390 Publications (Page 4 of 16)
The potential for chemical mixtures from the environment to enable the cancer hallmark of sustained proliferative signalling.
Engström, WilhelmDarbre, PhilippaEriksson, StaffanGulliver, LindaHultman, ToveKaramouzis, Michalis VKlaunig, James EMehta, RekhaMoorwood, KimSanderson, ThomasSone, HidekoVadgama, PankajWagemaker, GerardWard, AndrewSingh, NeetuAl-Mulla, FahdAl-Temaimi, RabeahAmedei, AmedeoColacci, Anna MariaVaccari, MonicaMondello, ChiaraScovassi, A IvanaRaju, JayadevHamid, Roslida AMemeo, LorenzoForte, StefanoRoy, RabindraWoodrick, JordanSalem, Hosni KRyan, Elizabeth PBrown, Dustin G and Bisson, William H
Carcinogenesis, vol. 36 Suppl 1, pp. S38-S60, June 2015. | Journal Article
Child?s Development and Respiratory System Toxicity
Saadeh, Rami and Klaunig, James
Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, vol. 4, (no. 5), 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Contribution of environment and genetics to pancreatic cancer susceptibility.
Hocevar, Barbara AHocevar, Barbara AKamendulis, Lisa MKamendulis, Lisa MPu, XinzhuPu, XinzhuPerkins, Susan MPerkins, Susan MWang, Zheng YuZheng-Yu, WangJohnston, Erica LJohnston, Erica LDe Witt, John MDewitt, John MDeWitt, John MLang, LiLi, LangLoehrer, Patrick JLoehrer, Patrick JKlaunig, James EKlaunig, James EChiorean, E G and Chiorean, E G
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. e90052, 2014. | Journal Article
Depletion of Kupffer cells modulates ethanol-induced hepatocyte DNA synthesis in C57Bl/6 mice.
Owumi, Solomon ECorthals, Stacy MUwaifo, Anthony OKamendulis, Lisa M and Klaunig, James E
Environmental toxicology, vol. 29, (no. 8), pp. 867-75, 2014/Aug. | Journal Article
Development of a cytokine-producing immortalized murine Kupffer cell line
Wang, Zheng-YuWang, Zheng-YuBurlak, ChristopherBurlak, ChristopherKlaunig, James EKlaunig, James EKamendulis, Lisa M and Kamendulis, Lisa M
Cytokine, vol. 70, (no. 2), pp. 172, December 2014. | Journal Article
Evaluating Uncertainty to Strengthen Epidemiologic Data for Use in Human Health Risk Assessments
Burns, CarolWright, JPierson, JenniferBateson, ThomasBurstyn, IgorGoldstein, DanielKlaunig, JamesLuben, ThomasMihlan, GaryRitter, Leonard and Schnatter, A
Environmental Health Perspectives (Online), vol. 122, (no. 11), Nov 2014. | Journal Article
Mode of action framework analysis for receptor-mediated toxicity: The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) as a case study.
Corton, J CCunningham, MichaelHummer, B TLau, ChristopherMeek, BettePeters, Jeffrey MPopp, James ARhomberg, LorenzSeed, Jennifer and Klaunig, James E
Critical reviews in toxicology, vol. 44, (no. 1), pp. 1-49, 2014/Jan. | Journal Article
Re: Waalkes et al.: Lung tumors in mice induced by "whole-life" inorganic arsenic exposure at human-relevant doses, Arch Toxicol, 2014
Cohen, SamuelArnold, LoraKlaunig, James and Goodman, Jay
Archives of Toxicology. Archiv für Toxikologie, vol. 88, (no. 11), pp. 2061-2, Nov 2014. | Journal Article
Alterations in brain structure and function in breast cancer survivors: effect of post-chemotherapy interval and relation to oxidative DNA damage
Conroy, Susan KConroy, SusanConroy, SusanConroy, SusanMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMcdonald, BrennaMc Donald, Brenna CMcDonald, BrennaSmith, DoriSmith, DoriSmith, DoriSmith, Dori JMoser, Lyndsi RMoser, LyndsiMoser, LyndsiMoser, LyndsiWest, JohnWest, John DWest, JohnWest, JohnKamendulis, LisaKamendulis, LisaKamendulis, Lisa MKamendulis, LisaKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, James EChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, Victoria LChampion, VictoriaUnverzagt, FrederickUnverzagt, FrederickUnverzagt, FrederickUnverzagt, FrederickSaykin, AndrewSaykin, AndrewSaykin, Andrew and Saykin, Andrew J
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, vol. 137, (no. 2), pp. 493-502, Jan 2013. | Journal Article
Caenorhabditis elegans neuron degeneration and mitochondrial suppression caused by selected environmental chemicals
Zhou, S.Wang, Z. and Klaunig, J.E.
(pp. 191-200)
Caenorhabditis elegans neuron degeneration and mitochondrial suppression caused by selected environmental chemicals.
