

  • Food Memory
  • Cooking/Cookbooks
  • Migration/Identity
  • Experiential Learning/Community Engagement
  • Teaching Pedagogy/Food Pedagogy

Olga Kalentzidou is an archaeologist whose work encompasses the interaction between geographical boundaries and human behavior. Her past research focused on the meaning and movement of material culture in Northeastern Greece and specifically the ways in which objects actively evoke historical memory and trigger individual remembrances. Her latest research interests include the manner in which culinary and food traditions allow immigrants to negotiate their position in Greek society; how food insecurity impacts migrant and refugee communities, and other resource-strained groups; the effect of urban agriculture on food security; and assessment of student learning through community engagement.


  • Greece
  • Identity
  • Memory
  • Migration
European Studies, Russian, International Studies
PhD, Indiana University, Anthropology, 2001
MA, Indiana University, Anthropology, 1995
MA, Indiana University, Classical Archaeology, 1993
BA, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Archaeology and History of Art, 1989