56 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
A Framework to Guide Performance-Based Assessment of Buildings Following Extreme Events. Journal of Structural Engineering
. | Journal Article
A Unified Multievent Windstorm Performance Testbed for Single-Family Residential Buildings. Natural Hazards Review
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Linking Survivor Stories to Forensic Engineering: How an Interscience Approach Reveals Opportunities for Reducing Tornado Vulnerability in Residential Structures. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
. | Journal Article
Performance of Hurricane-Resistant Housing during the 2022 Arabi, Louisiana, Tornado
Roueche, D.B.Chen, G.Soto, M.G.Kameshwar, S.Safiey, A.Do, T.Lombardo, F.T.Nakayama, J.O.Rittelmeyer, B.M.Palacio-Betancur, A. and Demaree, G.
Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), vol. 150. | Journal Article
Probabilistic wind uplift resistance framework for the relative evaluation of wood-frame load paths. Engineering Structures
. | Journal Article
21-22 March 2022 Tornado Outbreak Field Assessment Structural Team Dataset
Gutierrez Soto, MariantonietaDo, TrungKameshwar, SabarethinamAllen, DougLombardo, FrankRoueche, DavidDemaree, GarrettEscoto Rodriguez, GuillermoLaDue, DaphnePalacio-Betancur, AlejandroSafiey, AmirChen, GuangzhaoNakayama, JordanRoegner, DavidKijewski-Correa, TracyAldridge, MorganBartels, HannahGolson, AndrewHarris, FoxHolt, John and Stevens, Cason
Analysis of full-scale wind and pressure measurements on a low-rise frame-supported fabric expedient aircraft hangar. Engineering Structures
. | Journal Article
Rohde, E.E.Roueche, D.B.Sener, K.C. and Via, B.K.
(pp. 1027-1033)
Comparative Sustainability Study of a Steel-Timber Composite Structural System
Rohde, E.Sener, K. and Roueche, D.
(pp. 354-368)
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Usage of CLT Panels to Form Timber-Steel Composite Floor Systems
Merryday, H.Potuzak, M.Roueche, D. and Sener, K.
(pp. 3373-3381)
Modeling Exhaust-Generated Aerodynamic Pressure Loads on Airfield Matting Repair Systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
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Numerical Studies on the Flexural Behavior of Steel-Timber Composite Floor Systems
Potuzak, M.T.Sener, K.C. and Roueche, D.B.
(pp. 328-339)
Pushout Tests on Steel-Timber Connections Using Self-Tapping Screws
Merryday, H.C.Sener, K. and Roueche, D.
(pp. 312-327)
Forensic Investigations into the Performance of Large-Volume, Low-Rise Buildings Affected by Hurricane Michael (2018)
Marshall, J.D.Roueche, D.B.Berman, J.W.Roberts, J. and Blue, C.
(pp. 362-372)
Load Paths in Fabric Membrane Structures Informed by Failure Analysis and Monitoring of an In-Service Structure
Roueche, D.B.Marshall, J.D.Stiles, J.W.Jackson, D.T.Anderson, J.B. and Davidson, J.S.
(pp. 393-402)
Erratum: Unpacking Tornado Disasters: Illustrating Southeastern US Tornado Mobile and Manufactured Housing Problem Using March 3, 2019 Beauregard-Smith Station, Alabama, Tornado Event (Natural Hazards Review (2019) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000436)
Strader, S.M.Roueche, D.B. and Davis, B.M.
Natural Hazards Review, vol. 22. | Journal Article
Impacts of Hurricane Dorian on the Bahamas: field observations of hazard intensity and performance of the built environment
Kijewski-Correa, TracyKijewski-Correa, TracyKijewski-Correa, TracyRoueche, DavidRoueche, DavidRoueche, DavidKennedy, AndrewKennedy, AndrewKennedy, AndrewAllen, DougAllen, DougAllen, DougMarshall, JustinMarshall, JustinMarshall, JustinKaihatu, JamesKaihatu, JamesKaihatu, JamesWood, Richard L.Wood, Richard L.Wood, Richard L.Smith, Daniel J.Smith, Daniel J.Smith, Daniel J.Lester, HenryLester, HenryLester, HenryLochhead, MeredithLochhead, MeredithLochhead, MeredithCopp, AndrewCopp, AndrewCopp, AndrewMcCarthy, AbbeyMcCarthy, AbbeyMcCarthy, AbbeyPrevatt, David O.Prevatt, David O.Prevatt, David O.Robertson, IanRobertson, Ian and Robertson, Ian
Coastal Engineering Journal, pp. 1–21. | Journal Article
StEER: A Community-Centered Approach to Assessing the Performance of the Built Environment after Natural Hazard Events
Kijewski-Correa, T.Roueche, D.B.Mosalam, K.M.Prevatt, D.O. and Robertson, I.
Frontiers in Built Environment, vol. 7. | Journal Article
Unpacking Tornado Disasters: Illustrating Southeastern US Tornado Mobile and Manufactured Housing Problem Using March 3, 2019 Beauregard-Smith Station, Alabama, Tornado Event
Natural Hazards Review. | Journal Article
Disaster Risk Management Through the DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure
Pinelli, J.-P.Esteva, M.Rathje, E.M.Roueche, D.Brandenberg, S.J.Mosqueda, G.Padgett, J. and Haan, F.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, vol. 11, pp. 719-734. | Journal Article
Engineering-Based Tornado Damage Assessment: Numerical Tool for Assessing Tornado Vulnerability of Residential Structures
Jain, A.Bhusar, A.A.Roueche, D.B. and Prevatt, D.O.
Frontiers in Built Environment, vol. 6. | Journal Article
Hurricane Michael in the Area of Mexico Beach, Florida
Kennedy, AndrewKennedy, A.Copp, AndrewFlorence, MatthewGradel, A.Gurley, KurtisJanssen, MattKaihatu, JamesKrafft, DouglasLynett, PatrickOwensby, MargaretPinelli, Jean-PaulPrevatt, David ORogers, SpencerRoueche, David and Silver, Zachariah
Sep 2020
Structural forces: Perception and vulnerability factors for tornado sheltering within mobile and manufactured housing in Alabama and Mississippi
Ash, K.D.Egnoto, M.J.Strader, S.M.Ashley, W.S.Roueche, D.B.Klockow-Mcclain, K.E.Caplen, D. and Dickerson, M.
Weather, Climate, and Society, vol. 12, pp. 453-472. | Journal Article
Tornado-Induced and Straight-Line Wind Loads on a Low-Rise Building With Consideration of Internal Pressure
Roueche, D.B.Prevatt, D.O. and Haan, F.L.
Frontiers in Built Environment, vol. 6. | Journal Article
Wind Resistance and Fragility Functions for Wood-Framed Wall Sheathing Panels in Low-Rise Residential Construction
Lopez, J.M.Roueche, D.B. and Prevatt, D.O.
Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), vol. 146. | Journal Article