Zhou, ShaoyuWang, Zemin and Klaunig, James E
International journal of biochemistry and molecular biology, vol. 4, (no. 4), pp. 191-200, 2013. | Journal Article
DNA damage in peripheral blood cells is associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related plasma proteins in individuals at risk for progression to AD
Risacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesShen, LiShen, LiShen, LiShen, LiShen, LiShen, LiMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMc Donald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGao, SujuanGao, SujuanGao, SujuanGao, SujuanGao, SujuanGao, SujuanWang, ZeminWang, ZeminWang, ZeminWang, ZeminWang, ZeminWang, ZeminZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuSaykin, AndrewSaykin, AndrewSaykin, AndrewSaykin, AndrewSaykin, Andrew and Saykin, Andrew
Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. P64, 2013. | Journal Article
DNA damage in peripheral blood cells is associated with Alzheimer's-related plasma proteins in individuals at risk for progression to Alzheimer's disease
Risacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonRisacher, ShannonKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKim, SungeunKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesShen, LiShen, LiShen, LiShen, LiShen, LiShen, LiMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMc Donald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinFarlow, MartinGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGhetti, BernardinoGao, SujuanGao, SujuanGao, SujuanGao, SujuanGao, SujuanGao, SujuanWang, ZeminWang, ZeminWang, ZeminWang, ZeminWang, ZeminWang, ZeminZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuZhou, ShaoyuSaykin, AndrewSaykin, AndrewSaykin, AndrewSaykin, AndrewSaykin, Andrew and Saykin, Andrew
Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. P171, 2013. | Journal Article
Assessment of possible carcinogenicity of oxyfluorfen to humans using mode of action analysis of rodent liver effects.
Stagg, Nicola JLeBaron, Matthew JEisenbrandt, David LGollapudi, B Bhaskar and Klaunig, James E
Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, vol. 128, (no. 2), pp. 334-345, August 2012. | Journal Article
Mode of Action analysis of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) tumorigenicity and Human Relevance.
Klaunig, James EHocevar, Barbara A and Kamendulis, Lisa M
Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.), vol. 33, (no. 4), pp. 410-8, 2012/Jul. | Journal Article
A water soluble parthenolide analog suppresses in vivo tumor growth of two tobacco-associated cancers, lung and bladder cancer, by targeting NF-κB and generating reactive oxygen species.
Shanmugam, RajasubramaniamShanmugam, RajasubramaniamKusumanchi, PraveenKusumanchi, PraveenAppaiah, HiteshAppaiah, HiteshCheng, LiangCheng, LiangCrooks, PeterCrooks, Peter ANeelakantan, SundarNeelakantan, SundarPeat, TylerPeat, TylerKlaunig, JamesKlaunig, JamesMatthews, WilliamMatthews, WilliamNakshatri, HarikrishnaNakshatri, HarikrishnaSweeney, Christopher J and Sweeney, Christopher J
International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer, vol. 128, (no. 10), pp. 2481-94, 2011/May/15. | Journal Article
Dose-Related Induction of Hepatic Preneoplastic Lesions by Diethylnitrosamine in C57BL/6 Mice
Kushida, MasahikoKamendulis, Lisa MPeat, Tyler J and Klaunig, James E
Toxicologic Pathology, vol. 39, (no. 5), pp. 776-786, 2011. | Journal Article
Effect of different obesogenic diets on pancreatic histology in Ossabaw miniature swine.
Fullenkamp, Allison MBell, Lauren NRobbins, Reiesha DLee, LydiaSaxena, RomilAlloosh, MouhamadKlaunig, James EMirmira, Raghavendra GSturek, Michael and Chalasani, Naga
Pancreas, vol. 40, (no. 3), pp. 438-43, 2011/Apr. | Journal Article
Linear low-dose extrapolation for noncancer heath effects is the exception, not the rule.
Rhomberg, Lorenz RGoodman, Julie EHaber, Lynne TDourson, MichaelAndersen, Melvin EKlaunig, James EMeek, BettePrice, Paul SMcClellan, Roger O and Cohen, Samuel M
Critical reviews in toxicology, vol. 41, (no. 1), pp. 1-19, 2011/Jan. | Journal Article
Oxidative stress and oxidative damage in chemical carcinogenesis
Klaunig, James EWang, ZeminPu, Xinzhu and Zhou, Shaoyu
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 254, (no. 2), pp. 86-99, 2011. | Journal Article
Oxidative stress in chronic liver disease: relationship between peripheral and hepatic measurements.
Vuppalanchi, Raj KJuluri, RaviBell, Lauren NGhabril, Marwan SKamendulis, Lisa MKlaunig, James ESaxena, RomilAgarwal, DavidJohnson, Matthew S and Chalasani, Naga
The American journal of the medical sciences, vol. 342, (no. 4), pp. 314-7, 2011/Oct. | Journal Article
Conditional beta-catenin loss in mice promotes chemical hepatocarcinogenesis: role of oxidative stress and platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha/phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling.
Zhang, Xu-FengTan, XinpingZeng, GangMisse, AmaleaSingh, SuchaKim, YoungsooKlaunig, James EMonga, Satdarshan P S and Singh Monga, Satdarshan P
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), vol. 52, (no. 3), pp. 954-65, 2010/Sep. | Journal Article
Kupffer cells participate in 2-butoxyethanol-induced liver hemangiosarcomas.
Kamendulis, Lisa MCorthals, Stacy M and Klaunig, James E
Toxicology, vol. 270, (no. 2-3), pp. 131-6, 2010/Apr/11. | Journal Article
Oxidative stress and oxidative damage in carcinogenesis.
Klaunig, James EKamendulis, Lisa M and Hocevar, Barbara A
Toxicologic pathology, vol. 38, (no. 1), pp. 96-109, 2010/Jan. | Journal Article
Proposed mode of action of benzene-induced leukemia: Interpreting available data and identifying critical data gaps for risk assessment.
Meek, M E and Klaunig, James E
Chemico-biological interactions, vol. 184, (no. 1-2), pp. 279-85, 2010/Mar/19. | Journal Article