5 Publications
Smart Devices in Airbnbs: Considering Privacy and Security for both Guests and Hosts
Mare, ShrirangRoesner, Franziska and Kohno, Tadayoshi
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, vol. 2020, (no. 2), pp. 458, 2020-04-01. | Journal Article
Toward a Secure Internet of Things: Directions for Research
Camp, JeanHenry, RyanKohno, TadayoshiMare, ShrirangMyers, StevePatel, Shwetak N and Streiff, Joshua
IEEE Security & Privacy, pp. 0, 20200226. | Journal Article
Towards Digitization of Collaborative Savings Among Low-Income Groups
Mehmood, HamidAhmad, TallalRazaq, LubnaMare, ShrirangUsmani, MaryemAnderson, Richard and Raza, Agha Ali
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 3, (no. CSCW), pp. 30, 11-07-2019. | Journal Article
Mare, ShrirangRawassizadeh, RezaPeterson, Ronald and Kotz, David
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, vol. 2, (no. 3), pp. 29, 09-18-2018. | Journal Article
Hide-n-Sense: Preserving Privacy Efficiently in Wireless mHealth
Mare, ShrirangMare, ShrirangMare, ShrirangSorber, JacobSorber, JacobSorber, JacobShin, MinhoShin, MinhoShin, MinhoCornelius, CoryCornelius, CoryCornelius, CoryKotz, DavidKotz, David and Kotz, David
Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 19, (no. 3), pp. 344, 20140600. | Journal Article