
My research addresses the impact of inequity on people’s belonging, well-being, and satisfaction in intimate and professional contexts. I focus on the relationships people have with others (romantic partners, family, colleagues) and with broader institutions (workplaces, marriage). Much of my work has focused on issues related to gender and sexuality. In one line of research, I examine barriers to and strategies for promoting inclusion in higher education. In my other line of research, I study diverse expressions of sexuality.

Past Affiliations

Director, Social Science Research and Evaluation Program, College of Engineering, Purdue University (past)

Affiliate Faculty, Kinsey Institute, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Academic and Research Units, Indiana University Bloomington

PhD, University of Michigan, Psychology (Personality and Social Contexts) and Women's Studies, 2015
MS, Villanova University, Experimental Psychology, 2009
BA, William Paterson University, Psychology and Women's Studies, 2007
women's studies gender issues work motivation program evaluation (social sciences) qualitative methods (social sciences) discrimination racial issues interpersonal communication applied psychology social psychology behavioral or experimental psychology sexual behavior psychology of women sexuality and sex roles group behavior social justice faculty development stem education organizational theory and behavior (education) higher education leadership