61 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
A Pan-RAS Inhibitor with a Unique Mechanism of Action Blocks Tumor Growth and Induces Antitumor Immunity in Gastrointestinal Cancer. Cancer Research
Foote, JBMattox, TEChen, XSmith, FTBerry, KHolmes, TWWang, JHuang, C-HWard, AMitra, AKRamirez-Alcantara, VHardy, CFleten, KGFlatmark, KYoon, KJSarvesh, SNagaraju, GPBandi, DSRMaxuitenko, YYValiyaveettil, JCarstens, JlBuchsbaum, DjYang, JZhou, GNurmemmedov, EBabic, IGaponeko, VAbdelkarim, HBoyd, MRGorman, GManne, UBae, SEl-Rayes, BF and Piazza, GA
. | Journal Article
Novel Non-Cyclooxygenase Inhibitory Derivative of Sulindac Inhibits Breast Cancer Cell Growth In Vitro and Reduces Mammary Tumorigenesis in Rats
Tinsley, H.N.Mathew, B.Chen, X.Maxuitenko, Y.Y.Li, N.Lowe, W.M.Whitt, J.D.Zhang, W.Gary, B.D.Keeton, A.B.Grizzle, W.E.Grubbs, C.J.Reynolds, R.C. and Piazza, G.A.
Cancers, vol. 15. | Journal Article
Pan-RAS inhibitors: Hitting multiple RAS isozymes with one stone
Coley, Alexander BColey, A.B.Coley, ABWard, AWard, A.Ward, AntonioKeeton, ABKeeton, Adam BKeeton, A.B.Chen, XChen, X.Chen, XiMaxuitenko, Y.Maxuitenko, YuliaMaxuitenko, YPrakash, AishwaryaPrakash, A.Prakash, ALi, F.Li, FengLi, FFoote, Jeremy BFoote, J.B.Foote, JBBuchsbaum, Donald JBuchsbaum, D.J.Buchsbaum, DjPiazza, G.A.Piazza, GA and Piazza, Gary A
(pp. 131-168)
Phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) as a novel target to suppress ?-catenin and RAS signaling in epithelial ovarian cancer
Borneman, R.M.Gavin, E.Musiyenko, A.Richter, W.Lee, K.J.Crossman, D.K.Andrews, J.F.Wilhite, A.M.McClellan, S.Aragon, I.Ward, A.B.Chen, X.Keeton, A.B.Berry, K.Piazza, G.A.Scalici, J.M. and Silva, L.M.
Journal of Ovarian Research, vol. 15. | Journal Article
The path to the clinic: a comprehensive review on direct KRASG12C inhibitors. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
From Celecoxib to a Novel Class of Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors: Trisubstituted Pyrazolines as Novel Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors with Extremely High Potency and Phosphodiesterase Isozyme Selectivity
Abdel-Halim, M.Sigler, S.Racheed, N.A.S.Hefnawy, A.Fathalla, R.K.Hammam, M.A.Maher, A.Maxuitenko, Y.Keeton, A.B.Hartmann, R.W.Engel, M.Piazza, G.A. and Abadi, A.H.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 64, pp. 4462-4477. | Journal Article
Novel thiazolidine derivatives as potent selective pro-apoptotic agents
Hafez, D.E.Eddiasty, I.Shih, S.-P.Chien, L.-C.Hong, Y.-J.Lin, H.-Y.Keeton, A.B.Piazza, G.A.Abdel-Halim, M. and Abadi, A.H.
Bioorganic Chemistry, vol. 114. | Journal Article
Suppression of colon tumorigenesis in mutant apc mice by a novel PDE10 inhibitor that reduces oncogenic ?-catenin
Lee, K.J.Chang, W.-C.L.Chen, X.Valiyaveettil, J.Ramirez-Alcantara, V.Gavin, E.Musiyenko, A.Da Silva, L.M.Annamdevula, N.S.Leavesley, S.J.Ward, A.Mattox, T.Lindsey, A.S.Andrews, J.Zhu, B.Wood, C.Neese, A.Nguyen, A.Berry, K.Maxuitenko, Y.Moyer, M.P.Nurmemmedov, E.Gorman, G.Coward, L.Zhou, G.Keeton, A.B.Cooper, H.S.Clapper, M.L. and Piazza, G.A.
Cancer Prevention Research, vol. 14, pp. 995-1008. | Journal Article
Discovery of trisubstituted pyrazolines as a novel scaffold for the development of selective phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors
Abdel-Halim, M.Tinsley, H.Keeton, A.B.Weam, M.Atta, N.H.Hammam, M.A.Hefnawy, A.Hartmann, R.W.Engel, M.Piazza, G.A. and Abadi, A.H.
Bioorganic Chemistry, vol. 104. | Journal Article
Enhancing anticancer activity of checkpoint immunotherapy by targeting RAS
Ward, ABWard, Antonio BWard, Antonio BKeeton, ABKeeton, Adam BKeeton, Adam BChen, XChen, XiChen, XiMattox, TEMattox, Tyler EMattox, Tyler EColey, ABColey, Alex BColey, Alex BMaxuitenko, Yulia YMaxuitenko, Yulia YMaxuitenko, YYBuchsbaum, Donald JBuchsbaum, Donald JBuchsbaum, DjRandall, Troy DRandall, Troy DRandall, TDZhou, GangZhou, GangZhou, GPiazza, Gary APiazza, GA and Piazza, Gary A
MedComm, vol. 1, pp. 121–128. | Journal Article
Exploiting RAS nucleotide cycling as a strategy for drugging RAS-driven cancers
Mattox, T.E.Chen, X.Maxuitenko, Y.Y.Keeton, A.B. and Piazza, G.A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 21. | Journal Article
Extending the use of tadalafil scaffold: Development of novel selective phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors and histone deacetylase inhibitors
ElHady, A.K.Shih, S.-P.Chen, Y.-C.Liu, Y.-C.Ahmed, N.S.Keeton, A.B.Piazza, G.A.Engel, M.Abadi, A.H. and Abdel-Halim, M.
