71 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Avoidance of medical care among American Indians with a history of cancer during the coronavirus pandemic.
Chen, SixiaJames, Shirley AHall, SpencerDang, Julie HCampbell, Janis EChen, Moon S and Doescher, Mark P
Frontiers in public health, vol. 11, pp. 1265071, 2023. | Journal Article
Associations between COVID-19 vaccine uptake, race/ethnicity, and political party affiliation.
JA, AndersenAndersen, Jennifer AE, GlosterGloster, ErinHall, SpencerS, HallRowland, BrettB, RowlandDE, WillisWillis, Don EKraleti, Shashank SSS, KraletiPA, McElfish and McElfish, Pearl A
Journal of behavioral medicine, November 22, 2022. | Journal Article
Comparing community-driven COVID-19 vaccine distribution methods: Faith-based organizations vs. outpatient clinics.
McElfish, Pearl ARowland, BrettHall, SpencerCarlLee, SheenaReece, SharonMacechko, Michael DShah, Sumit KRojo, Martha ORiklon, SheldonRichard-Davis, GloriaMarin, Luis PaganelliLaelan, MelisaMaddison, Benetick KAlik, Eldon and Selig, James P
Journal of family medicine and primary care, vol. 11, (no. 10), pp. 6081-6086, October 2022. | Journal Article
Motivations to Vaccinate Among Hesitant Adopters of the COVID-19 Vaccine
Purvis, Rachel SHallgren, EmilyWillis, Don EHall, SpencerReece, Sharon and McElfish, Pearl A
Journal of Community Health, vol. 47, (no. 2), pp. 237-245, Apr 2022. | Journal Article
Facilitators to vaccination among hesitant adopters.
Hallgren, EmilyMoore, RameyPurvis, Rachel SHall, SpencerWillis, Don EReece, SharonCarlLee, SheenaGurel-Headley, Morgan and McElfish, Pearl A
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, pp. 1-8, December 10, 2021. | Journal Article
Genotypic variation in an ecologically important parasite is associated with host species, lake and spore size
Shaw, Clara LShaw, Clara LBilich, RebeccaBilich, RebeccaO'Brien, BruceO'Brien, BruceCáceres, Carla ECáceres, Carla EHall, Spencer RHall, Spencer RJames, Timothy YJames, Timothy YDuffy, Meghan A and Duffy, Meghan A
Parasitology, vol. 148, (no. 11), pp. 1303-1312, Sep 2021. | Journal Article
Motivations to Vaccinate Among Hesitant Adopters of the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Moore, RameyPurvis, Rachel SHallgren, EmilyWillis, Don EHall, SpencerReece, SharonCarlLee, SheenaJudkins, Hunter and McElfish, Pearl A
Journal of community health, October 23, 2021. | Journal Article
Trusted Sources of COVID-19 Vaccine Information among Hesitant Adopters in the United States.
Purvis, Rachel SHallgren, EmilyMoore, Ramey AWillis, Don EHall, SpencerGurel-Headley, Morgan and McElfish, Pearl A
Vaccines, vol. 9, (no. 12), December 1, 2021. | Journal Article
Variation in Immune Defense Shapes Disease Outcomes in Laboratory and Wild Daphnia
Stewart Merrill, Tara EHall, Spencer RMerrill, Loren and Cáceres, Carla E
Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 59, (no. 5), pp. 1219, 20191101. | Journal Article
Linking host traits, interactions with competitors and disease: Mechanistic foundations for disease dilution
Strauss, Alexander TStrauss, Alexander T.Bowling, Anna M.Bowling, Anna MDuffy, Meghan A.Duffy, Meghan ACáceres, Carla ECáceres, Carla E.Hall, Spencer R.Hall, Spencer R and Pfrender, Michael
Functional Ecology, vol. 32, (no. 5), pp. 1279, May 2018. | Journal Article
Parasite rearing and infection temperatures jointly influence disease transmission and shape seasonality of epidemics.
Shocket, Marta SShocket, Marta S.Shocket, Marta SVergara, DanielaVergara, DanielaVergara, DanielaSickbert, Andrew J.Sickbert, Andrew JSickbert, Andrew JWalsman, Jason M.Walsman, Jason MWalsman, Jason MStrauss, Alexander T.Strauss, Alexander TStrauss, Alexander THite, Jessica L.Hite, Jessica LHite, Jessica LDuffy, Meghan ADuffy, Meghan A.Duffy, Meghan ACáceres, Carla ECáceres, Carla ECáceres, Carla E.Hall, Spencer R.Hall, Spencer R and Hall, Spencer R
Ecology, June 19, 2018. | Journal Article
Temperature Drives Epidemics in a Zooplankton-Fungus Disease System: A Trait-Driven Approach Points to Transmission via Host Foraging
Shocket, Marta SShocket, Marta S.Strauss, Alexander T.Strauss, Alexander THite, Jessica L.Hite, Jessica LŠljivar, MajaŠljivar, MajaCivitello, David J.Civitello, David JDuffy, Meghan ADuffy, Meghan A.Cáceres, Carla E.Cáceres, Carla EHall, Spencer R. and Hall, Spencer R
The American naturalist, vol. 191, (no. 4), pp. 451, 20180401. | Journal Article
Allocation, not male resistance, increases male frequency during epidemics: a case study in facultatively sexual hosts
Hite, JessicaHite, Jessica L.Hite, Jessica LPenczykowski, Rachel M.Penczykowski, RachelPenczykowski, Rachel MShocket, Marta S.Shocket, MartaShocket, Marta SGriebel, KatherineGriebel, Katherine A.Griebel, KatherineStrauss, Alexander T.Strauss, Alexander TStrauss, AlexanderDuffy, Meghan A.Duffy, MeghanDuffy, Meghan ACáceres, Carla ECáceres, Carla E.Caceres, CarlaHall, Spencer RHall, Spencer and Hall, Spencer R.
