60 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Correlated activity favors synergistic processing in local cortical networks in vitro at synaptically-relevant timescales
Sherrill, Samantha PSherrill, Samantha PTimme, Nicholas MTimme, Nicholas MBeggs, John MBeggs, John MNewman, Ehren L and Newman, Ehren L
Network Neuroscience, pp. 20, 2020-04-14. | Journal Article
Differential effects of propofol and ketamine on critical brain dynamics.
Varley, Thomas FSporns, OlafPuce, Aina and Beggs, John
PLoS computational biology, vol. 16, (no. 12), pp. e1008418, December 21, 2020. | Journal Article
One-Stop Microfluidic Assembly of Human Brain Organoids To Model Prenatal Cannabis Exposure
Ao, ZhengAo, ZhengCai, HongweiCai, HongweiHavert, Daniel JHavert, Daniel JWu, ZhuhaoWu, ZhuhaoGong, ZhiyiGong, ZhiyiBeggs, John MBeggs, John MMackie, KenMackie, KenGuo, Feng and Guo, Feng
Analytical chemistry, vol. 92, (no. 6), pp. 4638, 2020-Mar-17. | Journal Article
Computation is concentrated in rich clubs of local cortical networks
Faber, Samantha PFaber, Samantha PTimme, Nicholas MTimme, Nicholas MBeggs, John MBeggs, John MNewman, Ehren L and Newman, Ehren L
Network neuroscience (Cambridge, Mass.), vol. 3, (no. 2), pp. 404, 2019-00-00. | Journal Article
The Critically Tuned Cortex
Beggs, John M
Neuron, vol. 104, (no. 4), pp. 624, 2019-11-20. | Journal Article
The Critically Tuned Cortex
Beggs, John M
Neuron, vol. 104, (no. 4), pp. 623-624, Nov 20, 2019. | Journal Article
Mapping direct and indirect activation of cortical neurons by weak electrical pulses with massively parallel MEA-based electrical stimulation and recording
Hottowy, PawelYeh, Fang-ChinIto, ShinyaSkoczen, AndrzejWiacek, PiotrMathieson, KeithDabrowski, WladyslawBeggs, John and Litke, Alan
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, vol. 12, 2018-00-00. | Journal Article
26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS2017): Part 2
Rubchinsky, Leonid LSun, YinmingSun, Yinming...LL, Rubchinsky...Rubchinsky, Leonid LWong, WillyAhn, SungwooS, AhnAhn, SungwooWong, WillyFarzan, FaranakKlijn, WouterKlijn, WouterW, KlijnFarzan, FaranakCumming, BenCumming, BenB, CummingDaskalakis, Zafiris J.Daskalakis, Zafiris J.Blumberger, Daniel MYates, StuartYates, StuartS, YatesBlumberger, Daniel MV, KarakasisKarakasis, VasileiosKarakasis, VasileiosPeyser, AlexanderPeyser, AlexanderA, PeyserWoodman, MarmadukeWoodman, MarmadukeM, WoodmanDiaz-Pier, SandraDiaz-Pier, SandraS, Diaz-PierJ, DeraeveDeraeve, JamesDeraeve, JamesE, VassenaVassena, ElianaVassena, ElianaW, AlexanderAlexander, WilliamAlexander, WilliamBeeman, DavidD, BeemanBeeman, DavidKudela, PawelKudela, PawelSD, AnticBoatman-Reich, DanaBoatman-Reich, DanaAnderson, William SAnderson, William SLuque, Niceto RLuque, Niceto RNaveros, FranciscoNaveros, FranciscoCarrillo, Richard RCarrillo, Richard RRos, EduardoRos, EduardoArleo, AngeloArleo, AngeloHuth, JacobHuth, JacobIchinose, KokiIchinose, KokiPark, JihoonPark, JihoonKawai, YujiKawai, YujiSuzuki, JunichiSuzuki, JunichiMori, HirokiMori, HirokiAsada, MinoruAsada, MinoruOprisan, Sorinel AOprisan, Sorinel ADave, Austin IDave, Austin