62 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Delta-Flux: An Eddy Covariance Network for a Climate-Smart Lower Mississippi Basin
Runkle, Benjamin R. KRunkle, B.R.K.Rigby, J.R.Rigby, James RReba, Michele LReba, M.L.Anapalli, Saseendran SAnapalli, S.S.Bhattacharjee, JoydeepBhattacharjee, J.Krauss, K.W.Krauss, Ken WLiang, LuLiang, L.Locke, Martin ALocke, M.A.Novick, K.A.Novick, Kimberly ASui, RuixiuSui, R.Suvo?arev, K.Suvočarev, KosanaWhite, P.M. and White, Paul M
ael, vol. 2, (no. 1), 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
Dynamics of stem water uptake among isohydric and anisohydric species experiencing a severe drought.
Yi, KoongDragoni, DaniloPhillips, Richard PRoman, D Tyler and Novick, Kimberly A
Tree physiology, January 5, 2017. | Journal Article
Dynamics of stem water uptake among isohydric and anisohydric species experiencing a severe drought.
Yi, KoongDragoni, DaniloPhillips, Richard PRoman, D Tyler and Novick, Kimberly A
Tree physiology, pp. 1, February 13, 2017. | Journal Article
Evaluating the effect of alternative carbon allocation schemes in a land surface model (CLM4.5) on carbon fluxes, pools and turnover in temperate forests
Montané, FrancescMontané, FrancescMontané, FrancescMac Bean, NatashaFox, Andrew MFox, Andrew M.Fox, Andrew M.Arellano, Avelino FArellano, Avelino F.Arellano, Avelino F.MacBean, NatashaMac Bean, NatashaMacBean, NatashaAlexander, M. RossAlexander, M. RossAlexander, M. RossDye, AlexDye, AlexDye, AlexBishop, Daniel ABishop, Daniel A.Bishop, Daniel A.Trouet, ValerieTrouet, ValerieTrouet, ValerieBabst, FlurinBabst, FlurinBabst, FlurinHessl, Amy E.Hessl, Amy EHessl, Amy E.Pederson, NeilPederson, NeilPederson, NeilBlanken, Peter D.Blanken, Peter D.Blanken, Peter DBohrer, GilBohrer, GilBohrer, GilGough, Christopher M.Gough, Christopher MGough, Christopher M.Litvak, Marcy E.Litvak, Marcy ELitvak, Marcy E.Novick, Kimberly A.Novick, Kimberly A.Novick, Kimberly APhillips, Richard P.Phillips, Richard PPhillips, Richard P.Wood, Jeffrey D.Wood, Jeffrey D.Wood, Jeffrey DMoore, David J. P.Moore, David J. P. and Moore, David J. P
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, pp. 45, 2017-03-21. | Journal Article
Evaluating the effect of alternative carbon allocation schemes in a land surface model (CLM4.5) on carbon fluxes, pools, and turnover in temperate forests
Montané, FrancescMac Bean, NatashaMontane, FrancescMontané, FrancescMontané, FrancescFox, Andrew M.Fox, Andrew M.Fox, Andrew M.Fox, Andrew MArellano, Avelino F.Arellano, Avelino F.Arellano, Avelino F.Arellano, Avelino FMacBean, NatashaMacBean, NatashaMacBean, NatashaMac Bean, NatashaAlexander, M. RossAlexander, M. RossAlexander, M. RossAlexander, M. RossDye, AlexDye, AlexDye, AlexDye, AlexBishop, Daniel ABishop, Daniel A.Bishop, Daniel A.Bishop, Daniel A.Trouet, ValerieTrouet, ValerieTrouet, ValerieTrouet, ValerieBabst, FlurinBabst, FlurinBabst, FlurinBabst, FlurinHessl, Amy E.Hessl, Amy EHessl, Amy E.Hessl, Amy E.Pederson, NeilPederson, NeilPederson, NeilPederson, NeilBlanken, Peter D.Blanken, Peter D.Blanken, Peter D.Blanken, Peter DBohrer, GilBohrer, GilBohrer, GilBohrer, GilGough, Christopher M.Gough, Christopher MGough, Christopher M.Gough, Christopher M.Litvak, Marcy E.Litvak, Marcy E.Litvak, Marcy ELitvak, Marcy E.Novick, Kimberly A.Novick, Kimberly A.Novick, Kimberly ANovick, Kimberly A.Phillips, Richard PPhillips, Richard P.Phillips, Richard P.Phillips, Richard P.Wood, Jeffrey D.Wood, Jeffrey D.Wood, Jeffrey DWood, Jeffrey D.Moore, David J. P.Moore, David J. P.Moore, David J. P. and Moore, David J. P
Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 10, (no. 9), pp. 3517, 2017-09-22. | Journal Article
Evaluation of the VIIRS BRDF, Albedo and NBAR products suite and an assessment of continuity with the long term MODIS record
Liu, YanWang, ZhuosenSun, QingsongErb, Angela MLi, ZhanSchaaf, Crystal BZhang, QuanZhang, XiaoyangRomán, Miguel OScott, Russell LNovick, Kimberly ASyndonia Bret-Harte, MPetroy, Shelley and SanClements, Mike
Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 201, pp. 274, November 2017. | Journal Article
Historic and projected changes in vapor pressure deficit suggest a continental‐scale drying of the United States atmosphere
Ficklin, Darren LFicklin, Darren LNovick, Kimberly A and Novick, Kimberly A
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, vol. 122, (no. 4), pp. 2079, 27 February 2017. | Journal Article
Interacting Effects of Leaf Water Potential and Biomass on Vegetation Optical Depth
Momen, MostafaMomen, MostafaWood, Jeffrey D.Wood, Jeffrey DNovick, Kimberly A.Novick, Kimberly APangle, RobertPangle, RobertPockman, William TPockman, William T.McDowell, Nate GMcDowell, Nate G.Konings, Alexandra G. and Konings, Alexandra G
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol. 122, (no. 11), pp. 3046, 2017-11-00. | Journal Article
Cold air drainage flows subsidize montane valley ecosystem productivity.
