139 Publications (Page 4 of 6)
Parents' monitoring-relevant knowledge and adolescents' delinquent behavior: Evidence of correlated developmental changes and reciprocal influences
Laird, Robert DPettit, Gregory SBates, John E and Dodge, Kenneth A
Child Development, vol. 74, (no. 3), pp. 752-768, May/Jun 2003. | Journal Article
Peer rejection and social information-processing factors in the development of aggressive behavior problems in children.
Dodge, Kenneth ALansford, JenniferBurks, Virginia SBates, John EPettit, Gregory SFontaine, Reid G and Price, Joseph M
Child development. , vol. 74, (no. 2), pp. 374-93, 2003 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
The development of attitudes about physical punishment: An 8-year longitudinal study
Deater Deckard, KirbyLansford, JenniferDodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory S and Bates, John E
Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 17, (no. 3), pp. 351-360, Sep 2003. | Journal Article
Violent children: bridging development, intervention, and public policy
Dodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory S
Developmental Psychology, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 187-8, 2003. | Journal Article
A 12-year prospective study of the long-term effects of early child physical maltreatment on psychological, behavioral, and academic problems in adolescence.
Lansford, JenniferDodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory SBates, John ECrozier, Joseph and Kaplow, Julie B
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, vol. 156, (no. 8), pp. 824-30, 2002/Aug. | Journal Article
Contextual determinants of mothers' interventions in young children's peer interactions.
Colwell, Malinda JMize, JacquelynPettit, Gregory S and Laird, Robert D
Developmental psychology, vol. 38, (no. 4), pp. 492-502, 2002/Jul. | Journal Article
Family adversity, positive peer relationships, and children's externalizing behavior: a longitudinal perspective on risk and resilience.
Criss, Michael MPettit, Gregory SBates, John EDodge, Kenneth A and Lapp, Amie L
Child development, vol. 73, (no. 4), pp. 1220-37, 2002 Jul-Aug. | Journal Article
Antecedents and behavior-problem outcomes of parental monitoring and psychological control in early adolescence.
Pettit, Gregory SLaird, Robert DDodge, Kenneth ABates, John E and Criss, Michael M
Child development. , vol. 72, (no. 2), pp. 583-98, 2001 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
Cumulative Risk and Continuity in Nonparental Care from Infancy to Early Adolescence.
Colwell, Malinda JColwell, Malinda JPettit, Gregory SPettit, Gregory SMeece, Darrell WMeece, DarrellBates, John EBates, John EDodge, Kenneth A and Dodge, Kenneth A
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, vol. 47, (no. 2), pp. 207-34, Apr 2001. | Journal Article
Peer rejection in childhood, involvement with antisocial peers in early adolescence, and the development of externalizing behavior problems
Laird, Robert DJORDAN, KRISTI YDodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory S and Bates, John E
Development and Psychopathology, vol. 13, (no. 2), pp. 337-354, Jun 2001. | Journal Article
The timing of child physical maltreatment: A cross-domain growth analysis of impact on adolescent externalizing and internalizing problems
Keiley, Margaret KHowe, Tasha RDodge, Kenneth ABates, John E and Pettit, Gregory S
Development and Psychopathology, vol. 13, (no. 4), pp. 891-912, Dec 2001. | Journal Article
A cross-domain growth analysis: Externalizing and interalizing behaviors during 8 years of childhood
Keiley, Margaret KBates, John EDodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory S
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 28, (no. 2), pp. 161-179, Apr 2000. | Journal Article
A cross-domain growth analysis: externalizing and internalizing behaviors during 8 years of childhood.
Keiley, Margaret KBates, John EDodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory S
Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 28, (no. 2), pp. 161-79, 2000/Apr. | Journal Article
Discipline Responses: Influences of Parents' Socioeconomic Status, Ethnicity, Beliefs about Parenting, Stress, and Cognitive-Emotional Processes
Pinderhughes, Ellen EDodge, Kenneth ABates, John EPettit, Gregory S and Zelli, Arnaldo
Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 14, (no. 3), pp. 380-400, 2000. | Journal Article
Friendship as a moderating factor in the pathway between early harsh home environment and later victimization in the peer group
Schwartz, DavidPettit, Gregory SDodge, Kenneth A and Bates, John E
Developmental Psychology, vol. 36, (no. 5), pp. 646-62, 2000. | Journal Article
Best Friendships, Group Relationships, and Antisocial Behavior in Early Adolescence
Laird, Robert DPettit, Gregory SDodge, Kenneth A and Bates, John E
Journal of Early Adolescence, vol. 19, (no. 4), pp. 413-437, 1999. | Journal Article
Early behavior problems as a predictor of later peer group victimization: moderators and mediators in the pathways of social risk.
Schwartz, DavidMc Fadyen Ketchum, Steve ADodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory S and Bates, John E
Journal of abnormal child psychology, vol. 27, (no. 3), pp. 191-201, 1999/Jun. | Journal Article
Knowledge Structures, Social Information Processing, and Childrens's Aggressive Behavior
Burks, Virginia SLaird, Robert DDodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory S and Bates, John E
Social Development, vol. 8, (no. 2), pp. 220-236, 1999. | Journal Article
Quality of early family relationships and individual differences in the timing of pubertal maturation in girls: a longitudinal test of an evolutionary model.
Ellis, Bruce JMc Fadyen Ketchum, Steve ADodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory S and Bates, John E
Journal of personality and social psychology, vol. 77, (no. 2), pp. 387-401, 1999/Aug. | Journal Article
The impact of after-school peer contact on early adolescent externalizing problems is moderated by parental monitoring, perceived neighborhood safety, and prior adjustment.
Pettit, Gregory SBates, John EDodge, Kenneth A and Meece, Darrell W
Child development, vol. 70, (no. 3), pp. 768-78, 1999 May-Jun. | Journal Article
The relation between mothers' hostile attribution tendencies and children's externalizing behavior problems: the mediating role of mothers' harsh discipline practices.
Nix, R LPinderhughes, Ellen EDodge, Kenneth ABates, John EPettit, Gregory S and Mc Fadyen Ketchum, Steve A
Child development, vol. 70, (no. 4), pp. 896-909, 1999 Jul-Aug. | Journal Article
Horizontal Qualities in Parent-Child Relationships: Parallels with and Possible Consequences for Children's Peer Relationships.
Russell, AlanPettit, Gregory S and Mize, Jacquelyn
Developmental Review, vol. 18, (no. 3), pp. 313-52, Sep 1998. | Journal Article
Interaction of temperamental resistance to control and restrictive parenting in the development of externalizing behavior.
Bates, John EPettit, Gregory SDodge, Kenneth A and Ridge, B
Developmental psychology, vol. 34, (no. 5), pp. 982-95, 1998/Sep. | Journal Article
Mothers' and Fathers' Socializing Behaviors in Three Contexts: Links With Children's Peer Competence.
Pettit, Gregory SBrown, Elizabeth GMize, Jacquelyn and Lindsey, Eric
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 173-93, Apr 1998. | Journal Article
Multiple risk factors in the development of externalizing behavior problems: group and individual differences.
DEATER-DECKARD, KIRBYDeater Deckard, KirbyDODGE, KENNETH ADodge, Kenneth ABates, J EBates, John EPETTIT, GREGORY S and Pettit, Gregory S
Development and psychopathology, vol. 10, (no. 3), pp. 469-93, 1998. | Journal Article