
North American archaeology, ethics in anthropology, indigenous and community archaeology, Native American issues, cultural and intellectual property, archaeology of the contemporary world.

Past Affiliations

Professor, Department of Anthropology, School of Liberal Arts, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Distinguished Regents Professor, Anthropology

Chair, American Indian & Native Studies, University of Iowa (past)

Head, Archaeology

PhD, University of Kansas, Anthropology, 1976
MPhil, University of Kansas, Anthropology, 1973
MA, University of Iowa, Anthropology, 1971
BA, University of Iowa, Anthropology, 1969
anthropology archaeology

Lucy Mair Medal & Marsh Prize for Applied Anthropology, Royal Anthropological Institute, 2021

Lifetime Achievement Award, Society for American Archaeology, 2020

Peter J Ucko Medal for Contributions to World Archaeology, World Archaeological Congress, 2008

National Lecturer, Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society), 1991-1993

Mariko Mizuhara Award for Cross-Cultural Understanding, International Studies (University of Iowa), 2000

American Anthropological Association
Plains Anthropological Society
Register of Professional Archaeologists
Society for American Archaeology
Society for Applied Anthropology
Society for Historical Archaeology
World Archaeological Congress