
Research Interests:

  • Comparative religious ethics
  • Philosophy of religions
  • Christian thought and ethics
  • Chinese religious thought
  • Moral philosophy

I study ethics, political theory, and philosophy of religion, with serious attention to both Chinese and Western theories and practices.

My current primary research project aims to develop a general theory of religious ethics, incorporating early Chinese insights into the idea of a dao or path that people are taught to follow, and merging these with contemporary theories of social action, the uses and abuses of power, and human subjectivity and agency.

Research Areas:

  • Comparative religious ethics; philosophy of religions (theistic, non-theistic, and comparative); Chinese thought; Christian thought; moral philosophy; theories of religion
Language Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, Religious Studies, Japanese
PhD, Brown University, Religious Studies, 2001
AM, Brown University, Religious Studies, 1997
AB, Stanford University, Philosophy and Religious Studies, 1991