51 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Five Steps to Integrate Virtual Reality in Nursing Education Curricula: Lessons LearnedChidume, TiffaniThe Journal of nursing education, vol. 63, (no. 9), pp. 643-644, Sep 2024.
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A collaborative virtual simulation experience: Nursing and speech-language pathology teaming up to increase learner knowledge. International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare
Collaborative Care: Nursing and Speech-Language Pathology IPE Virtual Simulation. Innovations in SoTL Medical Education
Deliberate practice and cardiopulmonary resuscitation: Integration in the classroom, lab, and simulation. Teaching and Learning in Nursing
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Deliberate Practice: Integration of CPR Concepts in the Classroom, Skills Lab, and Simulation. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Conference
Role Play: Don’t Forget about this Enduring Active Teaching Strategy. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Conference
Upping the Ante: Replacing Community Clinical Hours with an Antepartum Simulation-Based Experience. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Conference
An end-of-life virtual simulation: An effective methodology in nursing education. Innovations in SoTL Medical Education
A scoping review of the priority of diversity, inclusion, and equity in health care simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing
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A virtual end-of-life simulation: An effective methodology for learners. Edward Via College of Medicine (VCOM) Research Symposium
A virtual end-of-life simulation utilizing SPs: An effective methodology for learners. International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare 2022
Don t forget about role play: An enduring active teaching strategy. Teaching and Learning in Nursing
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Don t forget about role play. NurseThink® for Nurse Educators - Next Gen Learning: Fundamentals, NCLEX®, and Beyond Conference
Examining the Impact of Structured, Reflective Prebriefing on Student Performance During Simulation.Watts, Sarah O⋅Curtis, Amy⋅Ware, Katilya S⋅Chidume, Tiffani and Jones, Meghan CNursing education perspectives, vol. 43, (no. 6), pp. E115-E117.
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Incorporating reflection activities in simulation to prepare nursing students for clinical practice. 2022 SoTL
Making Virtual Reality a Reality for Auburn University School of Nursing and Collaboratives. Auburn University AUX: Immersive Learning Experiences Workshop
-Book chapter-In Nursing Education Innovations and Obstacles During COVID-19. Lessons Learned and How That Information Will Be Used Post-Pandemic
Replacing community clinical hours with an antepartum simulation-based experienceThompson, Claire⋅Chidume, Tiffani and Renfroe, KarolJournal of Professional Nursing, vol. 43, pp. 27–32.
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Social determinants of health and preventable emergency department patient encounters among adults with hypertensionWare, Katilya S.⋅Chidume, Tiffani and Chou, ChiahungPublic Health Nursing.
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A creative clinical experience: Nursing and speech-language pathology. Nuts & Bolts for Nurse Educators Conference
Covid 2.0: Is Your Clinical Simulation Program Ready? HealthySim.com
Designing simulation to teach advance directives. Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) Clinical Practice Forum
Improving Simulation Evaluation Effectiveness During COVID-19. HealthySim.com
Promoting older adult fall prevention education and awareness in a community setting: A nurse-led interventionChidume, TiffaniApplied nursing research, vol. 57, pp. 151392, Feb 2021.
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The incidence of hypertension-related emergency department visits. Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses