139 Publications (Page 3 of 6)
Placement Shift, Sibling Relationship Quality, and Child Outcomes in Foster Care: A Controlled Study
Linares, Lourdes OLi, MiMinShrout, Patrick EBrody, Gene H and Pettit, Gregory S
Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 21, (no. 4), Dec 2007. | Journal Article
Predicting the Developmental Course of Mother-Reported Monitoring Across Childhood and Adolescence From Early Proactive Parenting, Child Temperament, and Parents' Worries
Pettit, Gregory SKeiley, Margaret KLaird, Robert DBates, John E and Dodge, Kenneth A
Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 21, (no. 2), Jun 2007. | Journal Article
Temperamental Resistance to Control Increases the Association Between Sleep Problems and Externalizing Behavior Development
Goodnight, JacksonBates, John EStaples, Angela DPettit, Gregory S and Dodge, Kenneth A
Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 21, (no. 1), Mar 2007. | Journal Article
Temperament Moderates Associations between Young Children's Hostile Attributions and Aggressive Behavior
Meece, Darrell WMize, JacquelynBates, John EDodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory S and Luster, Tom
Online Submission, vol. 45pp., (no. 45pp.), pp. p., Dec 2007.. | Journal Article
A 12-Year Prospective Study of Patterns of Social Information Processing Problems and Externalizing Behaviors
Lansford, JenniferMalone, PatrickDodge, Kenneth ACrozier, Joseph CPettit, Gregory S and Bates, John E
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 34, (no. 5), pp. 715-24, Oct 2006. | Journal Article
A 12-Year Prospective Study of Patterns of Social Information Processing Problems and Externalizing Behaviors
Lansford, JenniferMalone, Patrick SDodge, Kenneth ACrozier, Joseph CPettit, Gregory S and Bates, John E
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 34, (no. 5), pp. 715-724, 2006. | Journal Article
A formal cognitive model of the go/no-go discrimination task: evaluation and implications.
Yechiam, EldadGoodnight, JacksonBates, John EBusemeyer, Jerome RDodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory S and Newman, Joseph P
Psychological assessment, vol. 18, (no. 3), pp. 239-49, 2006/Sep. | Journal Article
Developmental trajectories of externalizing and internalizing behaviors: Factors underlying resilience in physically abused children
Lansford, JenniferMalone, Patrick SSTEVENS, KRISTOPHER IDodge, Kenneth ABates, John E and Pettit, Gregory S
Development and Psychopathology, vol. 18, (no. 1), pp. 35-55, 2006. | Journal Article
The Interactive Influences of Friend Deviance and Reward Dominance on the Development of Externalizing Behavior During Middle Adolescence
Goodnight, JacksonBates, John ENewman, Joseph PDodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory S
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 34, (no. 5), pp. 573-83, Oct 2006. | Journal Article
Trajectories of Internalizing, Externalizing, and Grades for Children Who Have and Have Not Experienced Their Parents' Divorce or Separation
Lansford, JenniferMalone, Patrick SCastellino, Domini RDodge, Kenneth APettit, Gregory S and Bates, John E
Journal of Family Psychology, vol. 20, (no. 2), pp. 292-301, 2006. | Journal Article
Deficient Behavioral Inhibition and Anomalous Selective Attention in a Community Sample of Adolescents with Psychopathic Traits and Low-Anxiety Traits
Vitale, Jennifer ENewman, Joseph PBates, John EGoodnight, JacksonDodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory S
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 33, (no. 4), pp. 461-470, Aug 2005. | Journal Article
Peer relationship antecedents of delinquent behavior in late adolescence: Is there evidence of demographic group differences in developmental processes?
