83 Publications (Page 1 of 4)
Creating Tools to Assess Students’ Achievement of Computational Learning Objectives in Undergraduate Physics
Preliminary efforts to evaluate an initiative introducing computation across the undergraduate physics curriculum
Gavrin, A.Vemuri, G. and Maric, D.
(pp. 141-146)
Physics students? reactions to an abrupt shift in instruction during the covid-19 pandemic
Gavrin, A.
(pp. 167-172)
Quantifying the linguistic persistence of high and low performers in an online student forum
Myers, C.Fox, E.Traxler, A. and Gavrin, A.
(pp. 402-407)
Content analysis of instructor tools for building a learning community
Myers, C.Traxler, A. and Gavrin, A.
Networks identify productive forum discussions
Traxler, A.Gavrin, A. and Lindell, R.
Physical Review Physics Education Research, vol. 14. | Journal Article
Talking by the numbers: Networks identify productive forum discussions
Traxler, .A.Gavrin, .A. and Lindell, .R.
Connecting students’ homework to their participation in a course-based social network
Gavrin, A. and Lindell, R.S.
Engaging students in a large-Enrollment physics class using an academically focused social media Platform
Gavrin, A. and Lindell, R.
Physics Teacher, vol. 55, pp. 176-179. | Journal Article
Central Indiana STEM Talent Expansion Program: Student and faculty interventions
Hundley, S.P.Feldhaus, C.R.Watt, J.X.Marrs, K.A.Gavrin, A. and Mzumara, H.
(pp. 1163-1167)
Respecting our students
Gavrin, A.
Physics Teacher, vol. 53, pp. 412-414. | Journal Article
Supporting STEM education: Reflections of the central Indiana talent expansion project
Bunu-Ncube, L.Watt, J.X.Mzumara, H.Feldhaus, C.R.Gavrin, A.D.Hundley, S.P. and Marrs, K.A.
(pp. 153-175)
Using Mini‐Grants to Create Sustained Faculty Buy‐In for Student‐Centered Pedagogy and Assessment in STEM Foundation Courses
Feldhaus, Charles RFeldhaus, Charles RFeldhaus, Charles RFeldhaus, Charles RBunu‐Ncube, Lisa GBunu‐Ncube, Lisa GBunu‐Ncube, Lisa GBunu‐Ncube, Lisa GMzumara, Howard RMzumara, Howard RMzumara, Howard RMzumara, Howard RWatt, Jeffery XavierWatt, Jeffery XavierWatt, Jeffery XavierWatt, Jeffery XavierHundley, Stephen PHundley, Stephen PHundley, Stephen PHundley, Stephen PMarrs, Kathleen AMarrs, Kathleen AMarrs, Kathleen AMarrs, Kathleen AGavrin, Andrew DGavrin, Andrew DGavrin, Andrew D and Gavrin, Andrew D
Assessment Update, vol. 27, (no. 2), pp. 14, March/April 2015. | Journal Article
The effects of implementing recitation activities on success rates in a college calculus course
Watt, Jeffrey XavierWatt, Jeffrey XavierWatt, Jeffrey XavierFeldhaus, Charles RFeldhaus, Charles RFeldhaus, Charles RSorge, Brandon HSorge, Brandon HSorge, Brandon HFore, Grant AFore, Grant AFore, Grant AGavrin, Andrew DGavrin, Andrew DGavrin, Andrew DMarrs, Kathleen AMarrs, Kathleen A and Marrs, Kathleen A
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, vol. 14, (no. 4), pp. 17, 2014-08-01. | Journal Article
Developing a STEM talent expansion pipeline in higher education: A work-in-progress
Hundley, S.P.Feldhaus, C.Watt, J.X.Marrs, K. and Gavrin, A.
Magnetic properties of iron nanoparticle
Carvell, J.Carvell, JCarvell, J.Ayieta, E.Ayieta, EAyieta, E.Gavrin, A.Gavrin, AGavrin, A.Cheng, R.Cheng, RuihuaCheng, RuihuaShah, VShah, V.R.Shah, V. R.Sokol, PSokol, P. and Sokol, P.
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 107. | Journal Article
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Unguris, J.Kelley, M.H.Gavrin, A.Celotta, R.J.Pierce, D.T. and Scheinfein, M.R.
(pp. 539-561)
Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA)
Unguris, J.Kelley, M.H.Gavrin, A.Celotta, R.J.Pierce, D.T. and Scheinfein, M.R.
(pp. 735-749)
Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA)
Unguris, J.Kelley, M.H.Gavrin, A.Celotta, R.J.Pierce, D.T. and Scheinfein, M.R.
(pp. 735-749)
Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA)
Unguris, J.Kelley, M.H.Gavrin, A.Celotta, R.J.Pierce, D.T. and Scheinfein, M.R.
(pp. 483-497)
Effect of varying sputtering parameters on the observation of magnetic domains using high-resolution Bitter microscopy technique
Shah, P. and Gavrin, A.
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 99. | Journal Article
Synthesis of nanoparticles using high-pressure sputtering for magnetic domain imaging
Shah, P. and Gavrin, A.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 301, pp. 118-123. | Journal Article
Special session - Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT): Using online exercises to enhance classroom learning
Gavrin, A.Cashman, E.M. and Eschenbach, E.A.
Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT): Using the web to enhance classroom learning
Gavrin, A.Watt, J.X.Marrs, K. and Blake Jr., R.E.
Computers in Education Journal, vol. 14, pp. 51-60. | Journal Article
Just-in-time teaching (JiTT): Using the web to enhance classroom learning
Gavrin, A.Watt, J.X.Marrs, K. and Blake, R.E.
(pp. 129-141)