25 Publications
Can type 2 diabetes be reversed and how can this best be achieved? James Lind Alliance research priority number one
Taylor, RTaylor, RBarnes, A. C and Barnes, A. C
Diabetic Medicine, vol. 36, (no. 3), pp. 315, March 2019. | Journal Article
‘The Brick’ is not a brick: a comprehensive study of the structure and dynamics of the central molecular zone cloud G0.253+0.016
Henshaw, J DHenshaw, J DGinsburg, AGinsburg, AHaworth, T JHaworth, T JLongmore, S NLongmore, S NKruijssen, J M DKruijssen, J M DMills, E A CMills, E A CSokolov, VSokolov, VWalker, D LWalker, D LBarnes, A TBarnes, A TContreras, YContreras, YBally, JBally, JBattersby, CBattersby, CBeuther, HBeuther, HButterfield, NButterfield, NDale, J EDale, J EHenning, THenning, TJackson, J MJackson, J MKauffmann, JKauffmann, JPillai, TPillai, TRagan, SRagan, SRiener, MRiener, MZhang, Q and Zhang, Q
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 485, (no. 2), pp. 2485, 2019-02-07. | Journal Article
Views, experience and adherence among pregnant women with gestational diabetes participating in a weight loss study (WELLBABE)
McParlin, CMcParlin, CHodson, KHodson, KBarnes, A. CBarnes, A. CTaylor, RTaylor, RRobson, S. CRobson, S. CAraujo‐Soares, V and Araujo‐Soares, V
Diabetic Medicine, vol. 36, (no. 2), pp. 202, February 2019. | Journal Article
Young massive star cluster formation in the Galactic Centre is driven by global gravitational collapse of high-mass molecular clouds
Barnes, A TLongmore, S NAvison, AContreras, YGinsburg, AHenshaw, J DRathborne, J MWalker, D LAlves, JBally, JBattersby, CBeltrán, M TBeuther, HGaray, GGomez, LJackson, JKainulainen, JKruijssen, J M DLu, XMills, E A COtt, J and Peters, T
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 486, (no. 1), pp. 303, 2019-06-11. | Journal Article
Better together: Investigating the holistic benefits of father–daughter co-physical activity with mediation analyses
Morgan, PYoung, MLubans, DBarnes, AEather, N and Pollock, E
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, vol. 21, pp. S13, November 2018. | Journal Article
NaOH-assisted direct reduction of Ring of Fire chromite ores, and the associated implications for processing
Sokhanvaran, SPaktunc, D and Barnes, A
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, vol. 118, (no. 6), 2018-00-00. | Journal Article
International outbreak of multiple Salmonella serotype infections linked to sprouted chia seed powder – USA and Canada, 2013–2014
Harvey, R RHeiman Marshall, K EBurnworth, LHamel, MTataryn, JCutler, JMeghnath, KWellman, AIrvin, KIsaac, LChau, KLocas, AKohl, JHuth, P ANicholas, DTraphagen, ESoto, KMank, LHolmes-Talbot, KNeedham, MBarnes, AAdcock, BHonish, LChui, LTaylor, MGaulin, CBekal, SWarshawsky, BHobbs, LTschetter, L RSurin, ALance, SWise, M EWilliams, I and Gieraltowski, L
Epidemiology and infection, vol. 145, (no. 8), pp. 1544, 2017-06-00. | Journal Article
Multistate outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections linked to whole apples used in commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples: United States, 2014–2015
Angelo, K MConrad, A RSaupe, ADragoo, HWest, NSorenson, ABarnes, ADoyle, MBeal, JJackson, K AStroika, STarr, CKucerova, ZLance, SGould, L HWise, M and Jackson, B R
Epidemiology and infection, vol. 145, (no. 5), pp. 856, 2017-04-00. | Journal Article
Goodwin, J and Barnes, A
Innovation in Aging, vol. 1, (no. suppl_1), pp. 750, 2017-07-01. | Journal Article
Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the ‘Mothers and Daughters Exercising (M.A.D.E.) 4 Life’ pilot randomized controlled trial
Barnes, ACollins, CPlotnikoff, R and Morgan, P
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, vol. 18, pp. e123, 2014. | Journal Article
G150(P) Determining effective practices of referring HIV positive teenagers to a third sector support service
Forbes, K and Barnes, A
Archives of Disease in Childhood, vol. 99, (no. Suppl 1), pp. A67, 20140400. | Journal Article
