277 Publications (Page 1 of 12)
Identification and Structural Characterization of Novel Chondroitin/Dermatan Sulfate Hexassacharide Domains in Human Decorin by Ion Mobility Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Sarbu, MirelaIca, RalucaEdie, SharonClemmer, David EZamfir, Alina D and Zamfir, Alina D
Molecules, vol. 27, (no. 18), 2022. | Journal Article
Cerebrospinal fluid: Profiling and fragmentation of gangliosides by ion mobility mass spectrometry
Sarbu, MirelaRaab, ShannonHenderson, LucasFabris, DraganaVukelić, ŽeljkaClemmer, David E and Zamfir, Alina D
Biochimie, vol. 170, pp. 48, March 2020. | Journal Article
Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry Measurements of Exosomes and other Extracellular Particles Enriched from Bovine Milk
Brown, Brooke ABrown, Brooke ABrown, Brooke AZeng, XuyaoZeng, XuyaoZeng, XuyaoTodd, Aaron RTodd, Aaron RTodd, Aaron RBarnes, Lauren FBarnes, Lauren FBarnes, Lauren FWinstone, Jonathan M AWinstone, Jonathan M AWinstone, Jonathan M ATrinidad, Jonathan CTrinidad, Jonathan CTrinidad, Jonathan CNovotny, Milos VNovotny, Milos VNovotny, Milos VJarrold, Martin FJarrold, Martin FJarrold, Martin FClemmer, David EClemmer, David E and Clemmer, David E
Analytical chemistry, vol. 92, (no. 4), pp. 3292, 2020-02-18. | Journal Article
Melting of Hemoglobin in Native Solutions as measured by IMS-MS
Woodall, Daniel WBrown, Christopher JRaab, Shannon AEl-Baba, Tarick JLaganowsky, ArthurRussell, David H and Clemmer, David E
Analytical chemistry, vol. 92, (no. 4), pp. 3446, 2020-02-18. | Journal Article
A microdroplet-accelerated Biginelli reaction: mechanisms and separation of isomers using IMS-MS
Sahota, NavneetSahota, NavneetAbuSalim, Deyaa IAbuSalim, Deyaa IWang, Melinda LWang, Melinda LBrown, Christopher JBrown, Christopher JZhang, ZhicahoZhang, ZhicahoEl-Baba, Tarick JEl-Baba, Tarick JCook, Silas PCook, Silas PClemmer, David E and Clemmer, David E
Chemical science, vol. 10, (no. 18), pp. 4827, 2019-May-14. | Journal Article
A microdroplet-accelerated Biginelli reaction: mechanisms and separation of isomers using IMS-MSElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9sc00704k
Sahota, NavneetSahota, NavneetAbuSalim, Deyaa IAbuSalim, Deyaa IWang, Melinda LWang, Melinda LBrown, Christopher JBrown, Christopher JZhang, ZhicahoZhang, ZhicahoEl-Baba, Tarick JEl-Baba, Tarick JCook, Silas PCook, Silas PClemmer, David E and Clemmer, David E
(no. 18), pp. 4827, 20190508. | Journal Article
Characterizing Thermal Transitions of IgG with Mass Spectrometry
Brown, Christopher JWoodall, Daniel WEl-Baba, Tarick J and Clemmer, David E
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, pp. 8, 2019-07-30. | Journal Article
Determination of Gas-Phase Ion Structures of Locally Polar Homopolymers Through High-Resolution Ion Mobility Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry
Chen, XiChen, XiRaab, Shannon ARaab, Shannon APoe, TimothyPoe, TimothyClemmer, David EClemmer, David ELarriba-Andaluz, Carlos and Larriba Andaluz, Carlos
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 30, (no. 6), pp. 918, 2019-Jun. | Journal Article
Dissecting the Components of Sindbis Virus from Arthropod and Vertebrate Hosts: Implications for Infectivity Differences
Dunbar, Carmen ADunbar, Carmen ADunbar, Carmen ARayaprolu, VamseedharRayaprolu, VamseedharRayaprolu, VamseedharWang, Joseph C-YWang, Joseph C-YWang, Joseph C-YBrown, Christopher JBrown, Christopher JBrown, Christopher JLeishman, EmmaLeishman, EmmaLeishman, EmmaJones-Burrage, SaraJones-Burrage, SaraJones-Burrage, SaraTrinidad, Jonathan CTrinidad, Jonathan CTrinidad, Jonathan CBradshaw, Heather BBradshaw, Heather BBradshaw, Heather BClemmer, David EClemmer, David EClemmer, David EMukhopadhyay, SuchetanaMukhopadhyay, SuchetanaMukhopadhyay, SuchetanaJarrold, Martin FJarrold, Martin F and Jarrold, Martin F
ACS infectious diseases, vol. 5, (no. 6), pp. 902, 2019-Jun-14. | Journal Article
Intrinsic GTPase Activity of K-RAS Monitored by Native Mass Spectrometry
Moghadamchargari, ZahraHuddleston, JamisonShirzadeh, MehdiZheng, XueyunClemmer, David EM. Raushel, FrankRussell, David H and Laganowsky, Arthur
Biochemistry, vol. 58, (no. 31), pp. 3405, 2019-07-22. | Journal Article
Monitoring the stabilities of a mixture of peptides by mass-spectrometry-based techniques
Fuller, Daniel RConant, Christopher REl-Baba, Tarick JZhang, ZhichaoMolloy, Kameron RZhang, Connie SHales, David A and Clemmer, David E
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 25, (no. 1), pp. 81, 20190200. | Journal Article
Solution thermochemistry of concanavalin A tetramer conformers measured by variable-temperature ESI-IMS-MS
El-Baba, Tarick J and Clemmer, David E
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 443, pp. 100, September 2019. | Journal Article
Substance P in Solution: Trans-to-Cis Configurational Changes of Penultimate Prolines Initiate Non-enzymatic Peptide Bond Cleavages
