24 Publications
Achieving DEIR and Safety Awareness in a Chemistry Graduate Program: “Safety, Inclusivity, &\mathsemicolon Diversity Talks” (“SID Talks”) as Part of a Colloquium Series
Basu, ParthaDeiss, Frédérique and Long, Eric C.
Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 99, pp. 353–358. | Journal Article
Comparing the Selectivity of Solid Phase Microextraction Fibers to Detect Volatile Organic Compounds
Woollam, M.Grocki, P.Rivera, P.A.Siegel, A.P.Deiss, F. and Agarwal, M.
3rd IEEE International Conference on Design and Test of Integrated Micro and Nano-Systems, DTS 2021. | Conference Proceeding
Multiplexed and High-Throughput Label-Free Detection of RNA/Spike Protein/IgG/IgM Biomarkers of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Utilizing Nanoplasmonic Biosensors
Masterson, A.N.Muhoberac, B.B.Gopinadhan, A.Wilde, D.J.Deiss, F.T.John, C.C. and Sardar, R.
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 93, pp. 8754-8763. | Journal Article
Multiplexed Signal Ion Emission Reactive Release Amplification (SIERRA) Assay for the Culture-Free Detection of Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes
Pugia, M.Pugia, MichaelBose, TiyashBose, T.Tjioe, MarcoTjioe, M.Frabutt, D.Frabutt, DylanBaird, Z.Baird, ZaneCao, ZehuiCao, Z.Vorsilak, A.Vorsilak, AnnaMcLuckey, IanMcLuckey, I.Barron, M. ReginaBarron, M.R.Barron, M.Barron, MonicaDenys, GeraldDenys, G.Carpenter, JessicaCarpenter, J.Das, AmitavaDas, A.Kaur, KaramjeetKaur, K.Roy, S.Roy, SashwatiSen, C.K.Sen, Chandan KDeiss, F. and Deiss, Frédérique
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 93, pp. 6604-6612. | Journal Article
Reproducible Discovery of Cell-Binding Peptides “Lost” in Bulk Amplification via Emulsion Amplification in Phage Display Panning
Matochko, Wadim L.Deiss, FrédériqueYang, Yang and Derda, Ratmir
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Bottom-Up Fabrication of Plasmonic Nanoantenna-Based High-throughput Multiplexing Biosensors for Ultrasensitive Detection of microRNAs Directly from Cancer Patients’ Plasma
Masterson, A.N.Liyanage, T.Kaimakliotis, H.Gholami Derami, H.Deiss, F. and Sardar, R.
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 92, pp. 9295-9304. | Journal Article
Enumeration of Rare Cells in Whole Blood by Signal Ion Emission Reactive Release Amplification with Same-Sample RNA Analysis
Baird, Z.Cao, Z.Regina Barron, M.Vorsilak, A.Deiss, F. and Pugia, M.
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 91, pp. 2028-2034. | Journal Article
Heat-enhanced peptide synthesis on Teflon-patterned paper
Deiss, FrédériqueYang, YangMatochko, Wadim L and Derda, Ratmir
Organic & biomolecular chemistry, vol. 14, (no. 22), pp. 5148-5156, Jun 14, 2016. | Journal Article
-Book chapter-
Deiss, F.Yang, Y. and Derda, R.
In Parallel syntheses of peptides on teflon-patterned paper arrays (Syntarrays) (vol. 1368). (pp. 249-271). 2016
Intra-domain phage display (ID-PhD) of peptides and protein mini-domains censored from canonical pIII phage display
Tjhung, Katrina FDeiss, FrédériqueTran, JessicaChou, Ying and Derda, Ratmir
Frontiers in microbiology, vol. 6, pp. 340, 2015. | Journal Article
Antimicrobial susceptibility assays in paper-based portable culture devices
Deiss, FrédériqueFunes-Huacca, Maribel EBal, JasminTjhung, Katrina F and Derda, Ratmir
Lab on a chip, vol. 14, (no. 1), pp. 167-171, Jan 7, 2014. | Journal Article
Flow-Through Synthesis on Teflon-Patterned Paper To Produce Peptide Arrays for Cell-Based Assays
Deiss, FrédériqueMatochko, Wadim LGovindasamy, NatashaLin, Edith Y and Derda, Ratmir
Angewandte Chemie (International ed.), vol. 53, (no. 25), pp. 6374-6377, Jun 16, 2014. | Journal Article
Towards rapid on-site phage-mediated detection of generic Escherichia coli in water using luminescent and visual readout
Burnham, SeanBurnham, SeanHu, JingHu, JingAnany, HanyAnany, HanyBrovko, LubovBrovko, LubovDeiss, FrederiqueDeiss, FrederiqueDerda, RatmirDerda, RatmirGriffiths, Mansel and Griffiths, Mansel
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol. 406, (no. 23), pp. 5693, 20140900. | Journal Article
Cells in gels in paper in a new device
Rauch, J.N.Anastassiadis, T.Rauch, J.N.Deiss, F.Mazzeo, A.Nie, J.Nie, J.Duong-Ly, K.C.Buchholz, T.J.Hong, E.Buchholz, T.J.Deacon, S.W.Gestwicki, J.E.Gestwicki, J.E.Ingber, D.E.Lafontant, A.Derda, R.Kennedy, R.T.Ma, H.Kennedy, R.T.Whitesides, G.M.Devarajan, K.Dunbrack Jr., R.L.Wu, J. and Peterson, J.R.
