
Research Interests:

  • Sexual health
  • Condom usage
  • Cancer

Senior Research Fellow, Kinsey Institute, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Academic and Research Units, Indiana University Bloomington

Endowed Professor, Department of Health, Behavior and Society, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky

Markey Cancer Center, Research, University of Kentucky

Past Affiliations

Good Samaritan Endowed Professor, Department of Health, Behavior and Society, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky (past)

Markey Cancer Center, Research, University of Kentucky (past)

Co-Director, Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention, School of Public Health, Indiana University Bloomington

Professor, Department of Health, Behavior & Society, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky (past)

Associate Professor, Department of Health, Behavior & Society, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky (past)

Chair, Department of Health, Behavior & Society, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky (past)

Research Fellow, Kinsey Institute, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Academic and Research Units, Indiana University Bloomington

Public Health
PhD, Indiana University, Health Behavior, 1998
MA, Central Michigan University, Health Education, 1984
BA, University of Kentucky, School Health Education, 1981
health behavior

Joint Editor of Sexual Health, an International journal devoted to the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancy., 2008

Student Government Professor of the Year award, College of Public Health (University of Kentucky), 2006-2007

Nominated for the ASPH/Pfizer Award for Teaching Excellence, 2006

Associate Research Fellow: The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, 2005-2008

Student Government Professor of the Year award, College of Public Health (University of Kentucky), 2005-2006

Member of the Editorial Board for Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2001-2008

Student Government Professor of the Year award, College of Public Health (University of Kentucky), 2000-2001

Teaching Excellence Recognition Award, Department of Applied Health Science (Indiana University), 1998

William L. Yarber Professorship Fellow Award, Department of Applied Health Science (Indiana University), 1997-1998

$1,000 Award for Dissertation Research: Indiana University, Research and the University Graduate School, 1997

