151 Publications (Page 4 of 7)
A Bayesian Inference-Based Framework for RFID Data Cleansing
Ku, Wei ShinnChen, HaiquanWang, Haixun and Sun, Min-Te
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 25, (no. 10), pp. 2191, 2013-Oct.. | Journal Article
An RFID and particle filter-based indoor spatial query evaluation system
Yu, J.Ku, W. S.Sun, M.-T. and Lu, H.
(pp. 263-274)
A query integrity assurance scheme for accessing outsourced spatial databases
Ku, Wei ShinnHu, LingShahabi, Cyrus and Wang, Haixun
GeoInformatica, vol. 17, (no. 1), pp. 97-124, 2013. | Journal Article
ARMORY: An automatic security testing tool for buffer overflow defect detection
Chen, Li-HanHsu, Fu-HauHwang, YanlingSu, Mu-ChunKu, Wei Shinn and Chang, Chi-Hsuan
Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 39, (no. 7), pp. 2242, October 2013. | Journal Article
A spatial keyword evaluation framework for network-based spatial queries
Zhang, J.Ku, W. S.Jiang, X. and Qin, X.
(pp. 498-501)
Dynamic Bit Encoding for Privacy Protection against Correlation Attacks in RFID Backward Channel
Sakai, KKu, Wei ShinnZimmermann, R and Sun, Min-Te
IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 62, (no. 1), pp. 123, 2013-Jan.. | Journal Article
Evaluation of spatial keyword queries with partial result support on spatial networks
Zhang, J.Ku, W. S.Jiang, X.Qin, X. and Hsueh, Y.-L.
(pp. 279-282)
Geo-Store: A Framework for Supporting Semantics-Enabled Location-Based Services
Ku, Wei ShinnChen, HaiquanWang, Chih-Jye and Liu, Chuan-Ming
IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 17, (no. 2), pp. 35-43, 2013. | Journal Article
LAVI: A location aware virtual infrastructure for VANETs
Golatkar, R.B.Chen, Y. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 1-6)
LinkProbe: Probabilistic inference on large-scale social networks
Chen, H.Ku, W. S.Wang, H.Tang, L. and Sun, M.-T.
(pp. 290-301)
Privacy preserving continuous multimedia streaming in MANETs
Sakai, KazuyaKu, Wei ShinnSun, Min-Te and Zimmermann, Roger
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. 22, 08-01-2013. | Journal Article
Randomized Skip Lists-based private authentication for large-scale RFID systems
Sakai, K.Sun, M.-T.Ku, W. S. and Lai, T.H.
(pp. 277-280)
Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi Neighbors
Hu, LingKu, Wei ShinnBakiras, S and Shahabi, C
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 25, (no. 4), pp. 876, 2013-April. | Journal Article
Anonymous sensory data collection approach for mobile participatory sensing
Wang, C.-J. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 220-227)
Caching support for skyline query processing with partially-ordered domains
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 386-389)
Efficient evaluation of skyline queries in wireless data broadcast environments
Wang, C.-J. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 442-445)
Enforcing k nearest neighbor query integrity on road networks
Hu, L.Jing, Y.Ku, W. S. and Shahabi, C.
(pp. 422-425)
Geo-Store: A spatially-augmented SPARQL query evaluation system
Wang, C.-J.Ku, W. S. and Chen, H.
(pp. 562-565)
A location aware virtual infrastructure for VANETs
Chen, Y.Wang, C.-J.Ku, W. S. and Su, Z.
(pp. 820-821)
BMF: Bitmapped Mass Fingerprinting for fast protein identification
Yu, WeikuanYu, W.Yu, W.Wu, K.J.Wu, K.J.Wu, K. JohnKu, W.-S.Ku, W. S.Ku, Wei-ShinnXu, C.Xu, C.Xu, CongGao, JuanGao, J. and Gao, J.
(pp. 17-25)
Enhancing cloud storage security against roll-back attacks with a new fair multi-party non-repudiation protocol
Feng, J.Chen, Y.Summerville, D.Ku, W. S. and Su, Z.
(pp. 521-522)
Mitigating DDoS attacks using protection nodes in mobile ad hoc networks
Xiang, M.Chen, Y.Ku, W. S. and Su, Z.
Querying uncertain data with aggregate constraints
Yang, M.Wang, H.Chen, H. and Ku, W. S.
(pp. 817-828)
Secure Distributed Data Storage in Cloud Computing
Chen, Y.Ku, W. S.Feng, J.Liu, P. and Su, Z.
(pp. 221-248)
SkyEngine: Efficient skyline search engine for continuous skyline computations
Hsueh, Y.-L.Zimmermann, R.Ku, W. S. and Jin, Y.
(pp. 1316-1319)