IBabaie, TaherehBabaie, TaherehRobinson, PeterRobinson, PeterTabas, AlejandroTabas, AlejandroAndermann, MartinAndermann, MartinRupp, AndréRupp, AndréBalaguer-Ballester, EmiliBalaguer-Ballester, EmiliLindén, HenrikLindén, HenrikChristensen, Rasmus KChristensen, Rasmus KNakamura, MariNakamura, MariBarkat, Tania RBarkat, Tania RTosi, ZachTosi, ZachBeggs, JohnBeggs, JohnLonardoni, DavideLonardoni, DavideBoi, FabioBoi, FabioDi Marco, StefanoDi Marco, StefanoMaccione, AlessandroMaccione, AlessandroBerdondini, LucaBerdondini, LucaJędrzejewska-Szmek, JoannaJędrzejewska-Szmek, JoannaDorman, Daniel BDorman, Daniel BBlackwell, Kim TBlackwell, Kim TBauermeister, ChristophBauermeister, ChristophKeren, HannaKeren, HannaBraun, JochenBraun, JochenDornas, João VDornas, João VMavritsaki, EiriniMavritsaki, EiriniAldrovandi, SilvioAldrovandi, SilvioBridger, EmmaBridger, EmmaLim, SukbinLim, SukbinBrunel, NicolasBrunel, NicolasBuchin, AnatolyBuchin, AnatolyKerr, Clifford CharlesKerr, Clifford CharlesChizhov, AntonChizhov, AntonHuberfeld, GillesHuberfeld, GillesMiles, RichardMiles, RichardGutkin, BorisGutkin, BorisSpencer, Martin JSpencer, Martin JMeffin, HamishMeffin, HamishGrayden, David BGrayden, David BBurkitt, Anthony NBurkitt, Anthony NDavey, Catherine EDavey, Catherine ETao, LiangyuTao, LiangyuTiruvadi, VineetTiruvadi, VineetAli, RehmanAli, RehmanMayberg, HelenMayberg, HelenButera, RobertButera, RobertGunay, CengizGunay, CengizLamb, DamonLamb, DamonCalabrese, Ronald LCalabrese, Ronald LDoloc-Mihu, AncaDoloc-Mihu, AncaLópez-Madrona, Víctor JLópez-Madrona, Víctor JMatias, Fernanda SMatias, Fernanda SPereda, ErnestoPereda, ErnestoMirasso, Claudio RMirasso, Claudio RCanals, SantiagoCanals, SantiagoGeminiani, AliceGeminiani, AlicePedrocchi, AlessandraPedrocchi, AlessandraD’Angelo, EgidioD’Angelo, EgidioCasellato, ClaudiaCasellato, ClaudiaChauhan, AnkurChauhan, AnkurSoman, KarthikSoman, KarthikSrinivasa Chakravarthy, VSrinivasa Chakravarthy, VMuddapu, Vignayanandam RMuddapu, Vignayanandam RChuang, Chao-ChunChuang, Chao-ChunChen, Nan-yowChen, Nan-yowBayati, MehdiBayati, MehdiMelchior, JanMelchior, JanWiskott, LaurenzWiskott, LaurenzAzizi, Amir HosseinAzizi, Amir HosseinDiba, KamranDiba, KamranCheng, Sen and Cheng, Sen
BMC Neuroscience, vol. 18, (no. S1), pp. 79, 2017-08-00. | Journal Article
Cortical Circuits from Scratch: A Metaplastic Architecture for the Emergence of Lognormal Firing Rates and Realistic Topology
Tosi, Zoe and Beggs, John
2017-05-31. | Journal Article
Unveiling causal activity of complex networks
Williams-García, Rashid VBeggs, John M and Ortiz, Gerardo
EPL (Europhysics Letters), vol. 119, (no. 1), pp. 18003, 2017-07-01. | Journal Article
Analysis of Power Laws, Shape Collapses, and Neural Complexity: New Techniques and MATLAB Support via the NCC Toolbox
Marshall, NajjaTimme, Nicholas MBennett, NicholasRipp, MonicaLautzenhiser, Edward and Beggs, John M
Frontiers in physiology, vol. 7, pp. 250, 2016-00-00. | Journal Article
Criticality Maximizes Complexity in Neural Tissue.
Timme, Nicholas M.Timme, Nicholas M.Timme, Nicholas MMarshall, Najja J.Marshall, Najja JMarshall, Najja J.Bennett, NicholasBennett, NicholasBennett, NicholasRipp, MonicaRipp, MonicaRipp, MonicaLautzenhiser, EdwardLautzenhiser, EdwardLautzenhiser, EdwardBeggs, John MBeggs, John M. and Beggs, John M.
