Professor Walkers research focuses on the use of experimental methods in the investigation of individual and group behavior related to the provision of public goods and appropriation from common-pool resources.
My research and teaching interests fall broadly into the area of applied microeconomics, with an emphasis on applying experimental methods to the role of institutions in affecting individual and group outcomes.
- Data and Experiment Instructions
- CPR Data
- First Price Auction Data
- Instructions for Walker, Gardner, Herr, Ostrom - Economic Journal, Collective Choice in the Commons
- Data Link to Schmitt, Swope, Walker - Southern Economic Journal -Collective Action With Incomplete Commitment: Experimental Evidence
- Instructions for Schmidt, Shupp,Walker,Ostrom - Playing Safe in Coordination Games
- Data and Instructions: Sefton, Shupp, Walker - Rewards&Sanctions
- Instructions for Halloran, Walker, Williams
- Data for Halloran, Walker, Williams
- Additional Data Analysis and Instructions: Ahn, Lee, Ruttan, Walker
Areas: Experimental methods related to examining behavior in social dilemma settings