83 Publications (Page 1 of 4)
Creating Tools to Assess Students’ Achievement of Computational Learning Objectives in Undergraduate Physics
Preliminary efforts to evaluate an initiative introducing computation across the undergraduate physics curriculumGavrin, A.⋅Vemuri, G. and Maric, D.(pp. 141-146)
Physics students? reactions to an abrupt shift in instruction during the covid-19 pandemicGavrin, A.(pp. 167-172)
Quantifying the linguistic persistence of high and low performers in an online student forumMyers, C.⋅Fox, E.⋅Traxler, A. and Gavrin, A.(pp. 402-407)
Content analysis of instructor tools for building a learning communityMyers, C.⋅Traxler, A. and Gavrin, A.
Networks identify productive forum discussions
Traxler, A.⋅Gavrin, A. and Lindell, R.
Physical Review Physics Education Research, vol. 14. | Journal Article
Talking by the numbers: Networks identify productive forum discussionsTraxler, .A.⋅Gavrin, .A. and Lindell, .R.
Connecting students’ homework to their participation in a course-based social networkGavrin, A. and Lindell, R.S.
Engaging students in a large-Enrollment physics class using an academically focused social media Platform
Gavrin, A. and Lindell, R.
Physics Teacher, vol. 55, pp. 176-179. | Journal Article
Central Indiana STEM Talent Expansion Program: Student and faculty interventionsHundley, S.P.⋅Feldhaus, C.R.⋅Watt, J.X.⋅Marrs, K.A.⋅Gavrin, A. and Mzumara, H.(pp. 1163-1167)
Respecting our students
Gavrin, A.
Physics Teacher, vol. 53, pp. 412-414. | Journal Article
Supporting STEM education: Reflections of the central Indiana talent expansion projectBunu-Ncube, L.⋅Watt, J.X.⋅Mzumara, H.⋅Feldhaus, C.R.⋅Gavrin, A.D.⋅Hundley, S.P. and Marrs, K.A.(pp. 153-175)
Using Mini‐Grants to Create Sustained Faculty Buy‐In for Student‐Centered Pedagogy and Assessment in STEM Foundation CoursesFeldhaus, Charles R⋅Feldhaus, Charles R⋅Feldhaus, Charles R⋅Feldhaus, Charles R⋅Bunu‐Ncube, Lisa G⋅Bunu‐Ncube, Lisa G⋅Bunu‐Ncube, Lisa G⋅Bunu‐Ncube, Lisa G⋅Mzumara, Howard R⋅Mzumara, Howard R⋅Mzumara, Howard R⋅Mzumara, Howard R⋅Watt, Jeffery Xavier⋅Watt, Jeffery Xavier⋅Watt, Jeffery Xavier⋅Watt, Jeffery Xavier⋅Hundley, Stephen P⋅Hundley, Stephen P⋅Hundley, Stephen P⋅Hundley, Stephen P⋅Marrs, Kathleen A⋅Marrs, Kathleen A⋅Marrs, Kathleen A⋅Marrs, Kathleen A⋅Gavrin, Andrew D⋅Gavrin, Andrew D⋅Gavrin, Andrew D and Gavrin, Andrew DAssessment Update, vol. 27, (no. 2), pp. 14, March/April 2015.
| Journal Article
The effects of implementing recitation activities on success rates in a college calculus courseWatt, Jeffrey Xavier⋅Watt, Jeffrey Xavier⋅Watt, Jeffrey Xavier⋅Feldhaus, Charles R⋅Feldhaus, Charles R⋅Feldhaus, Charles R⋅Sorge, Brandon H⋅Sorge, Brandon H⋅Sorge, Brandon H⋅Fore, Grant A⋅Fore, Grant A⋅Fore, Grant A⋅Gavrin, Andrew D⋅Gavrin, Andrew D⋅Gavrin, Andrew D⋅Marrs, Kathleen A⋅Marrs, Kathleen A and Marrs, Kathleen AJournal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, vol. 14, (no. 4), pp. 17, 2014-08-01.
| Journal Article
Developing a STEM talent expansion pipeline in higher education: A work-in-progressHundley, S.P.⋅Feldhaus, C.⋅Watt, J.X.⋅Marrs, K. and Gavrin, A.
Magnetic properties of iron nanoparticleCarvell, J.⋅Carvell, J⋅Carvell, J.⋅Ayieta, E.⋅Ayieta, E⋅Ayieta, E.⋅Gavrin, A.⋅Gavrin, A⋅Gavrin, A.⋅Cheng, R.⋅Cheng, Ruihua⋅Cheng, Ruihua⋅Shah, V⋅Shah, V.R.⋅Shah, V. R.⋅Sokol, P⋅Sokol, P. and Sokol, P.Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 107.
| Journal Article
Scanning Electron MicroscopyUnguris, J.⋅Kelley, M.H.⋅Gavrin, A.⋅Celotta, R.J.⋅Pierce, D.T. and Scheinfein, M.R.(pp. 539-561)
Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA)Unguris, J.⋅Kelley, M.H.⋅Gavrin, A.⋅Celotta, R.J.⋅Pierce, D.T. and Scheinfein, M.R.(pp. 735-749)
Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA)Unguris, J.⋅Kelley, M.H.⋅Gavrin, A.⋅Celotta, R.J.⋅Pierce, D.T. and Scheinfein, M.R.(pp. 735-749)
Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA)Unguris, J.⋅Kelley, M.H.⋅Gavrin, A.⋅Celotta, R.J.⋅Pierce, D.T. and Scheinfein, M.R.(pp. 483-497)
Effect of varying sputtering parameters on the observation of magnetic domains using high-resolution Bitter microscopy technique
Shah, P. and Gavrin, A.
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 99. | Journal Article
Synthesis of nanoparticles using high-pressure sputtering for magnetic domain imaging
Shah, P. and Gavrin, A.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 301, pp. 118-123. | Journal Article
Special session - Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT): Using online exercises to enhance classroom learningGavrin, A.⋅Cashman, E.M. and Eschenbach, E.A.
Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT): Using the web to enhance classroom learning
Gavrin, A.⋅Watt, J.X.⋅Marrs, K. and Blake Jr., R.E.
Computers in Education Journal, vol. 14, pp. 51-60. | Journal Article
Just-in-time teaching (JiTT): Using the web to enhance classroom learningGavrin, A.⋅Watt, J.X.⋅Marrs, K. and Blake, R.E.(pp. 129-141)