Assay and Drug Development Technologies, vol. 11, pp. 512-514. | Journal Article
Functionalization of optical nanotip arrays with an electrochemical microcantilever for multiplexed DNA detection
Descamps, EmelineDuroure, NathalieDeiss, FrédériqueLeichlé, ThierryAdam, CatherineMailley, PascalAït-Ikhlef, AliLivache, ThierryNicu, Liviu and Sojic, Neso
Lab on a chip, vol. 13, (no. 15), pp. 2956-2962, Aug 7, 2013. | Journal Article
Platform for High-Throughput Testing of the Effect of Soluble Compounds on 3D Cell Cultures
Deiss, FrédériqueMazzeo, AaronHong, EstrellaIngber, Donald EDerda, Ratmir and Whitesides, George M
Analytical chemistry (Washington), vol. 85, (no. 17), pp. 8085-8094, Sep 3, 2013. | Journal Article
Opto-electrochemical nanosensor array for remote DNA detection
DEISS, FrédériqueLAURENT, SébastienDESCAMPS, EmelineLIVACHE, Thierry and SOJIC, Neso
Analyst (London), vol. 136, (no. 2), pp. 327-331, 2011. | Journal Article
Integration of paper-based microfluidic devices with commercial electrochemical readers
Nie, ZhihongDeiss, FrederiqueLiu, Xinyu YAkbulut, Ozge and Whitesides, George M
Lab on a chip, vol. 10, (no. 22), pp. 3163-3169, Nov 21, 2010. | Journal Article
Lithography by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy with a Multiscaled Electrode
Deiss, FrédériqueCombellas, CatherineFretigny, ChristianSojic, Neso and Kanoufi, Frédéric
Analytical chemistry (Washington), vol. 82, (no. 12), pp. 5169-5175, Jun 15, 2010. | Journal Article
Nanostructured optical fibre arrays for high-density biochemical sensing and remote imaging
Deiss, FSojic, NWhite, D J and Stoddart, P R
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, vol. 396, (no. 1), pp. 53-71, Jan 2010. | Journal Article
Fabrication of a Macroporous Microwell Array for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
Zamuner, MartinaTalaga, DavidDeiss, FrédériqueGuieu, ValérieKuhn, AlexanderUgo, Paolo and Sojic, Neso
Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 19, (no. 19), pp. 3129-3135, Oct 9, 2009. | Journal Article
Multiplexed Sandwich Immunoassays Using Electrochemiluminescence Imaging Resolved at the Single Bead Level
Deiss, FrédériqueLaFratta, Christopher NSymer, MatthewBlicharz, Timothy MSojic, Neso and Walt, David R
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 131, (no. 17), pp. 6088-6089, May 6, 2009. | Journal Article
Optical-fiber-microsphere for remote fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Aouani, HeykelDeiss, FrédériqueWenger, JérômeFerrand, PatrickSojic, Neso and Rigneault, Hervé
Optics express, vol. 17, (no. 21), pp. 19085-19092, Oct 12, 2009. | Journal Article
Development and Biological Assessment of Fully Water-Soluble Helical Aromatic Amide Foldamers
Gillies, Elizabeth RDeiss, FrédériqueStaedel, CathySchmitter, Jean-Marie and Huc, Ivan
Angewandte Chemie (International ed.), vol. 46, (no. 22), pp. 4081-4084, May 25, 2007. | Journal Article