Novick, Kimberly AOishi, A Christopher and Miniat, Chelcy Ford
Global change biology, April 15, 2016. | Journal Article
Comparing methods for partitioning a decade of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes in a temperate forest
Sulman, Benjamin NRoman, D. TylerScanlon, Todd MWang, Lixin and Novick, Kimberly A
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 226-227, (no. C), pp. 245, 2016-10-15. | Journal Article
Differential responses of carbon and water vapor fluxes to climate among evergreen needleleaf forests in the USA
Wagle, PradeepWagle, PradeepXiao, XiangmingXiao, XiangmingKolb, ThomasKolb, Thomas ELaw, Beverly ELaw, BeverlyWharton, SoniaWharton, SoniaMonson, RussellMonson, Russell KChen, JiquanChen, JiquanBlanken, PeterBlanken, Peter DNovick, KimberlyNovick, Kimberly ADore, SabinaDore, SabinaothersNoormets, Asko and Gowda, Prasanna
Ecological Processes, vol. 5, (no. 1), pp. 1-17, May 2016. | Journal Article
Drought limitations to leaf-level gas exchange: results from a model linking stomatal optimization and cohesion-tension theory.
Novick, Kimberly AMiniat, Chelcy F and Vose, James M
Plant, cell & environment, vol. 39, (no. 3), pp. 583-596, March 2016. | Journal Article
High atmospheric demand for water can limit forest carbon uptake and transpiration as severely as dry soil
Sulman, Benjamin NSulman, Benjamin NSulman, BNSulman, Benjamin NRoman, D. TylerRoman, D. TylerRoman, D. TylerRoman, DTYi, KoongYi, KoongYi, KoongYi, KWang, LixinWang, LixinWang, LWang, LixinPhillips, Richard PPhillips, Richard PPhillips, Richard PPhillips, RPNovick, Kimberly ANovick, Kimberly ANovick, KA and Novick, Kimberly A
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 43, (no. 18), pp. 9695, 2016-09-28. | Journal Article
Short-term favorable weather conditions are an important control of interannual variability in carbon and water fluxes.
Zscheischler, JakobZscheischler, JakobZscheischler, JakobFatichi, SimoneFatichi, SimoneFatichi, SimoneWolf, SebastianWolf, SebastianWolf, SebastianBlanken, Peter DBlanken, Peter DBlanken, Peter DBohrer, GilBohrer, GilBohrer, GilClark, KennethClark, KennethClark, KennethDesai, Ankur RDesai, Ankur RDesai, Ankur RHollinger, DavidHollinger, DavidHollinger, DavidKeenan, TrevorKeenan, TrevorKeenan, TrevorNovick, Kimberly ANovick, Kimberly ANovick, Kimberly ASeneviratne, Sonia ISeneviratne, Sonia I and Seneviratne, Sonia I
Journal of geophysical research. Biogeosciences, vol. 121, (no. 8), pp. 2186-2198, August 2016. | Journal Article
Soil-plant-atmosphere conditions regulating convective cloud formation above southeastern US pine plantations.
