22 Publications
Consequences of magnetic ordering in chiral Mn1/3NbS2
Karna, Sunil KWomack, F. NChapai, RYoung, D. PMarshall, MXie, WeiweiGraf, DWu, YanCao, HuiboDeBeer-Schmitt, LAdams, P. WJin, R and DiTusa, J. F
Physical review. B, vol. 100, (no. 18), Nov 2019. | Journal Article
Fermi surface, possible unconventional fermions, and unusually robust resistive critical fields in the chiral-structured superconductor AuBe
Rebar, Drew JBirnbaum, Serena MSingleton, JohnKhan, MojammelBall, J. CAdams, P. WChan, Julia YYoung, D. PBrowne, Dana A and DiTusa, J. F
Physical review. B, vol. 99, (no. 9), Mar 21, 2019. | Journal Article
Flat-band magnetism and helical magnetic order in Ni-doped SrCo2As2
Li, YuLiu, ZhonghaoXu, ZhuangSong, YuHuang, YaoboShen, DaweiMa, NiLi, AngChi, SongxueFrontzek, MatthiasCao, HuiboHuang, QingzhenWang, WeiyiXie, YaofengZhang, RuiRong, YanShelton, William AYoung, David PDiTusa, J F and Dai, Pengcheng
Physical review. B, vol. 100, (no. 9), Sep 2019. | Journal Article
Influence of magnetism on Dirac semimetallic behavior in nonstoichiometric Sr1−yMn1−zSb2(y∼0.07,z∼0.02)
Zhang, QiangOkamoto, SatoshiStone, Matthew BLiu, JinyuZhu, YanglinDiTusa, JohnMao, Zhiqiang and Tennant, David A
Physical review. B, vol. 100, (no. 20), Nov 2019. | Journal Article
Organophilic, Superparamagnetic, and Reversibly Thermoresponsive Silica-Polypeptide Core–Shell Particles
Turksen-Selcuk, SibelTurksen-Selcuk, SibelRosu, CorneliaRosu, CorneliaBlake, AlyssaBlake, AlyssaSoto-Cantu, ErickSoto-Cantu, ErickQiu, JianhongQiu, JianhongWu, YanWu, YanDiTusa, JFDiTusa, J. FSteffens, AmandaSteffens, AmandaRusso, Paul S and Russo, Paul S
Langmuir, vol. 35, (no. 44), pp. 14248-14257, Nov 5, 2019. | Journal Article
Unpinning the skyrmion lattice in MnSi: Effect of substitutional disorder
Dhital, CDeBeer-Schmitt, LYoung, D. P and DiTusa, J. F
Physical review. B, vol. 99, (no. 2), Jan 2019. | Journal Article
Doping-induced magnetism in the semiconducting B20 compound RuGe
Khan, Mojammel AYoung, D. PAdams, P. WBrowne, DGautreau, D. MPhelan, W. ACao, Huibo and DiTusa, J. F
Mar 15, 2018. | Journal Article
Spin density wave instability in a ferromagnet
Wu, YanNing, ZhenhuaCao, HuiboCao, GuixinBenavides, Katherine AKarna, SMcCandless, Gregory TJin, RChan, Julia YShelton, W A and DiTusa, J F
Scientific reports, vol. 8, (no. 1), pp. 5225-8, Mar 27, 2018. | Journal Article
A magnetic topological semimetal Sr1−yMn1−zSb2 (y, z < 0.1)
Liu, J. Y.Liu, J. YHu, J.Hu, JZhang, QZhang, Q.Graf, D.Graf, DCao, H. B.Cao, H. BRadmanesh, S. MRadmanesh, S. M. A.Adams, D. JAdams, D. J.Zhu, Y. L.Zhu, Y. LCheng, G. FCheng, G. F.Cheng, G. F.Liu, X.Liu, XPhelan, W. APhelan, W. A.Wei, J.Wei, JJaime, MJaime, M.Balakirev, F.Balakirev, FTennant, D. A.Tennant, D. ADiTusa, J. FDiTusa, J. F.Chiorescu, I.Chiorescu, ISpinu, LSpinu, L.Mao, Z. Q. and Mao, Z. Q
Nature materials, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. 905-910, Sep 1, 2017. | Journal Article
Effect of negative chemical pressure on the prototypical itinerant magnet MnSi
Dhital, CKhan, M. ASaghayezhian, MPhelan, W. AYoung, D. PJin, R. Y and DiTusa, J. F