Frontiers in physiology, vol. 7, pp. 425, 2016. | Journal Article
High-Degree Neurons Feed Cortical Computations
Timme, Nicholas MIto, ShinyaMyroshnychenko, MaxymNigam, SunnyShimono, MasanoriYeh, Fang-ChinHottowy, PawelLitke, Alan M and Beggs, John M
PLoS computational biology, vol. 12, (no. 5), pp. e1004858, 2016-05-00. | Journal Article
Rich-Club Organization in Effective Connectivity among Cortical Neurons
Nigam, SunnyNigam, SunnyNigam, SunnyNigam, SunnyShimono, MasanoriShimono, MasanoriShimono, MasanoriShimono, MasanoriIto, ShinyaIto, ShinyaIto, ShinyaIto, ShinyaYeh, Fang-ChinYeh, Fang-ChinYeh, Fang-ChinYeh, Fang-ChinTimme, NicholasTimme, NicholasTimme, NicholasTimme, NicholasMyroshnychenko, MaxymMyroshnychenko, MaxymMyroshnychenko, MaxymMyroshnychenko, MaxymLapish, Christopher CLapish, Christopher CLapish, Christopher CLapish, Christopher CTosi, ZacharyTosi, ZacharyTosi, ZacharyTosi, ZacharyHottowy, PawelHottowy, PawelHottowy, PawelHottowy, PawelSmith, Wesley CSmith, Wesley CSmith, Wesley CSmith, Wesley CMasmanidis, Sotiris CMasmanidis, Sotiris CMasmanidis, Sotiris CMasmanidis, Sotiris CLitke, Alan MLitke, Alan MLitke, Alan MLitke, Alan MSporns, OlafSporns, OlafSporns, OlafSporns, OlafBeggs, John MBeggs, John MBeggs, John M and Beggs, John M
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, vol. 36, (no. 3), pp. 684, 2016-Jan-20. | Journal Article
Editorial: Can There Be a Physics of the Brain?
Beggs, John
Physical review letters, vol. 114, (no. 22), pp. 220001, 2015-Jun-05. | Journal Article
Functional Clusters, Hubs, and Communities in the Cortical Microconnectome
Shimono, Masanori and Beggs, John M
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), vol. 25, (no. 10), pp. 3757, 2015-Oct. | Journal Article
Behavior Modulates Effective Connectivity between Cortex and Striatum
Nakhnikian, AlexanderNakhnikian, AlexanderNakhnikian, AlexanderRebec, George VRebec, George VRebec, George VGrasse, Leslie MGrasse, Leslie MGrasse, Leslie MDwiel, Lucas LDwiel, Lucas LDwiel, Lucas LShimono, MasanoriShimono, MasanoriShimono, MasanoriBeggs, John MBeggs, John M and Beggs, John M
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. e89443, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Large-Scale, High-Resolution Multielectrode-Array Recording Depicts Functional Network Differences of Cortical and Hippocampal Cultures
Ito, ShinyaYeh, Fang-ChinHiolski, EmmaRydygier, PrzemyslawGunning, Deborah EHottowy, PawelTimme, NicholasLitke, Alan M and Beggs, John M
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 8), pp. e105324, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Multiplex networks of cortical and hippocampal neurons revealed at different timescales
Timme, NicholasIto, ShinyaMyroshnychenko, MaxymYeh, Fang-ChinHiolski, EmmaLitke, Alan M and Beggs, John M
BMC Neuroscience, vol. 15, (no. S1), pp. P212, 2014-07-00. | Journal Article
Multiplex Networks of Cortical and Hippocampal Neurons Revealed at Different Timescales
Timme, NicholasIto, ShinyaMyroshnychenko, MaxymYeh, Fang-ChinHiolski, EmmaHottowy, Pawel and Beggs, John M
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 12), pp. e115764, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Network community, clusters and hubs in cortical micro circuits
Shimono, MasanoriShimono, MasanoriBeggs, John M and Beggs, John M
BMC Neuroscience, vol. 15, (no. Suppl 1), pp. F2, 2014-07-01. | Journal Article
Patterns of information flow in local cortical networks
Nigam, SunnyNigam, SunnySporns, OlafSporns, OlafShimono, MasanoriShimono, MasanoriBeggs, John M and Beggs, John
BMC Neuroscience, vol. 15, 2014. | Journal Article
Quasicritical brain dynamics on a nonequilibrium Widom line
Williams-García, Rashid VMoore, MarkBeggs, John M and Ortiz, Gerardo
Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, vol. 90, (no. 6), pp. 062714, 2014-Dec. | Journal Article
Synergy, redundancy, and multivariate information measures: an experimentalist's perspective.
Timme, NicholasAlford, WesleyFlecker, Benjamin and Beggs, John
Journal of computational neuroscience, vol. 36, (no. 2), pp. 119-40, 2014/Apr. | Journal Article
Attaining and maintaining criticality in a neuronal network model
Peng, Jiayi and Beggs, John M
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 392, (no. 7), pp. 1620, 2013-04-01. | Journal Article