
The tectonic evolution of convergent margins. Research projects generally use the techniques of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary petrology to gain insight into the environments of mineral and rock formation. Detailed geochronologic studies using multiple isotope systems are crucial to success in this type of approach. Student projects involve field mapping followed by detailed geochemical, isotopic and mineralogic analysis of rock suites.

Past Affiliations

Research Assistant, Geological Sciences, University of Southern California (past)

Consulting Geologist, Cyprus Minerals Company

Research Geologist, Cyprus Minerals Company

Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, School of Science, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Academic Affairs, Academic and Research Units, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Geology, Geology
PhD, University of Southern California, Geological Sciences, 1989
MS, California State University, Los Angeles, Geology, 1985
BS, California State University, Los Angeles, Geology, 1981
earth sciences geochemistry geology mineralogy petrology tectonics isotope geochemistry geodynamics