Laird, Robert DPettit, Gregory SDodge, Kenneth A and Bates, John E
Development and Psychopathology, vol. 17, (no. 1), Winter 2005. | Journal Article
Divorce and Child Behavior Problems: Applying Latent Change Score Models to Life Event Data
Malone, Patrick SLansford, JenniferCastellino, Domini RBerlin, Lisa JDodge, Kenneth ABates, John E and Pettit, Gregory S
Structural Equation Modeling, vol. 11, (no. 3), pp. 401-423, Jul 2004. | Journal Article
Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalizing behaviors
Lansford, JenniferDeater Deckard, KirbyDodge, Kenneth ABates, John E and Pettit, Gregory S
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 45, (no. 4), pp. 801-812, May 2004. | Journal Article
Parent Academic Involvement as Related to School Behavior, Achievement, and Aspirations: Demographic Variations Across Adolescence
Bates, John ECastellino, Domini RDodge, Kenneth AHill, Nancy ELansford, JenniferNowlin, Patrick and Pettit, Gregory S
Child Development, vol. 75, (no. 5), pp. 1491-1509, Sep 2004. | Journal Article
Physical Discipline and Child Behavior Problems: A Study of Ethnic Group Differences
Polaha, JodiLarzelere, RobertShapiro, Steve and Pettit, Gregory S
Parenting, vol. 4, (no. 4), pp. 339, 2004. | Journal Article
Violent Children in Developmental Perspective
Pettit, Gregory S
Current Directions in Psychological Science, vol. 13, (no. 5), pp. 194, Oct 2004. | Journal Article
A biopsychosocial model of the development of chronic conduct problems in adolescence
Dodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory S
Developmental Psychology, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 349-371, Mar 2003. | Journal Article
Change in Parents' Monitoring Knowledge: Links with Parenting, Relationship Quality, Adolescent Beliefs, and Antisocial Behavior.
Bates, John EDodge, Kenneth ALaird, Robert D and Pettit, Gregory S
Social Development, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. 401-19, 2003. | Journal Article
Developmental trajectories of childhood disruptive behaviors and adolescent delinquency: a six-site, cross-national study.
Broidy, Lisa MBroidy, Lisa MBroidy, L.M.Nagin, Daniel SNagin, D.S.Nagin, Daniel STremblay, R.E.Tremblay, Richard ETremblay, Richard EBates, J.E.Bates, John EBates, John EBrame, BobbyBrame, Robert WBrame, B.Dodge, K.A.Dodge, Kenneth ADodge, Kenneth AFergusson, DavidFergusson, D.Fergusson, DavidHorwood, John LHorwood, J.L.Horwood, John LLoeber, RolfLoeber, RolfLoeber, R.Laird, R.Laird, RobertLaird, Robert DLynam, Donald RLynam, D.R.Lynam, Donald RMoffitt, T.E.Moffitt, Terrie EMoffitt, Terrie EPettit, Gregory SPettit, Gregory SPettit, G.S.Vitaro, FrankVitaro, F. and Vitaro, Frank
Developmental psychology, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 222-45, 2003/Mar. | Journal Article
Differential risks of covarying and pure components in mother and teacher reports of externalizing and internalizing behavior across ages 5 to 14
Keiley, Margaret KLofthouse, NicholasBates, John EDodge, Kenneth A and Pettit, Gregory S
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 267-283, Jun 2003. | Journal Article
Does father absence place daughters at special risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy?
Bates, John EDodge, Kenneth AEllis, Bruce JFergusson, David MHorwood, L. JPettit, Gregory S and Woodward, Lianne
Child Development, vol. 74, (no. 3), pp. 801-821, 2003. | Journal Article
Friendship Quality, Peer Group Affiliation, and Peer Antisocial Behavior as Moderators of the Link between Negative Parenting and Adolescent Externalizing Behavior
Lansford, JenniferCriss, Michael MPettit, Gregory SDodge, Kenneth A and Bates, John E
Journal of Research on Adolescence, vol. 13, (no. 2), pp. 161-184, 2003. | Journal Article
Neighborhood structure, parenting processes, and the development of youths' externalizing behaviors: A multilevel analysis
Beyers, JenniferBates, John EPettit, Gregory S and Dodge, Kenneth A
American Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 31, (no. 1/2), pp. 35-53, Mar 2003. | Journal Article
Neighborhood structure, parenting processes, and the development of youths' externalizing behaviors: A multilevel analysis
Beyers, JenniferBates, John EPettit, Gregory S and Dodge, Kenneth A
American Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 31, (no. 1-2), pp. 35, 2003. | Journal Article