3 Grants
FET: Medium: A Hybrid Co-processing Unit (HCU) using Phase-change Photonics in CMOS for Large-scale and Ultra-fast Machine Learning Acceleration
Li, MoJiang, LeiYoungblood, Nathan and Moazeni, Sajjad
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (ID: 2105972), $300,000USD, 2021-07-15 -- 2025-06-30
FET: Small: A Portable and Intelligent Testing System for Power-efficient and Accurate Foodborne Pathogen Detection
Jiang, LeiKim, Minje and Guo, Feng
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (ID: 1909509), $499,808USD, 10/01/2019 -- 09/30/2022
SHF: Small: Automated Algorithm/Hardware Co-Design for Accelerating Nanopore Base-calling
Janga, Sarath and Jiang, Lei
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (ID: 1908992), $498,850USD, 10/01/2019 -- 09/30/2022