42 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors with mask use and vaccines for COVID-19 prevention at 13 colleges and universities, April 2021. Journal of American College Health
. | Journal Article
Epidemiological Associations of Asthma and Tobacco Use, Substance Use, and Substance Misuse among Adults in the United States
Journal of Asthma. | Journal Article
Framing Disparities in Access to Medical Speech-Language Pathology Care in Rural Alabama. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
. | Journal Article
Predictors of Vaping Behavior Change in Young Adults Using the Transtheoretical Model: A Multi-Country Study
Tobacco Use Insights. | Journal Article
An analysis of associations between electronic nicotine delivery system usersTamulevicius, N.⋅Martinasek, M. P.⋅Moss, S. J.⋅Pfeffer, I.⋅Gibson-Young, L. M.⋅... and Yahaya, M.Respiratory Care, vol. 65, pp. 355–361.
| Journal Article
Examining electronic nicotine delivery system use and perception of use among college students with and without asthma across the South
Gibson-Young, Linda⋅Martinasek, Mary⋅Tamulevicius, Nauris⋅Fortner, Molly and Alanazi, Abdullah M.
Journal of American College Health, pp. 1–8. | Journal Article
Interviews with caregivers during acute asthma hospitalisationsGibson Young, Linda M⋅Gibson-Young, L. M.⋅Aroian, Karen J⋅Aroian, K. J.⋅Weglicki, Linda S⋅Weglicki, L. S.⋅Lang, J. E.⋅Lang, Jason E⋅Norris, C. L. and Norris, Casey LJournal of Asthma, vol. 57, pp. 778–786.
| Journal Article
School Nurses Perceptions on Managing Asthma in Alabama Schools
Gibson-Young, L.⋅Waldrop, J.⋅Lindahl, B. and Buckner, E.
The Journal of School Nursing, vol. 2147483647. | Journal Article
Cultivating Undergraduate Community Assessment Projects Through Civic and Cooperative Extension PartnershipsMc Millan, Libba Reed⋅Young, Linda Gibson and McMillan, KenJournal of Nursing Education.
| Journal Article
electronic cigarettes among healthcare students at an urban southeastern university in us prevalence awareness and beliefsAlanazi, A. M.⋅Ari, A.⋅Goodfellow, L. T. and Gibson-Young, L.
electronic cigarettes among healthcare students at an urban southeastern university in us prevalence awareness and beliefs
Alanazi, A. M.⋅Ari, A.⋅Goodfellow, L. T. and Gibson-Young, L.
International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research. | Journal Article
Perceptions of non-traditional tobacco products between asthmatic and non-asthmatic college studentsMartinasek, Mary P⋅White, Robin M⋅Wheldon, Christopher W and Gibson-Young, LindaJournal of Asthma, vol. 56, (no. 5), pp. 504, 5/4/2019.
| Journal Article
Should Nursing Programs at Schools That Prohibit Same-sex Marriage be Accredited?
Gardenier, Donald⋅Gibson-Young, Linda M and Robinson, F. Patrick
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 273, April 2019. | Journal Article
TigerCHAT: Impacting Child Mental Health With an Innovative School-Based Health Education ProgramGibson-Young, L. and Fortner, M.
TigerCHAT: Impacting Child Mental Health With an Innovative School-Based Health Education ProgramGibson-Young, L. and Fortner, M.
Evaluation of the Sharp Toolkit by Community Champions Implementing the Health Education and Counseling ProgramKintner, E. K.⋅Cook, G.⋅Gibson-Young, L. and Hammes, A. M.
JUULING: What kids don't know will hurt them
Gibson-Young, Linda and Martinasek, Mary
Contemporary Pediatrics, vol. 35, (no. 6), pp. 39, 20180601. | Journal Article
JUULING: What kids don’t know will hurt themGibson-Young, L. M. and Martinasek, PHD Mary(pp. 5–39)
JUULING: What kids don't know will hurt them: Healthcare providers must communicate to their adolescent and young adult patients the dangers of electronic nicotine delivery systems.(your voice: MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD)
Gibson-Young, Linda and Martinasek, Mary
Contemporary Pediatrics, vol. 35, (no. 6), pp. 5, 20180601. | Journal Article
Participatory learning: Asthma camp as a learning space for patients and healthcare providers
Child Life Focus. | Journal Article
Participatory learning: Asthma camp as a learning space for patients and healthcare providers. Child Life Focus
Piloting a School-Based Health-Education Curriculum in a Rural Community to Promote Healthy BehaviorGibson-Young, L. M.
Strategies to ensure successful dissemination of the school-based academic asthma health education and counseling self-management program for older school aged children …Kintner, E.⋅Gibson-Young, L. and Cook, G.
Triangulating childhood asthma management: A partnership between the community, family, and providerGibson-Young, L. M.
Asthma in schoolchildren in Monroe county, Florida: school-based needs assessment
Gasana, Janvier⋅Gibson-Young, Linda⋅Ibrahimou, Boubakari⋅Weiss-Randall, Debra⋅Arrieta, Alejandro⋅Beck-Sagué, Consuelo⋅Sivén, Jacqueline and Torok, Don
Journal of Asthma, vol. 53, (no. 3), pp. 338, 3/15/2016. | Journal Article