148 Publications (Page 1 of 6)
Experimental realization of one dimensional helium
Del Maestro, AdrianNichols, Nathan S.Prisk, Timothy R.Warren, Garfield and Sokol, Paul E.
Nature Communications. | Journal Article
Parameter-free differential evolution algorithm for the analytic continuation of imaginary time correlation functions. Physical Review E
Dimensional reduction of helium-4 inside argon-plated MCM-41 nanopores
Nichols, Nathan S.Nichols, Nathan SPrisk, Timothy RPrisk, Timothy R.Warren, GarfieldWarren, GarfieldSokol, PaulSokol, PaulMaestro, Adrian Del and Del Maestro, Adrian
Physical Review B, vol. 102. | Journal Article
Maxon and roton measurements in nanoconfined He-4
Bryan, M. S. and Sokol, P. E.
Physical Review B, vol. 97. | Journal Article
Bulklike excitations in nanoconfined liquid helium
Bryan, M. S.Prisk, T. R.Sherline, T. E.Diallo, S. O. and Sokol, P. E.
Physical Review B, vol. 95. | Journal Article
The Momentum Distribution of Liquid
Prisk, T. R.Bryan, M. S.Sokol, P. E.Granroth, G. E.Moroni, S. and Boninsegni, M.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, vol. 189, pp. 158-184. | Journal Article
The momentum distribution of liquid He-3
Bryan, M. S.Prisk, T. R.Azuah, R. T.Stirling, W. G. and Sokol, P. E.
Epl, vol. 115. | Journal Article
Magnetic Behavior of Solid Ar-O Solutions
Prisk, T. R. and Sokol, P. E.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, vol. 181, pp. 139-146. | Journal Article
A nano-scale free volume perspective on the glass transition of supercooled water in confinement
Roussenova, M.Alam, M. A.Townrow, S.Kilburn, D.Sokol, P. E.Guillet-Nicolas, R. and Kleitz, F.
New Journal of Physics, vol. 16. | Journal Article
Diffusive and rotational dynamics of condensed n-H-2 confined in MCM-41
Prisk, T. R.Bryan, M. S. and Sokol, P. E.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, pp. 17960-17974. | Journal Article
Small Angle Scattering Study of the Structure and Organization of RNAs and Protein of Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) Capsid Protein
Das, Narayan ChDas, Narayan ChWarren, Garfield. TWarren, Garfield. TKao, C. ChengKao, C. ChengDragnea, Bogdan GDragnea, Bogdan GNi, PengNi, PengSokol, Paul E and Sokol, Paul E
Physics Procedia, vol. 60, pp. 109, 2014. | Journal Article
Electrical and electromagnetic interference shielding properties of carbon nanotube and poly(methyl methacrylate) composites
Das, Narayan C.Sokol, Paul E.Nayak, Latendu and Chaki, Tapan K.
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, vol. 246. | Journal Article
Electrical and electromagnetic interference shielding properties of carbon nanotube and poly(methyl methacrylate) composites
Das, Narayan C.Sokol, Paul E.Nayak, Latendu and Chaki, Tapan K.
Phases of superfluid helium in smooth cylindrical pores
Prisk, Timothy R.Das, Narayan C.Diallo, Souleymane O.Ehlers, GeorgPodlesnyak, Andrey A.Wada, NobuoInagaki, Shinji and Sokol, Paul E.
Physical Review B, vol. 88. | Journal Article
A Neutron Diffractometer for a Long Pulsed Neutron Source
Sokol, Paul
. | Journal Article
A Neutron Diffractometer for a Long Pulsed Neutron Source
An examination of the electrostatic interactions between the N-terminal tail of the Brome Mosaic Virus coat protein and encapsidated RNAs.
Ni, PengNi, PengNi, PengWang, ZhaoWang, ZhaoWang, ZhaoMa, XiangMa, XiangMa, XiangDas, Nayaran CDas, Nayaran ChandraDas, Nayaran ChandraSokol, PaulSokol, Paul ESokol, PaulChiu, WahChiu, WahChiu, WahDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanHagan, MichaelHagan, MichaelHagan, MichaelKao, C. ChengKao, C Cheng and Kao, C. C
Journal of molecular biology, vol. 419, (no. 5), pp. 284-300, 2012/Jun/22. | Journal Article
Confinement-driven phase separation of quantum liquid mixtures.
Prisk, T RPantalei, CKaiser, H and Sokol, Paul E
Physical review letters, vol. 109, (no. 7), pp. 075301, 2012/Aug/17. | Journal Article
Neutron energy spectrum characterization on TMR-1 at the Indiana University neutron source
Halstead, Matthew RLee, SangjinPetrosky, JamesBickley, Abigail and Sokol, Paul
Physics Procedia, vol. 26, pp. 195, 2012. | Journal Article
Shape and size of highly concentrated micelles in CTAB/NaSal solutions by Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS).
Das, Narayan CCao, HuKaiser, HelmutWarren, Garfield TGladden, Joseph R and Sokol, Paul E
Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, vol. 28, (no. 33), pp. 11962-8, 2012/Aug/21. | Journal Article
Dynamics of small-molecule glass formers confined in nanopores.
Prisk, T RTyagi, M and Sokol, Paul E
The Journal of chemical physics, vol. 134, (no. 11), pp. 114506, 2011/Mar/21. | Journal Article
Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as a support for magnetically separable hydrogenation catalysts
Bronstein, Lyudmila M.Gage, Sam H.Shifrina, Zinaida B.Kuchkina, Nina V.Stein, Barry D.Bryan, Matthew S.Sokol, Paul E.Nikoshvili, Linda Z.Matveeva, Valentina G. and Sulman, Esther M.
Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as a support for magnetically separable hydrogenation catalysts
Bronstein, Lyudmila M.Gage, Sam H.Shifrina, Zinaida B.Kuchkina, Nina V.Stein, Barry D.Bryan, Matthew S.Sokol, Paul E.Nikoshvili, Linda Z.Matveeva, Valentina G. and Sulman, Esther M.
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, vol. 242. | Journal Article
Interaction of single water molecules with silanols in mesoporous silica.
Pantalei, ClaudiaSenesi, RobertoAndreani, CarlaSozzani, PieroComotti, AngiolinaBracco, SilviaBeretta, MarioSokol, Paul E and Reiter, George
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, vol. 13, (no. 13), pp. 6022-8, 2011/Apr/7. | Journal Article
Quantitative Characterization of Vertically Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays Using Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
Ch Das, NarayanYang, KaikunLiu, YayongSokol, Paul EWang, Zhigang and Wang, Howard
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 11, (no. 6), pp. 4995-5000, 2011. | Journal Article