Speed of facial affect intensity recognition as an endophenotype of first-episode psychosis and associated limbic-cortical grey matter systems
Dean, A. MDean, AnnaGoodby, EGoodby, E.Ooi, COoi, C.Nathan, P. JNathan, PradeepLennox, B. RLennox, BelindaScoriels, LindaScoriels, LShabbir, S.Shabbir, SSuckling, JSuckling, JohnJones, Peter BJones, P. BBullmore, E. TBullmore, Ed TBarnes, A and Barnes, Anna
Psychological Medicine, vol. 43, (no. 3), pp. 12, 20120620. | Journal Article
Assessment of the functionality of genome‐wide canine SNP arrays and implications for canine disease association studies
Ke, XKe, XKennedy, Lorna JKennedy, L. JShort, A. DShort, Andrea DSeppälä, E. HSeppälä, E HBarnes, ABarnes, AClements, D. NClements, D NWood, S. HWood, S HCarter, S. DCarter, S DHapp, George MHapp, G. MLohi, HLohi, HOllier, W. E. R and Ollier, Bill
Animal Genetics, vol. 42, (no. 2), pp. 190, April 2011. | Journal Article
Adaptation to increasing severity of phoma stem canker on winter oilseed rape in the UK under climate change
The Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 148, (no. 6), pp. 694, 20101201. | Journal Article
Implementing Presidential Policy Agendas Administratively: A View from the Inside
Barnes, A. and Barnes, A.
Public Administration Review, vol. 69, (no. 4), pp. 594, 20090701. | Journal Article
Transplants in Foreign Countries Among Patients Removed from the US Transplant Waiting List
Merion, R.Merion, Robert MMerion, R.Barnes, A.Barnes, A.Barnes, A DLin, MLin, MLin, MAshby, V.Ashby, V BAshby, V.McBride, VMcBride, VMcBride, VOrtiz-Rios, EOrtiz-Rios, EOrtiz-Rios, EWelch, J.Welch, J CWelch, J.Levine, G.Levine, G NLevine, G.Port, F KPort, F.Port, F.Burdick, JBurdick, J and Burdick, J
American Journal of Transplantation, vol. 8, (no. 4p2), pp. 996, April 2008. | Journal Article
A detection of the donor star of Aquila X-1 during its 2004 outburst?
Cornelisse, RCasares, JSteeghs, DBarnes, A. DCharles, P. AHynes, R. I and O'Brien, K
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 375, (no. 4), pp. 1470, 20070011. | Journal Article
Early investigation and initiation of therapy for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in leukaemic and bone marrow transplant patients.
Barnes, A JOppenheim, B AChang, JMorgenstern, G R and Scarffe, J H
Mycoses, vol. 42, (no. 5-6), pp. 403-408, 1999. | Journal Article
Creating a Niche for the Environment in the Business School
Barnes, A. J and Ferry, Janice K
Business Horizons, vol. 35, (no. 2), pp. 3, Mar/Apr 1992. | Journal Article
Loss of diabetic control and increased protein glycosylation following minor intercurrent infections.
Haitas, BBarnes, A JMoore, J C and Turner, R C
Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association, vol. 2, (no. 1), pp. 23-26, January 1985. | Journal Article
Filterability and vascular disease--I. Red cell filterability in diabetes mellitus: its relation to other methods of measuring deformability and to blood viscosity.
Oughton, J and Barnes, A J
Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation. Supplementum, vol. 156, pp. 151-154, 1981. | Journal Article
Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the dog: a survey from practices in the Kent region BSAVA.
Barnes, A J
The Journal of small animal practice, vol. 18, (no. 1), pp. 55-59, January 1977. | Journal Article
Controversy and trends in medical education. Report of the 8th annual Conference on Research on Medical Education.
Barnes, A JChappell, W GDarnell, R EWilliams, M and Jason, H
(pp. 677-679). December 1970
Tax treatment of condemnation proceeds: an analysis and some proposals for reform
Barnes, A. J and Small, Jonathan A
Harvard Journal on Legislation, vol. 4, pp. 325-366, 1967. | Journal Article
A note on the alkaloids of Vinca rosea Linn. (Catharanthus roseus G. Don.). II. Catharanthine, lochnericine, vindolinine, and vindoline.
Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association, vol. 48, (no. 4), pp. 256-257, April 1959. | Journal Article