Ecology, vol. 98, (no. 11), pp. 2773, 20171101. | Journal Article
Herbivory enhances the diversity of primary producers in pond ecosystems.
Leibold, Mathew AHall, Spencer RSmith, Val H and Lytle, David A
Ecology, vol. 98, (no. 1), pp. 48-56, January 2017. | Journal Article
Rapid evolution rescues hosts from competition and disease but—despite a dilution effect—increases the density of infected hosts
Strauss, Alexander TStrauss, Alexander T.Hite, Jessica L.Hite, Jessica LShocket, Marta SShocket, Marta S.Cáceres, Carla ECáceres, Carla E.Duffy, Meghan A.Duffy, Meghan AHall, Spencer R. and Hall, Spencer R
Proceedings. Biological sciences, vol. 284, (no. 1868), pp. 20171970, 2017-Dec-06. | Journal Article
Extended leaf phenology may drive plant invasion through direct and apparent competition
Smith, Lauren M and Hall, Spencer
Oikos, vol. 125, (no. 6), pp. 848, June 2016. | Journal Article
Habitat, predators, and hosts regulate disease in Daphnia through direct and indirect pathways
Strauss, AlexanderStrauss, Alexander T.Shocket, Marta S.Shocket, MartaCivitello, DavidCivitello, David J.Hite, JessicaHite, Jessica L.Penczykowski, Rachel M.Penczykowskli, RachelDuffy, MeghanDuffy, Meghan A.Cáceres, Carla E.Caceres, CarlaHall, Spencer R. and Hall, Spencer
Ecological Monographs, vol. 86, (no. 4), pp. 393, 20161101. | Journal Article
Joint effects of habitat, zooplankton, host stage structure and diversity on amphibian chytrid.
Hite, Jessica LBosch, JaimeFernández-Beaskoetxea, SaioaMedina, Daniel and Hall, Spencer R
Proceedings. Biological sciences, vol. 283, (no. 1835), July 27, 2016. | Journal Article
Parasites destabilize host populations by shifting stage-structured interactions
Hite, Jessica LHite, Jessica L.Penczykowski, Rachel M.Penczykowski, Rachel MShocket, Marta SShocket, Marta S.Strauss, Alexander T.Strauss, Alexander TOrlando, Paul A.Orlando, Paul ADuffy, Meghan ADuffy, Meghan A.Cáceres, Carla E.Cáceres, Carla EHall, Spencer R. and Hall, Spencer R
Ecology, vol. 97, (no. 2), pp. 449, 20160201. | Journal Article
How do generalist consumers coexist over evolutionary time? An explanation with nutrition and tradeoffs
Orlando, Paul and Hall, Spencer
Theoretical Ecology, vol. 8, (no. 3), pp. 383-398, Aug 2015. | Journal Article
Inedible Producers in Food Webs: Controls on Stoichiometric Food Quality and Composition of Grazers
Hall, SpencerLeibold, MathewLytle, David and Smith, Val
2015-06-02. | Journal Article
Plasticity, not genetic variation, drives infection success of a fungal parasite.
Searle, C LOchs, J HCáceres, C EChiang, S LGerardo, N MHall, S R and Duffy, M A
Parasitology, vol. 142, (no. 6), pp. 839-848, May 2015. | Journal Article
Resources, key traits and the size of fungal epidemics in Daphnia populations.
Civitello, David JPenczykowski, Rachel MSmith, Aimee NShocket, Marta SDuffy, Meghan A and Hall, Spencer R
The Journal of animal ecology, vol. 84, (no. 4), pp. 1010-1017, July 2015. | Journal Article
Success, failure and ambiguity of the dilution effect among competitors.
Strauss, Alexander TStrauss, Alexander T.Civitello, David J.Civitello, David JCáceres, Carla E.Cáceres, Carla EHall, Spencer R. and Hall, Spencer R
Ecology letters, vol. 18, (no. 9), pp. 916-926, September 2015. | Journal Article
Disease in freshwater zooplankton: what have we learned and where are we going?
Cáceres, Carla ETessier, Alan JDuffy, Meghan A and Hall, Spencer R
Journal of Plankton Research, vol. 36, (no. 2), pp. 333, 2014-03-01. | Journal Article