Physical review. B, vol. 95, (no. 2), Jan 2017. | Journal Article
Electrical anisotropy and coexistence of structural transitions and superconductivity in IrTe2
Cao, GuixinXie, WeiweiPhelan, W. ADiTusa, J. F and Jin, Rongying
Physical review. B, vol. 95, (no. 3), Jan 2017. | Journal Article
Exploring the origins of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in MnSi
Dhital, CDeBeer-Schmitt, LZhang, QXie, WYoung, D. P and DiTusa, J. F
Physical review. B, vol. 96, (no. 21), Dec 2017. | Journal Article
Quantum oscillations and a non-trivial Berry phase in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor BiPd
Khan, Mojammel AGraf, D. EBrowne, DVekhter, IDiTusa, J. FPhelan, W. A and Young, D. P
Jul 14, 2017. | Journal Article
Competing magnetic states, disorder, and the magnetic character ofFe3Ga4
Mendez, J. HEkuma, C. EWu, YFulfer, B. WPrestigiacomo, J. CShelton, W. AJarrell, MMoreno, JYoung, D. PAdams, P. WKarki, AJin, RChan, Julia Y and DiTusa, J. F
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 91, (no. 14), Apr 2015. | Journal Article
Investigation of Mn, Fe, and Ni Incorporation in CeCo2Al8
Treadwell, LaRico JTreadwell, L. J.Watkins-Curry, P.Watkins-Curry, PilandaMcAlpin, J. D.McAlpin, Jacob DRebar, D. J.Rebar, Drew JHebert, Jessica KHebert, J. K.DiTusa, John FDiTusa, J. F.Chan, J. Y. and Chan, Julia Y
Inorganic chemistry, vol. 54, (no. 3), pp. 963-968, Feb 2, 2015. | Journal Article
Discovery of the Griffiths phase in the itinerant magnetic semiconductor Fe1-xCoxS2.
Guo, S.Guo, SuYoung, D PYoung, D. P.Macaluso, RobinMacaluso, R. T.Browne, D. A.Browne, D AHenderson, N. L.Henderson, N LChan, J YChan, J. Y.Henry, L. L.Henry, Laurence LDiTusa, John and DiTusa, J. F.
Physical review letters, vol. 100, (no. 1), pp. 017209, 2008/Jan/11. | Journal Article
Doping a semiconductor to create an unconventional metal
Manyala, Ncholu IDiTusa, JohnAeppli, G and Ramirez, A P
Nature, vol. 454, (no. 7207), pp. 976-80, Aug 21, 2008. | Journal Article
Mesoscopic Phase Coherence in a Quantum Spin Fluid
Xu, GuangyongBroholm, Collin LSoh, Yeong AhAeppli, G.DiTusa, JohnChen, YingKenzelmann, M.Frost, C. DIto, T.Oka, K. and Takagi, H.
Science, vol. 317, (no. 5841), pp. 1049-1052, Aug 24, 2007. | Journal Article
Large anomalous Hall effect in a silicon-based magnetic semiconductor
Manyala, Ncholu ISidis, YvanDiTusa, JohnAeppli, GabrielYoung, David P and Fisk, Zachary
Nature Materials, vol. 3, (no. 4), pp. 255-262, Apr 2004. | Journal Article
Structure of end states for a Haldane spin chain.
Kenzelmann, MXu, GuangyongZaliznyak, IgorBroholm, Collin LDiTusa, JohnAeppli, GIto, TOka, K and Takagi, H
Physical review letters, vol. 90, (no. 8), pp. 087202, 2003/Feb/28. | Journal Article
Magnetoresistance from quantum interference effects in ferromagnets
Manyala, Ncholu ISidis, Y.DiTusa, JohnAeppli, G.Young, D. P and Fisk, Z.
Nature, vol. 404, (no. 6778), pp. 581-584, 2000. | Journal Article
The investigation of phonon dimensionality effects on the electron-phonon scattering rate (Dissertation)
DiTusa, John (1992).