- Electronics
- Fabrication
- Transistors
- Solid-state
- Devices
- Packaging
- Microwave
- Superconducting
- Cryogenic
- Extreme environment
His current interests and areas of research include: superconductive electronics and technologies for quantum systems, micro/nano fabrication, packaging and integration of high-speed systems, signal and power integrity of densely-integrated systems, application of micro and nanostructures for enhanced performance of RF and microwave systems and packaging for extreme environments (both high and low temperature).
While at Lincoln Laboratory, Dr. Hamilton led instrument-level and system-level projects on the next generation of geostationary imaging for weather satellite systems, testing and modeling of highly-scaled and environmentally-optimized CMOS devices subjected to extreme environmental conditions, and modeling, design, fabrication and test of advanced technologies for high-frequency RF sample-hold and analog-digital conversion circuits based on Fully-Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (FD-SOI) transistors and CCD structures.