38 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Does the built environment influence the effectiveness of behavioral weight management interventions?
Zenk, Shannon NTarlov, ElizabethWing, CoadySlater, SandyJones, Kelly KFitzgibbon, Marian and Powell, Lisa M
Preventive medicine, vol. 126, pp. 105776, July 19, 2019. | Journal Article
Economic downturns and nurse attachment to federal employment.
Li, DanyaoLi, DanyaoLi, DanyaoRichards, Michael RRichards, Michael RRichards, Michael RWing, CoadyWing, Coady and Wing, Coady
Health economics, vol. 28, (no. 6), pp. 808-814, June 2019. | Journal Article
How many children live with adults with opioid use disorder?
Bullinger, Lindsey RoseBullinger, Lindsey RWing, Coady and Wing, Coady
Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 104, pp. 104381, September 2019. | Journal Article
Should We Do More To Police Medicaid Fraud? Evidence on the Intended and Unintended Consequences of Expanded Enforcement
Perez, VictoriaPerez, VictoriaWing, Coady and Wing, Coady
American Journal of Health Economics, pp. 55, 2019-02-26. | Journal Article
The Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on Health Service Utilization Among Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Yamaki, KiyoshiWing, CoadyMitchell, DaleOwen, Randall and Heller, Tamar
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, vol. 57, (no. 4), pp. 306, 2019-08-00. | Journal Article
What Can Instrumental Variables Tell Us About Nonresponse In Household Surveys and Political Polls?
Wing, Coady
Political Analysis, vol. 27, (no. 3), pp. 338, 2019-07-00. | Journal Article
Would increasing access to recreational places promote healthier weights and a healthier nation?
Slater, Sandy JSlater, S.J.Tarlov, E.Tarlov, ElizabethJones, KellyJones, K.Matthews, S.A.Matthews, Stephen AWing, C.Wing, CoadyZenk, Shannon N and Zenk, S.N.
Health and Place, vol. 56, pp. 134, March 2019. | Journal Article
Designing Difference in Difference Studies: Best Practices for Public Health Policy Research
Wing, CoadyWing, CoadyWing, CoadySimon, KosaliSimon, KosaliSimon, KosaliBello-Gomez, Ricardo ABello-Gomez, Ricardo A. and Bello-Gomez, Ricardo A
Annual Review of Public Health, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 469, 20180401. | Journal Article
Did States Use Implementation Discretion to Reduce the Stringency of NCLB? Evidence From a Database of State Regulations
Wong, Vivian CWing, CoadyMartin, David and Krishnamachari, Anandita
Educational Researcher, vol. 47, (no. 1), pp. 33, 20180100. | Journal Article
Does Effectiveness of Weight Management Programs Depend on the Food Environment?
Tarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, E.Wing, CoadyWing, C.Wing, CoadyGordon, Howard SGordon, H. S.Gordon, Howard SMatthews, S. A.Matthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen AJones, Kelly KJones, K. K.Jones, Kelly KPowell, Lisa MPowell, Lisa MPowell, L. M.Zenk, Shannon NZenk, S. N. and Zenk, Shannon N
Health Services Research, vol. 53, (no. 6), pp. 4290, December 2018. | Journal Article
Estimate of incidence and cost of recreational waterborne illness on United States surface waters
DeFlorio-Barker, StephanieWing, CoadyJones, Rachael M and Dorevitch, Samuel
Environmental health : a global access science source, vol. 17, (no. 1), pp. 3, 2018-01-09. | Journal Article
Health Service Utilization and State Costs Among Adults Aging With Early-Acquired Physical Disabilities in Medicaid Managed Care
Yamaki, KiyoshiWing, CoadyMitchell, DaleOwen, Randall and Heller, Tamar
Journal of aging and health, pp. 898264318808192, 2018-Nov-15. | Journal Article
Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on Illinois's Acute Health Services Expenditures for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Yamaki, KiyoshiWing, CoadyMitchell, DaleOwen, Randall and Heller, Tamar
Intellectual and developmental disabilities, vol. 56, (no. 2), pp. 146, 2018-04-00. | Journal Article
Long-Term Weight Loss Effects of a Behavioral Weight Management Program: Does the Community Food Environment Matter?
Zenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethWing, Coady MWing, Coady MMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen ATong, HaoTong, HaoTong, HaoTong, HaoJones, Kelly KJones, Kelly KJones, Kelly KJones, Kelly KPowell, Lisa MPowell, LisaPowell, Lisa and Powell, Lisa M
International journal of environmental research and public health, vol. 15, (no. 2), pp. 211, 2018-01-26. | Journal Article
Regression Discontinuity and Beyond
Wing, Coady and Bello-Gomez, Ricardo A
American Journal of Evaluation, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 108, 20180300. | Journal Article
Weight and Veterans’ Environments Study (WAVES) I and II: Rationale, Methods, and Cohort Characteristics
Zenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethPowell, Lisa MPowell, Lisa MPowell, Lisa MPowell, Lisa MPowell, Lisa MPowell, Lisa MPowell, Lisa MCoady, WingCoady, WingWing, CoadyCoady, WingCoady, WingWing, CoadyWing, CoadyMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen ASlater, SandySlater, SandySlater, SandySlater, SandySlater, SandySlater, SandySlater, SandyGordon, Howard SGordon, Howard SGordon, Howard SGordon, Howard SGordon, Howard SGordon, Howard SGordon, Howard SBerbaum, MichaelBerbaum, MichaelBerbaum, MichaelBerbaum, MichaelBerbaum, MichaelBerbaum, MichaelBerbaum, MichaelFitzgibbon, Marian LFitzgibbon, Marian LFitzgibbon, Marian LFitzgibbon, Marian LFitzgibbon, Marian LFitzgibbon, Marian L and Fitzgibbon, Marian L
American Journal of Health Promotion, vol. 32, (no. 3), pp. 794, 20180300. | Journal Article
Estimated Costs of Sporadic Gastrointestinal Illness Associated with Surface Water Recreation: A Combined Analysis of Data from NEEAR and CHEERS Studies
DeFlorio-Barker, S.Stephanie DeFlorio-BarkerDeFlorio-Barker, StephanieTimothy J WadeWade, T.J.Wade, Timothy JJones, Rachael MRachael M JonesJones, R.M.Lee S FriedmanFriedman, L.S.Friedman, Lee SWing, CoadyCoady WingWing, C.Dorevitch, SamuelDorevitch, S. and Samuel Dorevitch
Environmental health perspectives, vol. 125, (no. 2), pp. 222, 2017-02-00. | Journal Article
Geographic Accessibility Of Food Outlets Not Associated With Body Mass Index Change Among Veterans, 2009–14
Zenk, Shannon NZenk, ShannonTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethWing, CoadyWing, CoadyMatthews, Stephen AMatthews, StephenJones, KellyJones, KellyTong, HaoTong, HaoPowell, Lisa M and Powell, Lisa
Health affairs (Project Hope), vol. 36, (no. 8), pp. 1442, 2017-08-01. | Journal Article
Neighborhood Resources to Support Healthy Diets and Physical Activity Among US Military Veterans
Tarlov, ElizabethTarlov, ElizabethTarlov, E.Zenk, S.N.Zenk, Shannon NZenk, Shannon NMatthews, S.A.Matthews, Stephen AMatthews, Stephen APowell, Lisa MPowell, Lisa MPowell, L.M.Jones, Kelly KJones, Kelly KJones, K.K.Slater, SandySlater, SandySlater, S.Wing, CoadyWing, Coady and Wing, C.
Preventing chronic disease, vol. 14, pp. E111, 2017-Nov-09. | Journal Article
What Can We Learn From A Doubly Randomized Preference Trial?-An Instrumental Variables Perspective
Wing, Coady and Clark, M. H
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 36, (no. 2), pp. 437, 2017-03-00. | Journal Article
A national examination of pharmacy-based immunization statutes and their association with influenza vaccinations and preventive health.
McConeghy, Kevin W and Wing, Coady
Vaccine, vol. 34, (no. 30), pp. 3463-3468, June 24, 2016. | Journal Article
Estimated Costs of Sporadic Gastrointestinal Illness Associated with Surface Water Recreation: A Combined Analysis of Data from NEEAR and CHEERS Studies.
DeFlorio-Barker, StephanieWade, Timothy JJones, Rachael MFriedman, Lee SWing, Coady and Dorevitch, Samuel
Environmental health perspectives, July 26, 2016. | Journal Article
Impact of Maintenance Steroids versus Rapid Steroid Withdrawal in African-American Kidney Transplant Recipients: Comparison of Two Urban Centers.
Chon, W JamesDesai, AmishiWing, CoadyArwindekar, DivyaTang, Ignatius Y SJosephson, Michelle A and Akkina, Sanjeev
International journal of clinical medicine, vol. 7, pp. 204-216. | Journal Article
Relaxing Occupational Licensing Requirements: Analyzing Wages and Prices for a Medical Service
Kleiner, Morris MMarier, AllisonPark, Kyoung Won and Wing, Coady
The Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 59, (no. 2), pp. 291, 20160501. | Journal Article
Genetic ancestry as an effect modifier of naltrexone in smoking cessation among African Americans: an analysis of a randomized controlled trial.
Bress, AdamKittles, RickWing, CoadyHooker, Stanley E and King, Andrea
Pharmacogenetics and genomics, vol. 25, (no. 6), pp. 305-312, June 2015. | Journal Article