
Dr. Nir Menachemi is a health services researcher who has experience evaluating the impact of health information technologies, including the use of electronic health records (EHRs), on various organizational performance outcomes, including physician and patient satisfaction, financial performance, and quality of care. He also has investigated the impact of health policies, including the HITECH Act, on hospital and physician behaviors and performance.

He also holds an appointment as Scientist with the Regenstrief Institute, an internationally recognized informatics and healthcare research organization that is dedicated to the improvement of health through research that enhances the quality and cost-effectiveness of health care.

Dr. Menachemi’s work focuses at the intersection of health policy, medicine, and business.  Since the start of the pandemic, he has been principal investigator on the Indiana SARS-CoV-2 Prevalence study, the only statewide random sample testing study in the US.

Dr. Menachemi’s research examines how organizational strategies (e.g., health information technology adoption) impact critical performance measures, including quality outcomes and financial performance.

Past Affiliations

Regenstrief Institute, Centers and Institutes, Indiana University School of Medicine

Director, Department of Family Medicine & Rural Health, College of Medicine, Florida State University (past)

Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Rural Health, College of Medicine, Florida State University (past)

Professor, Department of Health Care Organization and Policy, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham (past)

Health Services Administration, Health Services Administration
PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Health Services Administration, 2002
MPH, State University of New York at Albany, Health Policy and Management, 1999
BS, State University of New York at Albany, Anthropology / Biology, 1997