171 Publications (Page 5 of 7)
Measurement of resistance and spin-memory loss (spin relaxation) at interfaces using sputtered current perpendicular-to-plane exchange-biased spin valves
Park, WanjunPark, W.Baxter, David VBaxter, D.V.Steenwyk, S.Steenwyk, SMoraru, I.Moraru, IPratt, W.Pratt, W. PBass, J. and Bass, J
Physical Review B, vol. 62, (no. 2), pp. 1185, 2000-07-00. | Journal Article
Quantum-critical conductivity scaling for a metal-insulator transition
Lee, H. LCarini, John PBaxter, David VHenderson, W. and Gruner, George
Science, vol. 287, (no. 5453), pp. 633-636, Jan 28, 2000. | Journal Article
Resistance and spin-direction memory loss at Nb/Cu interfaces
Baxter, D.V.Steenwyk, S.D.Bass, J. and Pratt Jr., W.P.
(pp. 4545-4547)
Resistance and spin-direction memory loss at Nb/Cu interfaces
Baxter, David VSteenwyk, S. DBass, J and Pratt, W. P
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 85, (no. 8), pp. 4547, 1999-04-15. | Journal Article
A two-step low pressure chemical vapour deposition process for the production of tungsten metal thin films
Baxter, DavidChisholm, Malcolm and Chuang, Shiow-Huey
Chemical Communications, (no. 14), pp. 1448, 19980000. | Journal Article
Effect of sputtering pressure on the structure and current-perpendicular-to-the-plane magnetotransport of Co/Ag multilayered films
Chiang, Wen-CPratt, W. PHerrold, M and Baxter, David V
Physical Review B, vol. 58, (no. 9), pp. 5610, 1998-09-00. | Journal Article
Studies of Thermotropic Properties and the Mesophase of Mixtures of n-Alkanoates and Perfluoro-n-alkanoates of Dimolybdenum (M - M)
Baxter, D.V.Chisholm, M.H.Lynn, M.A.Putilina, E.F.Trzaska, S.T. and Swager, T.
(pp. 1758-1763)
Studies of Thermotropic Properties and the Mesophase of Mixtures ofn-Alkanoates and Perfluoro-n-alkanoates of Dimolybdenum (MM)
Baxter, David VBaxter, David VChisholm, Malcolm HChisholm, Malcolm HLynn, Matthew ALynn, Matthew APutilina, Elena FPutilina, Elena FTrzaska, Scott TTrzaska, Scott TSwager, Timothy and Swager, Timothy
Chemistry of Materials, vol. 10, (no. 7), pp. 1763, 1998-07-00. | Journal Article
Synthesis and Thermolytic Behavior of Mixed-Valence Homo- and Heterometallic Group 14 Alkoxides
Teff, D.J.Minear, C.D.Baxter, D.V. and Caulton, K.G.
Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 37, pp. 2547-2553. | Journal Article
Synthesis and Thermolytic Behavior of Mixed-Valence Homo- and Heterometallic Group 14 Alkoxides
Teff, D.J.Minear, C.D.Baxter, D.V. and Caulton, K.G.
(pp. 2547-2553)
Temperature-Frequency Scaling in Amorphous Niobium-Silicon near the Metal-Insulator Transition
Lee, Hok-LingLee, Hok-LingCarini, John PCarini, John PBaxter, David VBaxter, David VGrüner, George and Grüner, George
Physical Review Letters, vol. 80, (no. 19), pp. 4264, 1998-05-00. | Journal Article
Syntheses, Structures, and Thermal Behavior of Cu(hfacac) Complexes Derived from Ethanolamines
Pinkas, JiríPinkas, JiríPinkas, JiríHuffman, John CHuffman, John CHuffman, John CBollinger, John CBollinger, John CBollinger, John CStreib, William EStreib, William EStreib, William EBaxter, David VBaxter, David VBaxter, David VChisholm, Malcolm HChisholm, Malcolm HChisholm, Malcolm HCaulton, Kenneth GCaulton, Kenneth G and Caulton, Kenneth G
Inorganic chemistry, vol. 36, (no. 14), pp. 2937, 1997-Jul-02. | Journal Article
Syntheses, Structures, and Thermal Behavior of Cu(hfacac) Complexes Derived from Ethanolamines
Pinkas, J.Huffman, J.C.Bollinger, J.C.Streib, W.E.Baxter, D.V.Chisholm, M.H. and Caulton, K.G.
(pp. 2930-2937)
Chemical vapour deposition of electrochromic tungsten oxide films employing volatile tungsten(VI) oxo alkoxide/β-diketonate complexes
Baxter, David VChisolm, Malcolm HDoherty, Simon and Gruhn, Nadine E
Chemical Communications, (no. 1), pp. 113, 19960000. | Journal Article
Conductivity studies of quantum-critical dynamics
Carini, John PLee, H. L and Baxter, David V
Ferroelectrics, vol. 176, (no. 1-4), pp. 239-247, 1996. | Journal Article
Measuring Transport Anisotropy in Cu/Si Multilayers Using Weak Localization
Fadnis, A. N and Baxter, David V
J Phys Condens Matter, vol. 8, (no. 10), pp. 1389-1401, 1996. | Journal Article
Molecular Routes to Metal Carbides, Nitrides, and Oxides. 2. Studies of the Ammonolysis of Metal Dialkylamides and Hexamethyldisilylamides
Baxter, David VChisholm, Malcolm HGama, Gennaro JDiStasi, Vincent FHector, Andrew L and Parkin, Ivan P
Chemistry of Materials, vol. 8, (no. 6), pp. 1228, 1996-01-00. | Journal Article
Spin fluctuations in an amorphous alloy
Dawson, A.L.Ryan, D. and Baxter, D.V.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 54, pp. 12238-12244. | Journal Article
Transport anisotropy and dimensional crossover in Ag/Ge multilayers
Baxter, David VSumanasekera, Gamini U and Carini, John P
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 156, (no. 1-3), pp. 359-361, 1996. | Journal Article
Giant magnetoresistance and oscillation in epitaxial Fe/Cr (111) multilayers
Chiang, W-CBaxter, David V and Cheng, Y-T
Magnetic Ultrathin Films Multilayers and Surfaces; San Francisco, California; USA; 17-20 Apr. 1995. 1995. | Conference Proceeding
Giant magnetoresistance and oscillation in epitaxial Fe/Cr(111) multilayers
Chiang, Wen-C.Chiang, Wen-C.Baxter, David V.Baxter, David V.Cheng, Yang-Tse and Cheng, Yang Tse
(pp. 353-358)
Giant magnetoresistance and oscillation in epitaxial Fe/Cr(111) multilayers
Chiang, Wen-CBaxter, David V and Cheng, Yang Tse
MATER RES SOC SYMP PROC, vol. 384, pp. 353-358, 1995. | Journal Article
Giant magnetoresistance and oscillation in epitaxial Fe/Cr(111) multilayers
Chiang, Wen-C.Baxter, David V. and Cheng, Yang-Tse
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, vol. 384, pp. 353-358. | Conference Proceeding
Giant magnetoresistance and oscillation in epitaxial Fe/Cr(111) multilayers
Chiang, Wen-CBaxter, David V and Cheng, Yang Tse
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 384, vol. 384, pp. 353-358, 1995. | Journal Article
Giant Magnetoresistance and Oscillation in Epitaxial Fe/Cr(111) Multilayers
Chiang, Wen-CBaxter, David V and Cheng, Yang-Tse
MRS Online Proceedings Library, vol. 384, 19950101. | Journal Article