationalization, internalization and the performance of US biopharmaceutical SMEs
Li, Lei and Li, Dan
Multinational Business Review, vol. 19, (no. 1), pp. 65-93, 2011. | Journal Article
Foreign Entry Strategies: Strategic Adaptation to Various Facets of the Institutional Environments
Ferreira, ManuelLi, Dan and Suk, Jang
Development and Society, vol. 38, (no. 1), pp. 27-55, Jun 2009. | Journal Article
Understanding Diverging Isomorphic Pressures on Foreign Subsidiary Managers: A Contingency Model
Kang, Eugene and Li, Dan
Multinational Business Review, vol. 17, (no. 1), pp. 1-21, Winter 2009. | Journal Article
Home Country Institutions As Predictors Of FDI In India
Collins, JamieLi, Dan and Kansal, Purva
Journal of Asia Business Studies, vol. 3, (no. 1), pp. 12-22, 2008. | Journal Article
Insider trading and the valuation of international strategic alliances in emerging stock markets
Miller, Stewart RLi, DanEden, Lorraine A and Hitt, Michael A
Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 102, Jan/Feb 2008. | Journal Article
A MAP kinase pathway essential for mating and contributing to asexual development in Neurospora crassa (Dissertation)
Li, Dan (2005).
Knowledge protection and partner selection in R&D alliances (Dissertation)
Li, Dan (2005).
Talk softly but carry a big stick: transfer pricing penalties and the market valuation of Japanese multinationals in the United States
Eden, Lorraine AValdez, Luis FJuarez Valdez, Luis and Li, Dan
Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 36, (no. 4), pp. 398, Jul 2005. | Journal Article