4 Grants
URoL: Epigenetics 1: Influence of environmental change on the epigenome and phenotypic plasticity in purple sea urchins
Strader, Marie
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Biological Sciences, Emerging Frontiers (ID: 2244811), $374,760USD, 2022-08-01 -- 2024-06-30
URoL: Epigenetics 1: Influence of environmental change on the epigenome and phenotypic plasticity in purple sea urchins
Strader, Marie and Buckley, Katherine
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Biological Sciences, Emerging Frontiers (ID: 2021886), $497,138USD, 2020-07-15 -- 2023-06-30
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Studies of recovery from bleaching in Acropora hyacinthus: epigenetic shifts, impacts on reproductive biology and carry-over effects
Strader, Marie
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Geosciences, Division Of Ocean Sciences (ID: 1935308), $76,075USD, 06/15/2019 -- 05/31/2020
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: The Ecological Role of Fluorescence in a Reef-building Coral
Matz, Mikhail and Strader, Marie
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Biological Sciences, Division Of Environmental Biology (ID: 1501463), $20,124USD, 09/01/2015 -- 08/31/2017