Conant, Christopher RConant, Christopher RFuller, Daniel RFuller, Daniel REl-Baba, Tarick JEl-Baba, Tarick JZhang, ZhichaoZhang, ZhichaoRussell, David HRussell, David HClemmer, David E and Clemmer, David E
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 30, (no. 6), pp. 919-931, 2019. | Journal Article
Substance P in the Gas Phase: Conformational Changes and Dissociations Induced by Collisional Activation in a Drift Tube
Conant, Christopher RConant, Christopher RFuller, Daniel RFuller, Daniel RZhang, ZhichaoZhang, ZhichaoWoodall, Daniel WWoodall, Daniel WRussell, David HRussell, David HClemmer, David E and Clemmer, David E
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 30, (no. 6), pp. 932-945, 2019. | Journal Article
Untangling Hydrogen Bond Networks with Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Quantum Chemical Calculations: A Case Study on H+XPGG
Beckett, DanielBeckett, DanielEl-Baba, Tarick JEl-Baba, Tarick JGilbert, KevinGilbert, KevinClemmer, David EClemmer, David ERaghavachari, Krishnan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 123, (no. 27), pp. 5741, 2019-07-11. | Journal Article
Variable-Temperature ESI-IMS-MS Analysis of Myohemerythrin Reveals Ligand Losses, Unfolding, and a Non-Native Disulfide Bond
Woodall, Daniel WEl-Baba, Tarick JFuller, Daniel RLiu, WenBrown, Christopher JLaganowsky, ArthurRussell, David H and Clemmer, David E
Analytical chemistry, vol. 91, (no. 10), pp. 6814, 2019-May-21. | Journal Article
Action and Ion Mobility Spectroscopy of a Shortened Retinal Derivative.
Musbat, LihiMusbat, LihiAssis, ShirrelAssis, ShirrelDilger, Jonathan MDilger, Jonathan MEl-Baba, Tarick JEl-Baba, Tarick JFuller, Daniel RFuller, Daniel RKnudsen, Jeppe LangelandKiefer, Hjalte VKiefer, Hjalte VHirshfeld, AmiramHirshfeld, AmiramFriedman, NogaFriedman, NogaAndersen, Lars HAndersen, Lars HSheves, MordechaiSheves, MordechaiClemmer, David EClemmer, David EToker, Yoni and Toker, Yoni
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, July 30, 2018. | Journal Article
Conformationally regulated peptide bond cleavage in bradykinin.
Fuller, Daniel RFuller, Daniel R.Conant, Christopher R.Conant, Christopher REl-Baba, Tarick J.El-Baba, Tarick JBrown, Christopher J.Brown, Christopher JWoodall, Daniel WWoodall, Daniel W.Russell, David H.Russell, David HClemmer, David E. and Clemmer, David E
Journal of the American Chemical Society, July 20, 2018. | Journal Article
Cryogenic IR spectroscopy combined with ion mobility spectrometry for the analysis of human milk oligosaccharides
Khanal, NeelamMasellis, ChiaraKamrath, MichaelClemmer, David and Rizzo, Thomas
The Analyst, vol. 143, (no. 8), pp. 1846-1852, 2018. | Journal Article
Electronic Energies Are Not Enough: An Ion Mobility-Aided, Quantum Chemical Benchmark Analysis of H+GPGG Conformers.
Beckett, DanielBeckett, DanielEl-Baba, Tarick JEl-Baba, Tarick JClemmer, David EClemmer, David ERaghavachari, Krishnan and Raghavachari, Krishnan
Journal of chemical theory and computation, September 7, 2018. | Journal Article
Ion mobility mass spectrometry provides novel insights into the expression and structure of gangliosides in the normal adult human hippocampus.
Sarbu, MirelaVukelić, ŽeljkaClemmer, David E and Zamfir, Alina D
The Analyst, October 1, 2018. | Journal Article
Melting proteins confined in nanodroplets with 10.6 μm light provides clues about early steps of denaturation
El-Baba, Tarick JEl-Baba, Tarick J.Fuller, Daniel R.Fuller, Daniel RWoodall, Daniel W.Woodall, Daniel WRaab, Shannon ARaab, Shannon A.Conant, Christopher RConant, Christopher R.Dilger, Jonathan M.Dilger, Jonathan MToker, YoniToker, YoniWilliams, Evan RWilliams, Evan R.Russell, David HRussell, David H.Clemmer, David E. and Clemmer, David E
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), vol. 54, (no. 26), pp. 3273, 2018-Mar-27. | Journal Article
Melting proteins confined in nanodroplets with 10.6 μm light provides clues about early steps of denaturationElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details; Comparison of cross section distributions obtained by IR heating of droplets, IMS-IR-IMS, and tandem IMS techniques. See DOI: 10.1039/c7cc09829d
El-Baba, Tarick JFuller, Daniel RWoodall, Daniel WRaab, Shannon AConant, Christopher RDilger, Jonathan MToker, YoniWilliams, Evan RRussell, David H and Clemmer, David E
(no. 26), pp. 3273, 20180327. | Journal Article
Multiple solution structures of the disordered peptide indolicidin from IMS-MS analysis
Khanal, NeelamGaye, Maissa M and Clemmer, David E
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 427, pp. 58, April 2018. | Journal Article
Proteome changes in the aging Drosophila melanogaster head
Brown, Christopher JBrown, Christopher JKaufman, ThomasKaufman, ThomasTrinidad, Jonathan CTrinidad, Jonathan CClemmer, David E and Clemmer, David E
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 425, pp. 46, February 2018. | Journal Article