
Academic Area: Special Education

Her research focuses on improving the reading achievement of students who are at risk for or have learning disabilities. In particular, Dr. Sanchez studies effective instructional strategies and interventions to support the decoding, vocabulary, and comprehension skills of adolescent students with disabilities and the implementation of these strategies in the classroom. At Auburn University, Dr. Sanchez teaches courses related to the diversity and exceptionality of learners and literacy methods.

Research Interests:

  • Evidence-based literacy practices
  • Design and delivery of multicomponent reading interventions
  • Multitiered systems of support
  • Learning disabilities
Special Education, Psychology, Mental Health Services
PhD, University of California, Riverside, Special Education
english as a second language--esl reading education teacher education academic achievement classroom instruction literacy reading comprehension education for people with learning disabilities dyslexia learning disorders early intervention
The Council for Exceptional Children