
Expertise: Steury is an expert in the areas of carnivore ecology and conservation, predator-prey interactions, and statistics.

My lab is broadly interested in the population ecology, species interactions, and behavior of wildlife, especially mammalian predators and their prey. We are particularly interested in applying knowledge learned in the above areas to better conserve and restore species.

Current Lab Projects:

  • Black bear reproductive ecology in Alabama
  • The evolution of scatterhoarding
  • Do deer fawns choose hiding spots to mask their scent
  • Factors influencing road mortality in squirrels.



Subject areas:

  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Wildlife Ecology
  • Wildlife Sciences

Associate Professor, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Auburn University

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Biology Department, Trent University

Past Affiliations
Biological Science, Wildlife and Wetlands Science, Forestry
PhD, Indiana State University, Life Sciences, 2007
MS, University of Idaho, Wildlife Resources, 2002
BA, University of Colorado at Boulder, Environmental Conservation, 1996
BA, University of Colorado, Environmental, Population, and Organismal Biology, 1996
forestry and woodlands wildlife animal ecology conservation biology biometry biodiversity ecology mammalogy biological polymers endangered species computational biology statistical ecology exotic species environmental conservation natural resources natural resources management natural history terrestrial ecology
Ecological Society of America
Society for Conservation Biology
The Wildlife Society