13 Publications
A Social Relations Model of Need Supportiveness
Journal of Research in Personality. | Journal Article
Lover and learner: Exploring relational schema change following relationship dissolution
Brunson, Julie AØverup, Camilla S and Acitelli, Linda K
The Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 159, (no. 3), pp. 283, 5/4/2019. | Journal Article
Meta-Accuracy and Perceived Reciprocity From the Perception-Meta-Perception Social Relations Model
Porter, BenØverup, Camilla SBrunson, Julie A and Mehta, Paras D
Social Psychology, vol. 50, (no. 1), pp. 37, 2019-01-00. | Journal Article
Belonging, Burdensomeness, and Self-Compassion as Mediators of the Association Between Attachment and Depression
Øverup, Camilla SMcLean, Erin ABrunson, Julie A and Coffman, Amelia D
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, vol. 36, (no. 8), pp. 703, 2017-10-00. | Journal Article
I know I have to earn your love: how the family environment shapes feelings of worthiness of love
Øverup, Camilla SBrunson, Julie ASteers, Mai-Ly N and Acitelli, Linda K
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, vol. 22, (no. 1), pp. 35, 1/2/2017. | Journal Article
A social relations examination of neuroticism and emotional support
Brunson, Julie AØverup, Camilla S and Mehta, Paras D
Journal of Research in Personality, vol. 63, pp. 71, August 2016. | Journal Article
Love online: How relationship awareness on Facebook relates to relationship quality among college students
Steers, Mai-Ly NØverup, Camilla SBrunson, Julie A and Acitelli, Linda K
Psychology of Popular Media Culture, vol. 5, (no. 3), pp. 216, 2016-07-00. | Journal Article
Drowning the pain: intimate partner violence and drinking to cope prospectively predict problem drinking.
Øverup, Camilla SØverup, CamillaDi Bello, AngeloDiBello, Angelo MBrunson, JulieBrunson, Julie AAcitelli, LindaAcitelli, Linda KNeighbors, Clayton and Neighbors, Clayton
Addictive behaviors, vol. 41, pp. 152-161, February 2015. | Journal Article
Exploring the dynamic nature of "us": An integrative approach to relationship cognition
Brunson, JulieAcitelli, Linda and Sharp, Carla
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, vol. 79, (no. 2), pp. 131-165, Jun 2015. | Journal Article
Presenting Different Selves to Different People: Self-Presentation as a Function of Relationship Type and Contingent Self-Esteem.
Øverup, Camilla SBrunson, Julie A and Acitelli, Linda K
The Journal of general psychology, vol. 142, (no. 4), pp. 213-237. | Journal Article
Relationship partners have shared scripts for conversations about the relationship: A replication and extension
Acitelli, Linda KWickham, Robert EBrunson, Julie A and Steers, Mai-Ly N
Family Science, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 108, 1/1/2015. | Journal Article
Good intentions gone awry? Effects of weight-related social control on health and well-being.
Brunson, Julie AOverup, Camilla SNguyen, Mai-LyNovak, Sarah A and Smith, Carrie V
Body image, vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 1-10, 2014/Jan. | Journal Article
Health related quality of life in patients with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer and factors with impact: a longitudinal study
Wen, ZhengweiLi, XiaomeiLu, QianBrunson, JulieZhao, MiaoTan, JianfengWan, Chonghua and Lei, Pingguang
BMC Gastroenterology, vol. 14, pp. 149, 2014. | Journal Article