J. Keogh Rash Graduate Student Scholarship, Indiana University, 1997

Add-hoc Journal Reviewer (1999-2001): AIDS & Behavior, Journal of Adolescent Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Family Planning Perspectives
Add-hoc Journal Reviewer (1999-2001): American Journal of Public Health, AIDS Care, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Add-hoc Journal Reviewer (2001-2002): AIDS Care, Journal of Adolescent Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases,Journal of Adolescent Research, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Prevention Science
Ad-hoc committee for the Inaugural Research Symposium, 2004
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2002-2003): American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Pediatrics, Ethnicity and Disease, Health Psychology, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2002-2003): Health Education and Behavior, Journal of Adolescent Health, Public Health Reports, Journal of Health Promotion and Nutrition, Prevention Science
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2002-2003): Journal of the National Medical Association, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Psychological Bulletin
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2004): American Journal of Public Health, Journal of the National Medical Association
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2004): Ethnicity and Disease, Health Psychology, AIDS and Behavior, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and reproductive Biology, Journal of Adolescent Health
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2004): Journal of Urban Health, Women's Health, Prevention Science, Social Science & Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Sex Roles
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2005): Health Education and Behavior, Health Education Research; Journal of Adolescence; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Health Education Research
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2005): Pediatrics, Journal of the Poor and Underserved, AIDS and Behavior, American Journal of Public Health, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2006): Journal of Adolescent Health, Women and Health, JAIDS, Journal of Health Psychology, Social Science and Medicine, Sexual Health, American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2006): Journal of Rural Health
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2006): Pediatrics, AIDS and Behavior, American Journal of Public Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Annals of Epidemiology, Journal of Women's Health
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2007): American Journal of Preventive Medicine, and the Journal of Rural Health
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2007): Pediatrics, AIDS and Behavior, American Journal of Public Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Annals of Epidemiology, Journal of Adolescent Health
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer (2007): Sexuality Health and Culture, Journal of School Health, Sexuality Research and Social Policy, International Journal of STD and AIDS, Sexual Health
American Public Health Association, 2000-present
American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association, 1998-present
Assistant to the editor of the Rural Prevention Report (newsletter) and FACT SHEETS for the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention, 1995-1998
Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine, 1998-2002
Chair of the CPH Academic Affairs committee
Co-editor of RAP Time, a monthly, two-page, faxed, bulletin produced by the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention, 1997-2001
Committee member: "American Youth and STDs" (a national committee --funded by the W.T. Grant Foundation, 2002
Conducted a 2-day workshop for CDC employees. "Theory and Practice in Public Health"
Conducted a weekend training seminar for adolescent peer leaders who attended a retreat sponsored by the Center, 1996-1997
CPH Research Committee, 2004-2006
Division of Adolescent and School Health
Division of STD Prevention
Division of Tuberculosis Prevention
DrPH Capstone Chairperson for Patricia Jennings, 2005
Emory Center for AIDS Research
Guest speaker for Dr. Gina Wingood (School of Public Health, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education), 2002
Guest speaker for Dr. Richard Rothenberg (School of Medicine, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine), 2002
Joint Editor of Sexual Health (January 2008 - present)
Master's thesis Chair: Aaron Mettey 2003
Master's thesis Chair: Alyson Richmond 2003
Master's thesis Chair: Amy Bianchi 2004
Master's thesis Chair: Elin Begley 2002
Master's thesis Chair: Emily Higgins 2004
Master's thesis Chair: I-Shan 2002
Master's thesis Chair: Keisha 2003
Master's thesis Chair: Laura 2004
Master's thesis Chair: Michelle Cohen 2004
Master's thesis Chair: Sarah Wyckoff 2002
Master's thesis Chair: Tammi Gibson 2003
Master's thesis Chair: Tekla Evans 2004
Master's thesis committee member: Darcy Freedman 2002
Master's thesis committee member: Gingi Pica 2003
Master's thesis committee member: Helen Singer 2002
Master's thesis committee member: John Oh 2002
Master's thesis committee member: LaTonya D. Russell 2002
Master's thesis committee member: Neha Desai 2003
Master's thesis committee member: Rashmi SubbaRao 2002
Master's thesis committee member: Stephanie Dobbins 2003
Master's thesis committee member: Tanisha Grimes 2002
Master's thesis committee member: Tonia Frame 2003
Member CPH Faculty Council, 2004-2006
Member of the ASPH/Pfizer Academy of Distinguished Teachers (2006 to present)
Member of the Editorial Board for Sexually Transmitted Infections 2001-present
Member of the Program Planning Committee. Joint Meeting of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, 1997
Member of the Syphilis Elimination workgroup and planning committee: Division of STD Prevention, 1998-1999
Moderated a panel presentation ("The Intersection of STI and HIV Prevention")
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Amy Hanson, 2007
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Ayana Anderson, 2005
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Brandon Hurley, 2004
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Dana Hazen, 2007
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Joseph Benitez, 2007
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Julie Nakayima, 2008
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Katie Morris, 2005
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Mark Calafranisco, 2007
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Molly Turner, 2006
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Sara Head, 2007
MPH Capstone Chairperson for Whitney Kateri, 2005
MPH Capstone committee for Andrew Kinch, 2007
MPH Capstone committee for Smita Prishad, 2007
MPH Capstone committee member for Carlos Domingo, 2006
MPH Capstone committee member for Chizimuzo Okoli, 2005
MPH Capstone committee member for Lorie Chestnut, 2005
MPH Capstone committee member for Rafael Rangel, 2005
Objective Review Panel member: Emory Center for AIDS Research, 2002
Objective Review Panel member: Emory Center for AIDS Research (for scholars in the AIDS International Training and Research Program)
Objective Review Panel Member for the Division of Adolescent and School Health, 1998
Objective Review Panel Member for the Division of STD Prevention, 1998
Objective Review Panel Member for the Division of Tuberculosis Prevention, 1998
Represented the Division of STD Prevention in a CDC cross-division and cross-Center collaborative workgroup
Represented the Division of STD Prevention in a CDC cross-division and cross-Center collaborative workgroup, 1999
Search committee for an assistant professor in biostatistics, 2004
Served as a reviewer for "Aids Fonds Netherlands," 2004
Served as a reviewer for "Aids Fonds Netherlands," 2005
Served as a reviewer for "Aids Fonds Netherlands," 2006
Served on an Internal Review Group (the ICP-3 Study Section for NIAID) for the National Institutes of Health, 2003
Served on an Internal Review Group (the ICP-3 Study Section for NIAID) for the National Institutes of Health, 2004
Served on a Scientific Review Group for CDC - 2008
Served on a Scientific Review Group for NIH, 2006
Served on a Special Emphasis Panel (CRB-C03) for the National Institutes of Health, 2003
Served on a Special Emphasis Panel (CRB-C05) for the National Institutes of Health, 2003
Served on a Special Emphasis Panel for CDC, 2006
Served on a Special Emphasis Panel for NIH --ZRG1 BBBP-N Family Planning
Served on the Scientific Review Committee for the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, 2003
Service Implementation Delivery Research Study- 2008
Syphilis Elimination workgroup and planning committee: Division of STD Prevention
Technology/Distance Learning Committee. Department of Applied Health Science 1997-1998
University Health Service External Review Committee, 2007