110 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Probing Anion–Molecule Complexes of Atmospheric Relevance Using Anion Photoelectron Detachment SpectroscopyJarrold, Caroline ChickACS Physical Chemistry Au, vol. 3, pp. 17–29.
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Virtual Issue on Experiment–Theory Synergies in the Study of Metal and Metal-Containing ClustersAikens, Christine M. and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 127, pp. 3–5.
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Identification of Stable Perfluorocarbons Formed by Hyperthermal Decomposition of Graphite Fluoride Using Anion Photoelectron SpectroscopyWilliams, Brett A⋅Siedle, A. R and Jarrold, Caroline CJournal of physical chemistry. C, vol. 126, (no. 23), pp. 9965-9978, Jun 16, 2022.
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Autodetachment over Broad Photon Energy Ranges in the Anion Photoelectron Spectra of [O2– M ]− ( M = Glyoxal, Methylglyoxal, or Biacetyl) Complex AnionsDobulis, Marissa A⋅McGee, Conor J⋅Sommerfeld, Thomas and Jarrold, Caroline CThe journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory, vol. 125, (no. 41), pp. 9128-9142, Oct 21, 2021.
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Identification of Isoprene Oxidation Reaction Products via Anion Photoelectron SpectroscopyDobulis, Marissa A⋅Thompson, Michael C and Jarrold, Caroline CThe journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory, vol. 125, (no. 46), pp. 10089-10102, Nov 25, 2021.
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Lanthanide Oxides: From Diatomics to High-Spin, Strongly Correlated Homo- and Heterometallic ClustersHuizenga, Caleb⋅Hratchian, Hrant P and Jarrold, Caroline CThe journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory, vol. 125, (no. 29), pp. 6315-6331, Jul 29, 2021.
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More than little fragments of matter: Electronic and molecular structures of clustersMason, Jarrett L⋅Folluo, Carley N and Jarrold, Caroline CThe Journal of chemical physics, vol. 154, (no. 20), pp. 200901, May 28, 2021.
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New Photoelectron–Valence Electron Interactions Evident in the Photoelectron Spectrum of Gd2OMason, Jarrett L⋅Harb, Hassan⋅Abou Taka, Ali⋅Huizenga, Caleb D⋅Corzo, Hector H⋅Hratchian, Hrant P and Jarrold, Caroline CThe journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory, vol. 125, (no. 45), pp. 9892-9903, Nov 18, 2021.
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Photoelectron Spectra of Gd2O2 – and Nonmonotonic Photon-Energy-Dependent Variations in Populations of Close-Lying Neutral StatesMason, Jarrett L⋅Harb, Hassan⋅Taka, Ali A⋅McMahon, Abbey J⋅Huizenga, Caleb D⋅Corzo, Hector⋅Hratchian, Hrant P and Jarrold, Caroline CThe journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory, vol. 125, (no. 3), pp. 857-866, Jan 28, 2021.
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Synthesis and Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon MaterialsWilliams, Brett A⋅Dobulis, Marissa A⋅Losovyj, Yaroslav⋅Werner-Zwanziger, Ulrike⋅Siedle, A. R and Jarrold, Caroline CJournal of physical chemistry. C, vol. 125, (no. 2), pp. 1570-1577, Jan 21, 2021.
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Emerging Nonvalence Anion States of [Isoprene-H·]·H 2 O Accessed via Detachment of OH - ·IsopreneDobulis, Marissa A⋅Thompson, Michael C⋅Patros, Kellyn M⋅Sommerfeld, Thomas and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 124, (no. 11), pp. 2279, 2020-Mar-19.
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Emerging Nonvalence Anion States of [Isoprene-H·]·H2O Accessed via Detachment of OH–·IsopreneDobulis, Marissa A⋅Thompson, Michael C⋅Patros, Kellyn M⋅Sommerfeld, Thomas and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 124, (no. 11), pp. 2287, 2020-03-19.
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Temporary anion states of fluorine substituted benzenes probed by charge transfer in O2−·C6H6−xFx (x = 0–5) ion–molecule complexesDobulis, Marissa A⋅Thompson, Michael C⋅Sommerfeld, Thomas and Jarrold, Caroline CThe Journal of chemical physics, vol. 152, (no. 20), pp. 204309, May 29, 2020.
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The striking influence of oxophilicity differences in heterometallic Mo–Mn oxide cluster reactions with waterMason, Jarrett L⋅Mason, Jarrett L⋅Gupta, Ankur K⋅Gupta, Ankur K⋅McMahon, Abbey J⋅McMahon, Abbey J⋅Folluo, Carley N⋅Folluo, Carley N⋅Raghavachari, Krishnan⋅Raghavachari, Krishnan⋅Jarrold, Caroline Chick and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 152, (no. 5), pp. 054301, 20200207.
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Using anion photoelectron spectroscopy of cluster models to gain insights into mechanisms of catalyst-mediated H 2 production from waterMcMahon, Abbey J and Jarrold, Caroline CPhysical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, vol. 22, (no. 48), pp. 27936-27948, Dec 23, 2020.
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Using anion photoelectron spectroscopy of cluster models to gain insights into mechanisms of catalyst-mediated H\lesssub\greater2\less/sub\greater production from waterMcMahon, Abbey J. and Jarrold, Caroline ChickPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 22, pp. 27936–27948.
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Electronic and Molecular Structures of the CeB 6 MonomerMason, Jarrett L⋅Harb, Hassan⋅Huizenga, Caleb D⋅Ewigleben, Joshua C⋅Topolski, Josey E⋅Hratchian, Hrant P and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 123, (no. 10), pp. 2040, 2019-Mar-14.
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Electronic and Molecular Structures of the CeB6 MonomerMason, Jarrett L⋅Harb, Hassan⋅Huizenga, Caleb D⋅Ewigleben, Joshua C⋅Topolski, Josey E⋅Hratchian, Hrant P and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 123, (no. 10), pp. 2048, 2019-03-14.
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Exceptionally Complex Electronic Structures of Lanthanide Oxides and Small MoleculesMason, Jarrett L⋅Harb, Hassan⋅Topolski, Josey E⋅Hratchian, Hrant P and Jarrold, Caroline ChickAccounts of chemical research, vol. 52, (no. 11), pp. 3273, 2019-Nov-19.
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Probing alkenoxy radical electronic structure using anion PEI spectroscopyPatros, Kellyn M⋅Mann, Jennifer E⋅Dobulis, Marissa A⋅Thompson, Michael C and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 150, (no. 3), pp. 034302, 20190121.
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Vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectrum of ZnBr.supMason, Jarrett⋅Ewigleben, Joshua and Jarrold, CarolineJournal of Molecular Spectroscopy, vol. 357, pp. 38, 20190301.
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Anion photoelectron imaging of alkoxy radical isomersPatros, Kellyn⋅Mann, Jennifer and Jarrold, Caroline ChickAbstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, vol. 256.
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A Tale of Two Stabilities: How One Boron Atom Affects a Switch in Bonding Motifs in CeO 2 B x - ( x = 2, 3) ComplexesMason, Jarrett L⋅Harb, Hassan⋅Topolski, Josey E⋅Hratchian, Hrant P and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe journal of physical chemistry. A, vol. 122, (no. 51), pp. 9879, 2018-Dec-27.
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A Tale of Two Stabilities: How One Boron Atom Affects a Switch in Bonding Motifs in CeO2Bx– (x = 2, 3) ComplexesMason, Jarrett L⋅Harb, Hassan⋅Topolski, Josey E⋅Hratchian, Hrant P and Jarrold, Caroline ChickThe Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 122, (no. 51), pp. 9885, 2018-12-27.
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