
Areas of Interest:

  • Environmental informatics
  • Remote sensing and spatial analysis
  • Ecohydrology
  • Ecosystem ecology

Dr. Mallory L. Barnes is an expert in quantitative analysis and integration of ecological data across spatial and temporal scales.

Barnes’s research and teaching focuses on environmental informatics, remote sensing, ecohydrology, natural resource management, ecological analytics, and geographic information systems. Her specific research interests include scaling ecohydrological and biophysical processes from leaf to global scales and from daily to decadal timescales to improve predictions of vegetation response to future climate conditions.


  • Methods, Econometrics, & Data Management
  • Hydrology & Water Resources
Past Affiliations

Graduate Student (PhD), School of Natural Resources and the Environment, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, College of Science, University of Arizona (past)

Environmental Policy, Public Administration
PhD, University of Arizona, 2018
MS, University of Hawaii, Natural Resource and Environmental Management, 2013
BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Zoology, 2009
biogeochemistry biogeography ecophysiology remote sensing earth remote sensing carbon cycle ecosystems
American Geophysical Union
Ecological Society of America