Bioorganic Chemistry, vol. 98. | Journal Article
Inhibition of the Lysophosphatidylinositol Transporter ABCC1 Reduces Prostate Cancer Cell Growth and Sensitizes to Chemotherapy
Emmanouilidi, ACasari, IAkkaya, BGMaffucci, TFuric, LGuffanti, FBroggini, MChen, XMaxuitenko, YYKeeton, ABPiazza, GALinton, KJ and Falasca, M
CANCERS, vol. 12. | Journal Article
New isatin?indole conjugates: Synthesis, characterization, and a plausible mechanism of their in vitro antiproliferative activity
Al-Wabli, R.I.Almomen, A.A.Almutairi, M.S.Keeton, A.B.Piazza, G.A. and Attia, M.I.
Drug Design, Development and Therapy, vol. 14, pp. 483-495. | Journal Article
PDE5 and PDE10 inhibition activates cGMP/PKG signaling to block Wnt/β-catenin transcription, cancer cell growth, and tumor immunity. Drug Discovery Today
Piazza, Gary A.Ward, AntonioChen, XiMaxuitenko, YuliaColey, AlexAboelella, Nada S.Buchsbaum, Donald J.Boyd, Michael R.Keeton, Adam B. and Zhou, Gang
Quinazolinone-schiff’s base hybrids as phosphodiesterase 4b inhibitors with dual activity against COPD and lung cancer
Mansour, M.A.El-Saadi, M.T.Amin, N.H.Canzoneri, J.C.Keeton, A.B.Piazza, G.A. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M.
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 63, pp. 4851-4866. | Journal Article
Targeting cGMP/PKG signaling for the treatment or prevention of colorectal cancer with novel sulindac derivatives lacking cyclooxygenase inhibitory activity. Oncology Signaling
Piazza, GAChen, XWard, AColey, AZhou, GBuchsbaum, Dj and Maxuitenko, Y
Antiproliferative activity and possible mechanism of action of certain 5-methoxyindole tethered C-5 functionalized isatins
Almutairi, M.S.Hassan, E.S.Keeton, A.B.Piazza, G.A.Abdelhameed, A.S. and Attia, M.I.
Drug Design, Development and Therapy, vol. 13, pp. 3069-3078. | Journal Article
Design and synthesis of 1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine derivatives as PDE 4B inhibitors endowed with bronchodilator activity
Abd El-Aleam, R.H.George, R.F.Lee, K.J.Keeton, A.B.Piazza, G.A.Kamel, A.A.El-Daly, M.E.Hassan, G.S. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M.
Archiv der Pharmazie, vol. 352. | Journal Article
Pharmacological inhibition of ABCC3 slows tumour progression in animal models of pancreatic cancer
Adamska, A.Domenichini, A.Capone, E.Damiani, V.Akkaya, B.G.Linton, K.J.Di Sebastiano, P.Chen, X.Keeton, A.B.Ramirez-Alcantara, V.Maxuitenko, Y.Piazza, G.A.De Laurenzi, V.Sala, G. and Falasca, M.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, vol. 38. | Journal Article
Synthesis and biological evaluation of certain hydrazonoindolin-2-one derivatives as new potent anti-proliferative agents
Eldehna, W.M.Al-Wabli, R.I.Almutairi, M.S.Keeton, A.B.Piazza, G.A.Abdel-Aziz, H.A. and Attia, M.I.
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 33, pp. 867-878. | Journal Article
Isatin-benzoazine molecular hybrids as potential antiproliferative agents: synthesis and in vitro pharmacological profiling
Abdel-Aziz, Hatem AAbdel-Aziz, Hatem AEldehna, Wagdy MEldehna, Wagdy MKeeton, Adam BKeeton, Adam BPiazza, Gary APiazza, Gary AKadi, Adnan AKadi, Adnan AAttwa, Mohamed WAttwa, Mohamed WAbdelhameed, Ali SAbdelhameed, Ali SAttia, Mohamed I and Attia, Mohamed I
Drug Design, Development and Therapy, vol. 11, pp. 2333-2346, 2017. | Journal Article
New hydrazonoindolin-2-ones: Synthesis, exploration of the possible anti-proliferative mechanism of action and encapsulation into PLGA microspheres
Attia, Mohamed IAttia, Mohamed IEldehna, Wagdy MEldehna, Wagdy MAfifi, Samar AAfifi, Samar AKeeton, Adam BKeeton, Adam BPiazza, Gary APiazza, Gary AAbdel-Aziz, Hatem A and Abdel-Aziz, Hatem A
PLoS One, vol. 12, (no. 7), Jul 2017. | Journal Article
Phosphodiesterase 10A is overexpressed in lung tumor cells and inhibitors selectively suppress growth by blocking ?-catenin and MAPK signaling
Zhu, B.Lindsey, A.Li, N.Lee, K.Ramirez-Alcantara, V.Canzoneri, J.C.Fajardo, A.Silva, L.M.Thomas, M.Piazza, J.T.Yet, L.Eberhardt, B.T.Gurpinar, E.Otali, D.Grizzle, W.Valiyaveettil, J.Chen, X. and Keeton, A.B.
Oncotarget, vol. 8, pp. 69264-69280. | Journal Article
Search for Inhibitors of Ras-Driven Cancers
Keeton, A.B. and Piazza, G.A.
(pp. 135-154)