Manoli, GabrieleManoli, GabrieleDomec, Jean-ChristopheDomec, Jean-ChristopheNovick, KimberlyNovick, KimberlyOishi, Andrew ChristopherOishi, Andrew ChristopherNoormets, AskoNoormets, AskoMarani, MarcoMarani, MarcoKatul, Gabriel and Katul, Gabriel
Global change biology, vol. 22, (no. 6), pp. 2238-2254, June 2016. | Journal Article
The increasing importance of atmospheric demand for ecosystem water and carbon fluxes
Novick, Kimberly ANovick, Kimberly ANovick, KimberlyNovick, Kimberly ANovick, K.A.Ficklin, Darren LFicklin, Darren LFicklin, D.L.Ficklin, Darren LFicklin, DarrenStoy, Paul CStoy, P.C.Stoy, Paul CStoy, Paul CStoy, PaulWilliams, Christopher AWilliams, ChristopherWilliams, Christopher AWilliams, C.A.Williams, Christopher ABohrer, GilBohrer, G.Bohrer, GilBohrer, GilBohrer, GilOishi, A ChristopherOishi, A christopherOishi, A christopherOishi, A christopherOishi, A.C.Papuga, Shirley APapuga, ShirleyPapuga, S.A.Papuga, Shirley APapuga, Shirley ABlanken, PeterBlanken, Peter DBlanken, P.D.Blanken, Peter DBlanken, Peter DNoormets, AskoNoormets, A.Noormets, AskoNoormets, AskoNoormets, AskoSulman, Benjamin NSulman, Benjamin NSulman, Benjamin NSulman, BenjaminSulman, B.N.Scott, R.L.othersScott, Russell LScott, RussellScott, Russell LWang, L.Wang, LixinWang, LixinWang, LixinPhillips, R.P.Phillips, RichardPhillips, Richard P and Phillips, Richard P
Nature Climate Change, vol. 6, (no. 11), pp. 1023-1027, Nov 2016. | Journal Article
Water vapor δ(2) H, δ(18) O and δ(17) O measurements using an off-axis integrated cavity output spectrometer - sensitivity to water vapor concentration, delta value and averaging-time.
Tian, ChaoWang, Lixin and Novick, Kimberly A
Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM, August 9, 2016. | Journal Article
On the difference in the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 between deciduous and evergreen forests in the southeastern United States.
Novick, Kimberly AOishi, A ChristopherWard, Eric JSiqueira, Mario B SJuang, Jehn Yih and Stoy, Paul C
Global change biology, vol. 21, (no. 2), pp. 827-842, February 2015. | Journal Article
The role of isohydric and anisohydric species in determining ecosystem-scale response to severe drought.
Roman, D TNovick, K ABrzostek, E RDragoni, DRahman, F and Phillips, R P
Oecologia, vol. 179, (no. 3), pp. 641-654, November 2015. | Journal Article
Characterizing the diurnal patterns of errors in the prediction of evapotranspiration by several land‐surface models: An NACP analysis
Matheny, Ashley MMatheny, A.M.Matheny, A.M.Bohrer, G.Bohrer, G.Bohrer, GilStoy, Paul CStoy, P.C.Stoy, P.C.Baker, I.T.Baker, Ian TBaker, I.T.Black, A.T.Black, Andy TBlack, A.T.Desai, A.R.Desai, Ankur RDesai, A.R.Dietze, M.C.Dietze, Michael CDietze, M.C.Gough, Chris MGough, C.M.Gough, C.M.Ivanov, V.Y.Ivanov, V.Y.Ivanov, Valeriy YJassal, Rachhpal SJassal, R.S.Jassal, R.S.Novick, Kimberly ANovick, K.A.Novick, K.A.Schäfer, Karina V. RSchäfer, K.V.R.Schäfer, K.V.R.Verbeeck, H.Verbeeck, H. and Verbeeck, Hans
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol. 119, (no. 7), pp. 1473, July 2014. | Journal Article
Erratum to “Sensitivity of stand transpiration to wind velocity in a mixed broadleaved deciduous forest” [Agric. Forest Meteorol. 187 (2014) 62–71]
Kim, DohyoungOren, RamOishi, A. ChristopherHsieh, Cheng-IPhillips, NathanNovick, Kimberly A and Stoy, Paul C
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 192-193, pp. 41, 2014-07-15. | Journal Article
Sensitivity of stand transpiration to wind velocity in a mixed broadleaved deciduous forest
Kim, DohyoungOren, RamOishi, A. ChristopherHsieh, Cheng-IPhillips, NathanNovick, Kimberly A and Stoy, Paul C
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 187, pp. 71, 2014-04-15. | Journal Article
The Role of Vegetation on the Ecosystem Radiative Entropy Budget and Trends Along Ecological Succession
Stoy, PaulStoy, Paul CLin, HuaLin, HuaNovick, KimberlyNovick, Kimberly ASiqueira, Mario BSiqueira, MarioJuang, Jehn-Yih and Juang, Jehn Yih
Entropy, vol. 16, (no. 7), pp. 3710-3731, 2014. | Journal Article
EO-1 Hyperion Reflectance Time Series at Calibration and Validation Sites: Stability and Sensitivity to Seasonal Dynamics
Novick, KimberlyHuemmrich, KarlThome, KurtMiddleton, ElizabethCampbell, PetyaBrunsell, NathanielLagomasino, DavidKokaly, RaymondCampbell, P.K.E.Middleton, E.M.Thome, K.J.Kokaly, R.F.Huemmrich, K.F.Lagomasino, D.Novick, K.A. and Brunsell, N.A.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 276, 20130513. | Journal Article
EO-1 Hyperion Reflectance Time Series at Calibration and Validation Sites: Stability and Sensitivity to Seasonal Dynamics
Campbell, PetyaMiddleton, ElizabethThome, KurtKokaly, RaymondHuemmrich, KarlLagomasino, DavidNovick, Kimberly and Brunsell, Nathaniel
NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI). Journal Articles, 20130513. | Journal Article