204 Publications (Page 6 of 9)
The Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media
Lieberthal, Allan SLieberthal, Allan SLieberthal, Allan SCarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron EChonmaitree, TasneeChonmaitree, TasneeChonmaitree, TasneeGaniats, Theodore GGaniats, Theodore GGaniats, Theodore GHoberman, AlejandroHoberman, AlejandroHoberman, AlejandroJackson, Mary AnneJackson, Mary AJackson, Mary AnneJoffe, Mark DJoffe, Mark DJoffe, Mark DMiller, Donald TMiller, Donald TMiller, Donald TRosenfeld, Richard MRosenfeld, Richard MRosenfeld, Richard MSevilla, Xavier DSevilla, Xavier DSevilla, Xavier DSchwartz, Richard HSchwartz, Richard HSchwartz, Richard HThomas, Pauline AThomas, Pauline AThomas, Pauline ATunkel, David ETunkel, David E and Tunkel, David E
Pediatrics, vol. 131, (no. 3), pp. e999, 2013-Mar. | Journal Article
The Quality Imperative
Frakt, AustinFrakt, Austin B., PhDCarroll, Aaron E and Carroll, Aaron
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 44, (no. 1), pp. S26, 2013. | Journal Article
Use of a Computerized Decision Aid for ADHD Diagnosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Carroll, Aaron EBauer, NerissaDugana, Tamara MAnand, VibhaSaha, Chandan and Downs, Stephen M
Pediatrics, vol. 132, (no. 3), Sep 2013. | Journal Article
A pilot study to determine if pediatricians will use a multimedia parenting program
Bauer, NerissaBauer, NerissaBauer, NerissaMcHenry, MeganMcHenry, MeganMcHenry, MeganCarroll, AaronCarroll, AaronCarroll, AaronDowns, StephenDowns, Stephen and Downs, Stephen
Journal of Behavioral Health, vol. 1, (no. 1), pp. 28, 2012-00-00. | Journal Article
A pilot study using children's books to understand caregiver perceptions of parenting practices.
Bauer, Nerissa SBauer, NerissaBauer, Nerissa SHus, Anna MHus, Anna MHus, Anna MSullivan, Paula DSullivan, Paula DSullivan, Paula DSzczepaniak, DorotaSzczepaniak, DorotaSzczepaniak, DorotaCarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron EDowns, Stephen MDowns, Stephen M and Downs, Stephen M
Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP, vol. 33, (no. 5), pp. 423-30, 2012/Jun. | Journal Article
Application of classic utilities to published pediatric cost-utility studies.
Finnell, MariaCarroll, Aaron E and Downs, Stephen M
Academic pediatrics, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. 219-28, 2012 May-Jun. | Journal Article
Automated Primary Care Screening in Pediatric Waiting Rooms
Anand, VibhaCarroll, Aaron E and Downs, Stephen M
Pediatrics, vol. 129, (no. 5), May 2012. | Journal Article
Increased Physician Diagnosis of Asthma with the Child Health Improvement through Computer Automation Decision Support System
Carroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron EAnand, V.Anand, VibhaDugan, TMDugan, Tamara MSheley, Meena ESheley, MEXu, SZXu, Shawn ZDowns, Stephen M and Downs, SM
Pediatric Asthma, Allergy & Immunology, vol. 25, (no. 3), pp. 168-171, 2012. | Journal Article
Letters to the Editor
Carroll, Alison
(pp. 51). Oct 2012
The Health Policy Election
Carroll, A.E.Carroll, Aaron EFrakt, Austin B and Frakt, A.B.
JAMA, vol. 308, (no. 16), pp. 1634, 2012-10-24. | Journal Article
The Health Policy Election
Carroll, Aaron E and Frakt, Austin
JAMA, vol. 308, (no. 16), Oct 24-Oct 31, 2012. | Journal Article
The Impact of Defense Expenses in Medical Malpractice Claims
Carroll, Aaron EParikh, Parul Divya and Buddenbaum, Jennifer L
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 40, (no. 1), pp. 142, 20120300. | Journal Article
The utility assessment method order influences measurement of parents' risk attitude.
Finnell, MariaCarroll, Aaron E and Downs, Stephen M
Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, vol. 15, (no. 6), pp. 926-32, 2012 Sep-Oct. | Journal Article
Understanding why clinicians answer or ignore clinical decision support prompts.
