4 Grants
AccelNet-Implementation: FLUXNET Coordination to Understand Ecosystem Function through Continuous Observations of Ecosystem-Atmosphere Interactions
Moore, DavidKeenan, Trevor and Novick, Kimberly
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office Of The Director, Office Of Internatl Science &Engineering (ID: 2113978), $1,983,930USD, 2022-01-01 -- 2026-12-31
DISES: Socio-environmental dynamics determining the climate mitigation and adaptation potential of midwestern US agroecosystems
Tank, JenniferNovick, KimberlyYoder, LandonBarnes, Mallory and Suttles, Shellye
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Biological Sciences, Division Of Environmental Biology (ID: 2206086), $1,598,634USD, 2022-10-01 -- 2026-09-30
Collaborative Research: The coordinated structural and physiological responses of trees to water stress: an organismal approach
Phillips, Richard and Novick, Kimberly
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Biological Sciences, Division Of Integrative Organismal Systems (ID: 2006196), $393,585USD, 2020-07-01 -- 2023-06-30
CAREER: A network-oriented research and education plan to explore links between forest cover and temperature in the eastern United States
Novick, Kimberly
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Biological Sciences, Division Of Environmental Biology (ID: 1552747), $134,321USD, 03/01/2016 -- 02/28/2021