44 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Chlorophyll fluorescence better captures seasonal and interannual gross primary productivity dynamics across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America
Smith, W. K.Mac Bean, NatashaSmith, W.K.Biederman, J.A.Biederman, J. A.Scott, R. L.Scott, R.L.Moore, D. J. P.Moore, D.J.P.He, M.He, M.Kimball, J. S.Kimball, J.S.Yan, D.Yan, D.Hudson, A.Hudson, A.Barnes, M.L.Barnes, M. L.MacBean, N.Mac Bean, N.Fox, A.Fox, A.M.Litvak, M.E. and Litvak, M. E.
Geophysical Research Letters. | Journal Article
Beyond greenness: Detecting temporal changes in photosynthetic capacity with hyperspectral reflectance data
Barnes, Mallory LBarnes, Mallory L.Breshears, David D.Breshears, David DLaw, Darin JLaw, Darin J.Van Leeuwen, Willem JDLeeuwen, Willem J. D.Monson, Russell K.Monson, Russell KFojtik, Alec C.Fojtik, Alec CBarron-Gafford, Greg ABarron-Gafford, Greg A.Moore, David J. P. and Moore, David Jp
{PLOS} {ONE}, vol. 12, pp. e0189539. | Journal Article
An Assessment of Diurnal and Seasonal Cloud Cover Changes over the Hawaiian Islands Using Terra and Aqua MODIS *
Barnes, MalloryMiura, Tomoaki and Giambelluca, Thomas
Journal of Climate, vol. 29, (no. 1), pp. 77-90, Jan 1, 2016. | Journal Article
An Assessment of Diurnal and Seasonal Cloud Cover Changes over the Hawaiian Islands Using Terra and Aqua MODIS*
Barnes, Mallory LMiura, Tomoaki and Giambelluca, Thomas W
(pp. 77–90)
Vegetation productivity responds to sub-annual climate conditions across semiarid biomes
Barnes, Mallory LMoran, M SusanScott, Russell LKolb, Thomas EPonce-Campos, Guillermo EMoore, David JPRoss, Morgan AMitra, Bhaskar and Dore, Sabina
Vegetation productivity responds to sub-annual climate conditions across semiarid biomes
Barnes, Mallory LBarnes, Mallory LBarnes, Mallory LBarnes, Mallory LBarnes, Mallory LMoran, M SMoran, M SusanMoran, M SusanMoran, M SMoran, M SScott, Russell LScott, Russell LScott, Russell LScott, Russell LScott, Russell LKolb, Thomas EKolb, Thomas EKolb, Thomas EKolb, Thomas EKolb, Thomas EPonce Campos, Guillermo EPonce-Campos, Guillermo EMoore, David JPMoore, David JMoore, David JMoore, David JPMoore, David JRoss, Morgan ARoss, Morgan ARoss, Morgan ARoss, Morgan ARoss, Morgan AMitra, BhaskarMitra, BhaskarMitra, BhaskarMitra, BhaskarMitra, BhaskarDore, SabinaDore, SabinaDore, SabinaDore, Sabina and Dore, Sabina
Ecosphere, vol. 7. | Journal Article
Detecting soil moisture pulses and associated vegetation response in a southern Arizona watershed using SMAP and MODIS
Barnes, Mallory
Detecting soil moisture pulses and associated vegetation response in a southern Arizona watershed using SMAP and MODIS
Barnes, Mallory. | Conference Proceeding
Evapotranspiration of Hawai ‘i
Giambelluca, TWShuai, XiufuBarnes, MlAlliss, RJLongman, RJMiura, TomoakiChen, QiFrazier, AGMudd, RGCuo, Lan and others
Final report submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers—Honolulu District, and the Commission on Water Resource Management, State of Hawai ‘i. | Journal Article
Evapotranspiration of Hawai ‘i
Giambelluca, TWShuai, XiufuBarnes, MlAlliss, RJLongman, RJMiura, TomoakiChen, QiFrazier, AGMudd, RGCuo, Lan and others
Response of grassland ecosystems to prolonged soil moisture deficit
Ross, Morgan ARoss, Morgan APonce Campos, Guillermo EPonce-Campos, Guillermo EBarnes, Mallory LBarnes, Mallory LHottenstein, John DHottenstein, John DMoran, M Susan and Moran, M Susan
(pp. 14928)
Response of grassland ecosystems to prolonged soil moisture deficit
Ross, Morgan APonce-Campos, Guillermo EBarnes, Mallory LHottenstein, John D and Moran, M Susan. | Conference Proceeding
Temporal solar radiation change at high elevations in Hawai ‘i
Longman, Ryan JGiambelluca, Thomas WAlliss, Randall J and Barnes, Mallory L
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, vol. 119, pp. 6022--6033. | Journal Article
An assessment of diurnal and seasonal cloud cover changes over the Hawaiian islands using terra and aqua modis (Dissertation)
Barnes, Mallory Liebl (2013).
An assessment of diurnal and seasonal cloud cover changes over the Hawaiian islands using terra and aqua modis
Barnes, Mallory Liebl
Development of High Spatial Resolution Solar Radiation Maps for Hawai'; i
Longman, RJGiambelluca, TWShuai, XBarnes, MAlliss, RJMiura, TChen, Q and Nullet, MA. | Conference Proceeding
Development of High Spatial Resolution Solar Radiation Maps for Hawai’; i
Longman, RJGiambelluca, TWShuai, XBarnes, MAlliss, RJMiura, TChen, Q and Nullet, MA
(pp. 0240)
Mapping Evapotranspiration in Hawai'; i
Giambelluca, TWShuai, XBarnes, MLongman, RJMiura, TChen, QAlliss, RJ and Frazier, AG. | Conference Proceeding
Mapping Evapotranspiration in Hawai’; i
Giambelluca, TWShuai, XBarnes, MLongman, RJMiura, TChen, QAlliss, RJ and Frazier, AG
(pp. 1561)