Carroll, Aaron EAnand, V and Downs, S M
Applied clinical informatics, vol. 3, (no. 3), pp. 309-17, 2012. | Journal Article
Contracting and monitoring relationships for adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a pilot study.
Carroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron EDiMeglio, Linda ADi Meglio, Linda AStein, StephanieStein, StephanieMarrero, David G and Marrero, David G
Diabetes technology & therapeutics, vol. 13, (no. 5), pp. 543-9, 2011/May. | Journal Article
Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on protein turnover in the fasting and fed state in adolescents with Crohn disease
Hannon, Tamara SHannon, Tamara SHannon, TamaraDiMeglio, Linda ADiMeglio, Linda ADi Meglio, Linda APfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DPfefferkorn, Marian DCarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron EDenne, Scott CDenne, Scott C and Denne, Scott C
Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM, vol. 24, (no. 9-10), pp. 633, 2011-00-00. | Journal Article
Our flawed but beneficial Medicaid program.
Frakt, AustinCarroll, Aaron EPollack, Harold A and Reinhardt, Uwe
The New England journal of medicine, vol. 364, (no. 16), pp. e31, 2011/Apr/21. | Journal Article
Targeted screening for pediatric conditions with the CHICA system
Carroll, Aaron EBiondich, PaulAnand, VibhaDugan, Tamara MSheley, Meena EXu, Shawn Z and Downs, Stephen M
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, vol. 18, (no. 4), pp. 485-490, 2011. | Journal Article
Technical report—Diagnosis and management of an initial UTI in febrile infants and young children.
Finnell, S MCarroll, Aaron E and Downs, Stephen M
Pediatrics, vol. 128, (no. 3), pp. e749-70, 2011/Sep. | Journal Article
Using a cell phone-based glucose monitoring system for adolescent diabetes management.
Carroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron EDiMeglio, Linda ADi Meglio, Linda AStein, StephanieStein, StephanieMarrero, David G and Marrero, David G
The Diabetes educator, vol. 37, (no. 1), pp. 59-66, 2011 Jan-Feb. | Journal Article
You can lead a horse to water: physicians' responses to clinical reminders.
Downs, Stephen MAnand, VibhaDugan, Tammy M and Carroll, Aaron E
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium, vol. 2010, pp. 167-71, 2010. | Journal Article
A model for extending antiretroviral care beyond the rural health centre
Wools‐Kaloustian, Kara KWools Kaloustian, Kara KSidle, John ESidle, John ESelke, Henry MSelke, Henry MVedanthan, RajeshVedanthan, RajeshKemboi, Emmanuel KKemboi, Emmanuel KBoit, Lillian JBoit, Lillian JJebet, Viola TJebet, Viola TCarroll, Aaron ECarroll, Aaron ETierney, William MTierney, William MKimaiyo, Sylvester and Kimaiyo, Sylvester
Journal of the International AIDS Society, vol. 12, (no. 1), pp. 22, February 2009. | Journal Article
Improving decision analyses: parent preferences (utility values) for pediatric health outcomes.
Carroll, AaronCarroll, Aaron EDowns, Stephen M and Downs, Stephen
The Journal of pediatrics, vol. 155, (no. 1), pp. 21-5, 25.e1-5, 2009/Jul. | Journal Article
44: A Pilot Study of Electronic Diary Self Reports of Affect in Adolsecents with Anorexia
Spaulding-Barclay, Michael A., MDSpaulding-Barclay, Michael A., MDRouse, Mary R., MDRouse, Mary R., MDCarroll, AaronCarroll, AaronOrr, Donald P., MDOrr, Donald P., MDFortenberry, J. and Fortenberry, J.
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 42, (no. 2), pp. 35, 2008. | Journal Article
Adolescent Health Brief: Adolescent Travel Patterns: Pilot Data Indicating Distance from Home Varies by Time of Day and Day of Week
Wiehe, SarahWiehe, SarahHoch, ShawnHoch, ShawnLiu, Gilbert CLiu, GilbertCarroll, AaronCarroll, Aaron EWilson, Jeffery SWilson, Jeffery S., Ph.DFortenberry, J. and Fortenberry, J. D
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 42, (no. 4), pp. 418-420, 2008. | Journal Article