6 Grants
CC*DNI Region: Campus Cyberinfrastructure/Operating Innovative Networks (CC*OIN)
Mc Mullen, Donald and Herron, Jon-Paul
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Div Of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ID: 1541421), $149,136USD, 01/01/2016 -- 12/31/2017
Collaborative Research: Automating Scaling and Extending of Data Flow in a Network of Sensors: Towards a Global Network of Lakes
Mc Mullen, Donald and Chiu, Kenneth
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Biological Sciences, Emerging Frontiers (ID: 0446298), $299,168USD, 03/01/2005 -- 02/28/2009
Collaborative Research: The CrystalGrid Framework
Huffman, JohnBramley, RandallMc Mullen, Donald and Bollinger, John
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (ID: 0513768), $426,689USD, 09/01/2005 -- 10/31/2010
US-Turkey: Plannning Visit for Research on Interagency Coordination in International Science and Engineering Research: Implications for Policy Formation & Scientific Collaboration
Mc Mullen, Donald and Evans, Michael
National Science Foundation (NSF), OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, Office of International Science and Engineering (ID: 0505998), $10,298USD, 04/01/2005 -- 03/31/2007
NMI: Instruments and Sensors as Network Services: Instruments as First Class Members of the Grid
Huffman, JohnBramley, RandallMc Mullen, Donald and Chiu, Kenneth
National Science Foundation (NSF), OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, Office of CyberInfrastructure (ID: 0330568), $1,587,299USD, 08/15/2003 -- 07/31/2008
Network Management Tools for End-to-end Performance Measurement
Wallace, Steven and Mc Mullen, Donald
National Science Foundation (NSF), OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, Office of CyberInfrastructure (ID: 0129592), $699,394USD, 02/15/2002 -- 01/31/2006