152 Publications (Page 5 of 7)
SkyEngine: Efficient skyline search engine for continuous skyline computations
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R.Ku, W. S. and Jin, Y.
(pp. 1316-1319)
The optimal k-covering tag deployment for RFID-based localization
Ku, Wei ShinnSakai, Kazuya and Sun, Min-Te
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 924, 2011. | Journal Article
The partial sequenced route query with traveling rules in road networks
Chen, HaiquanChen, HaiquanKu, Wei-shinnKu, Wei ShinnSun, Min-TeSun, Min-teZimmermann, Roger and Zimmermann, Roger
GeoInformatica, vol. 15, (no. 3), pp. 541-569, 2011. | Journal Article
Timer-Based CDS Construction in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Sakai, KazuyaHuang, Scott CKu, Wei ShinnSun, Min-Te and Cheng, Susan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, (no. 10), pp. 1388-1402, 2011. | Journal Article
Analysis of integrity vulnerabilities and a non-repudiation protocol for cloud data storage platforms
Feng, J.Chen, Y.Ku, W. S. and Liu, P.
(pp. 251-258)
A novel DDoS attack defending framework with minimized bilateral damages
Chen, Y.Ku, W. S.Sakai, K. and DeCruze, C.
Cleansing uncertain databases leveraging aggregate constraints
Chen, H.Ku, W. S. and Wang, H.
(pp. 128-135)
D-DOG: Securing sensitive data in distributed storage space by data division and out-of-order keystream generation
Feng, J.Chen, Y.Ku, W. S. and Su, Z.
Efficient evaluation of ?-Range Nearest Neighbor queries in road networks
Bao, J.Chow, C.-Y.Mokbel, M.F. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 115-124)
Efficient Location Updates for Continuous Queries over Moving Objects
Hsueh, Yu-LingZimmermann, Roger and Ku, Wei Shinn
Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 25, (no. 3), pp. 415-430, 2010. | Journal Article
INTACT: A spatial query integrity assurance framework for location-based services
Wang, C.-J.Ku, W. S.Hu, L. and Shahabi, C.
(pp. 536-537)
Leveraging spatio-temporal redundancy for RFID data cleansing
Chen, H.Ku, W. S.Wang, H. and Sun, M.-T.
(pp. 51-62)
Message-Efficient CDS construction in MANETs
Sakai, K.Sun, M.-T. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 186-191)
Verifying spatial queries using voronoi neighbors
Hu, L.Ku, W. S.Bakiras, S. and Shahabi, C.
(pp. 350-359)
Adaptive safe regions for continuous spatial queries over moving objects
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 71-76)
Fast connected dominating set construction in mobile ad hoc networks
Sakai, K.Sun, M.-T. and Ku, W. S.
Group-server scheduling for continuous multimedia streaming in MANETs
Sakai, K.Ku, W. S. and Zimmermann, R.
(pp. 400-405)
Modern navigation systems and related spatial query
Ku, W. S.Wang, H. and Zimmermann, R.
(pp. 285-292)
PLUS: A message-efficient prototype for location-based applications
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R.Ku, W. S.Wang, H. and Wang, C.-D.
(pp. 1515-1518)
Privacy Protected Spatial Query Processing for Advanced Location Based Services
Ku, Wei ShinnChen, Yu and Zimmermann, Roger
Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 51, (no. 1), pp. 65, 2009-10-00. | Journal Article
PROS: A peer-to-peer system for location privacy protection on road networks (demo paper)
Bao, J.Chen, H. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 552-553)
Query integrity assurance of location-based services accessing outsourced spatial databases
Ku, W. S.Hu, L.Shahabi, C. and Wang, H.
(pp. 80-97)
Self-encryption scheme for data security in mobile devices
Chen, Y. and Ku, W. S.
Weighted trust evaluation-based malicious node detection for wireless sensor networks
Hu, HongbingChen, YuKu, Wei ShinnSu, Zhou and Chen, Chung-Han J
International Journal of Information and Computer Security, vol. 3, (no. 2), pp. 132-149, 2009. | Journal Article
A cloaking algorithm based on spatial networks for location privacy
Li, P.-Y.Peng, W.-C.Wang, T.-W.Ku, W. S.Xu, J. and Hamilton Jr., J.A.
(pp. 90-97)