60 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
DNA Polymerase Delta Exhibits Altered Catalytic Properties on Lysine Acetylation
Njeri, CatherinePepenella, SharonBattapadi, TripthiBambara, Robert ABalakrishnan, L.Balakrishnan, Lata and Balakrishnan, Lata
Genes, vol. 14. | Journal Article
Elevated MSH2 MSH3 expression interferes with DNA metabolism in vivo
Medina-Rivera, M.Phelps, S.Sridharan, M.Becker, J.Lamb, N.A.Kumar, C.Sutton, M.D.Bielinsky, A.Balakrishnan, L. and Surtees, J.A.
Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 51, pp. 12185-12206. | Journal Article
Flap Endonuclease 1 Endonucleolytically Processes RNA to Resolve R-Loops through DNA Base Excision Repair
Laverde, E.E.Polyzos, A.A.Tsegay, P.P.Shaver, M.Hutcheson, J.D.Balakrishnan, L.McMurray, C.T. and Liu, Y.
Genes, vol. 14. | Journal Article
Msh2-Msh3 interferes with DNA metabolism in vivo
Medina-Rivera, M.Phelps, S.Sridharan, M.Becker, J.Lamb, N.A.Kumar, C.Sutton, M.D.Bielinsky, A.Balakrishnan, L. and Surtees, J.A.
Dynamic regulation of Pif1 acetylation is crucial to the maintenance of genome stability
Ononye, Onyekachi ESausen, Christopher WBochman, Matthew L and Balakrishnan, Lata
Current Genetics, vol. 67, pp. 85–92. | Journal Article
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein E1 binds polycytosine DNA and monitors genome integrity
Mohanty, B.K.Karam, J.A.Q.Howley, B.V.Dalton, A.C.Grelet, S.Dincman, T.Streitfeld, W.S.Yoon, J.-H.Balakrishnan, L.Long, D.T. and Howe, P.H.
Life Science Alliance, vol. 4. | Journal Article
Actin at stereocilia tips is regulated by mechanotransduction and ADF/cofilin.
McGrath, JamisTung, Chun-YuLiao, XiayiBelyantseva, Inna ARoy, PallabiChakraborty, OisorjoLi, JinanBerbari, Nicolas FBerbari, N.F.Faaborg-Andersen, Christian CBarzik, MelanieBird, Jonathan EZhao, BoBalakrishnan, LataFriedman, Thomas B and Perrin, Benjamin J
Current biology : CB, December 22, 2020. | Journal Article
Lysine acetylation regulates the activity of nuclear Pif1
Ononye, Onyekachi E.Sausen, Christopher W.Balakrishnan, Lata and Bochman, Matthew L.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 295, pp. 15482–15497. | Journal Article
Nuclear Pif1 is post translationally modified and regulated by lysine acetylation
Ononye, O.E.Sausen, C.W.Balakrishnan, L. and Bochman, M.L.
Nucleosome sliding, histone modifications, and the epigenetic regulation of the Simian Virus 40 life cycle
Milavetz, BarryRowbotham, KincaidHaugen, JacobDiaz, Alexandra Rios and Balakrishnan, Lata
The FASEB Journal, vol. 34, (no. S1), pp. 1, 2020-04-00. | Journal Article
R-loops promote trinucleotide repeat deletion through DNA base excision repair enzymatic activities
Laverde, E.E.Lai, Y.Leng, F.Balakrishnan, L.Freudenreich, C.H. and Liu, Y.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 295, pp. 13902-13913. | Journal Article
Tracking expansions of stable and threshold length trinucleotide repeat tracts in vivo and in vitro using saccharomyces cerevisiae
Williams, G.M.Petrides, A.K.Balakrishnan, L. and Surtees, J.A.
(pp. 25-68)
Tracking Expansions of Stable and Threshold Length Trinucleotide Repeat Tracts In Vivo and In Vitro Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Williams, Gregory MPetrides, Athena KBalakrishnan, Lata and Surtees, Jennifer A
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 2056, pp. 25, 2020-00-00. | Journal Article
Analysis of DNA processing enzyme FEN1 and its regulation by protein lysine acetylation
Ononye, O.E.Njeri, C.W. and Balakrishnan, L.
(pp. 207-224)
Analysis of DNA Processing Enzyme FEN1 and Its Regulation by Protein Lysine Acetylation
Ononye, Onyekachi ENjeri, Catherine W and Balakrishnan, Lata
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1983, pp. 207, 2019-00-00. | Journal Article
Directed Nucleosome Sliding during the Formation of the Simian Virus 40 Particle Exposes DNA Sequences Required for Early Transcription
Kumar, Meera AjeetKasti, KarineBalakrishnan, Lata and Milavetz, Barry
Journal of virology, vol. 93, (no. 4), 2019-02-15. | Journal Article
Balakrishnan, L. and Stewart, J.A.
(pp. v-vii)
Quantification of in vitro protein lysine acetylation by reversed phase HPLC
Njeri, C.W.Ononye, O.E. and Balakrishnan, L.
(pp. 49-56)
Quantification of In Vitro Protein Lysine Acetylation by Reversed Phase HPLC
Njeri, Catherine WOnonye, Onyekachi E and Balakrishnan, Lata
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1983, pp. 49, 2019-00-00. | Journal Article
Directed nucleosome sliding in SV40 minichromosomes during the formation of the virus particle exposes DNA sequences required for early transcription
Kumar, M.A.Kasti, K.Balakrishnan, L. and Milavetz, B.
Epigenetic Analysis of SV40 Minichromosomes.
Balakrishnan, Lata and Milavetz, Barry
Current protocols in microbiology, vol. 46, pp. 14F.3.1-14F.3.26, August 11, 2017. | Journal Article
Epigenetic Regulation of Viral Biological Processes
Balakrishnan, Lata and Milavetz, Barry
HMGB1 Stimulates Activity of Polymerase β on Nucleosome Substrates
Balliano, AngelaHao, FanfanNjeri, CatherineBalakrishnan, Lata and Hayes, Jeffrey J
Biochemistry, vol. 56, (no. 4), pp. 656, 20170131. | Journal Article
Nucleosome positioning in the regulatory region of SV40 chromatin correlates with the activation and repression of early and late transcription during infection
Kumar, MeeraChristensen, KendraWoods, BenjaminDettlaff, AshleyPerley, DanielleScheidegger, AdamBalakrishnan, Lata and Milavetz, Barry
Virology, vol. 503, pp. 69, 2017. | Journal Article
Acetylation regulates DNA repair mechanisms in human cells.
Piekna-Przybylska, DorotaBambara, Robert A and Balakrishnan, Lata
Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.), vol. 15, (no. 11), pp. 1506-1517, June 2, 2016. | Journal Article