9 Publications
Code-switching as linguistic microaggression: L2-Japanese and speaker legitimacy. Multilingua
. | Journal Article
Language Ideologies and L2 Speaker Legitimacy. Native Speaker Bias in Japan
Language ideologies among Japanese foreign language teachers: Keigo and L2 speakers. Foreign Language Annals
. | Journal Article
Diversity, Inclusivity, and the Importance of L2 Speaker Legitimacy
Takeuchi, Jae DiBello
Japanese Language and Literature, vol. 54, pp. 317–325. | Journal Article
Our Language—Linguistic Ideologies and Japanese Dialect Use in L1/L2 Interaction
Takeuchi, Jae DiBello
Japanese Language and Literature, vol. 54, pp. 167–197. | Journal Article
スピーチスタイルとネイティブスピーカーバイアス: 在日L2 話者から学べること. CATJ-28 Proceedings
. | Journal Article
Learners’ Participation in Japanese-Related Online Communities and the Relationship between Online Activities and Classroom Learning: A Comparative Case Study of Two JFL Learners
Campus Diversity and Global Education: A Case Study of a Japanese Program. Foreign Language Annals
Mori, Junko and Takeuchi, Jae
. | Journal Article
Dialect Matters: L2 Speakers Beliefs and Perceptions About Japanese Dialect